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Lesson Plan 5 (Recycling and separating the materials in our waste)

Name of Student Teacher: Meera Adnan/ H00333343 School: Rak Academy (BC)
Professional Development Plan

1. Goal: implement a consistent lesson where the students build their knowledge through guided investigation about the concept.
2. Strategies Used:
 Document the content of the lesson to use it as a reference.
 Plan well for the lesson and discuss the lesson plan with MCT & MST.
 Fix the lesson plan after getting feedback.
3. Evidence achievement:
 Lesson purposes (Power Point, the worksheets).
 Lesson plan (before & after feedback).
 Students works and assessment at the end of the lesson.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

 hands-on experiences with a variety of materials.

5 Science  Making observations that are relevant to questions asked.
 Working in cooperative learning teams in an enjoyable learning environment.
 Following guided inquiry principles to deepen their understanding of a topic.

A brief description of the Lesson:

 Title of Lesson: recycling and separating the materials.
 Strand: not provided.
 Sub-strand: sorting and separating different materials in  This lesson in the ninth session of this course. It’s
the waste. explaining the meaning of recycling and how to sorting
and separate different materials in the waste.
The problem that students are trying to solve: The outcome or product of the students’ investigation:

 Sorting and separate different materials (aluminum  The students will using different materials and will
drinks cans, tin cans, cardboards, plastics) in the waste. sorting and separating in appropriate waste.

The learning objectives:

 The students will be able to demonstrate the meaning of recycling.

 The students will be able to identify which materials will float or sink, attracted to magnetic, and easy to rip.
 The students will be able to explain how sorting and separating the different materials (aluminum drinks cans, tin cans,
cardboards, plastics) in the waste.

Essential Question: Guided Questions:

 What the meaning of recycling?
 How can we sorting and separate different materials
(aluminum drinks cans, tin cans, cardboards, plastics) in  What the different materials that we can to recycling?
the waste?
 How can we separate the tin cans, aluminium cans,
plastic and cardboard?

 Which from these different materials will float or sink,

attracted to magnetic, and easy to rip?
-The stages that the students will use to investigate the problem:

Stage The Teacher Role The students Role Aim of the Questions (according to Process skills Literacy skills
lesson Bloom’s taxonomy levels)

1. The teacher will 1. The students will Remembering & Prediction: listening:
present some pictures figure out the title of 1. Access and Understanding:
and ask from students to the lesson. elicit student’s As the students
figure out the title of the prior knowledge. 1. What the definition of making reasonable listen to the
lesson. recycling? guesses based on teacher.
2. The students will previous knowledge.

2. The teacher will ask think about the

students what the meaning of recycling 2. What the meaning of Speaking:
meaning of recycling and the meaning of 2. Engage the recycling symbol?
and what the meaning of recycling symbol. students. As the students
recycling symbol. 3. Which the materials that we discuss about the
can using to recycling? answer of the
3. The teacher will ask questions.
them to give her some 3. The students guess of
examples of different some materials that we 4. How we can separate the tin
materials that we can to can to recycling. 3. Develop their cans, aluminium cans, plastic
and cardboard in the waste?
recycling. thinking skills.

4. The teacher will ask 4. The students will

them how we can think of some way to
separate the tin cans, how we can separate
aluminium cans, plastic the tin cans, aluminium
and cardboard in the cans, plastic and
waste. cardboard in the waste.

1. The teacher will ask 1. The students will Understanding & applying: Observing: Speaking &
the students to think and think and discuss some listening:
discuss some way of way of sorting and When the students see
sorting and separating separating the materials 1. What the three ways of the pictures of
the materials in the in the waste. sorting and separating the materials that will As they discuss
waste. materials in waste? using in the and communicate
experiment. their results.
2. The students will

2. The teacher will know how to separate Explore the 2. Is it attracted to a magnet or
present some way of the materials in waste questions and not?
separate the materials in with three kind of ways possibilities. Communicating:
the waste (is it float or (is it float or sink,
sink, attracted to attracted to magnetic, 3. Does it float or sink? As the students Writing:
magnetic, and easy to and easy to rip). discuss together
rip). during doing the As they write their
4. Is it easy to rip? experiment and find results in the
the right answers of worksheet.
3. The teacher will ask 3. The students will use the questions.
them to use different different materials and 5. What the materials that we
materials and separate must to separate them will separate them in the
them in appropriate in appropriate waste. waste? Classifying:
6. Can you classify which Through identify
materials that will float or which materials will
4. The teacher will give 4. The students will sink, attracted to a magnet, and float or sink, attracted
them the instruction of solve the worksheet easy to rip? to a magnet, and easy
this experiment and she through they do the to rip.
will tell them the
materials that they will experiment to record
using to separate their results.
(aluminum drinks cans,
tin cans, cardboards,

5. The teacher will give

the students worksheet
that has which of the
materials will (float or
sink, attracted to
magnetic, and easy to
rip) to record their

1. The teacher will ask 1. The students will Understanding: Observing: Speaking &
from the students to explain what the they listening:
explain what the they did in the experiment. Demonstrate What happened in the When they see their

did in the experiment. conceptual experiment? answers in the

understanding worksheet. As they discuss
2. The students will through and share their
discuss and explaining which Analyzing: Communicating: thoughts.
2. The teacher will demonstrate how they the materials that
discuss and demonstrate separated and sorted the float or sink, How you will separate the Explain and discuss
how we can separate and materials in the waste. attracted to a different materials in the about how separate the
sorting the materials in magnet, and easy waste? materials in the waste.
the waste. to rip.
3. The students will
discuss and answer the Guess about which
questions that the in the materials will float or
worksheet. sink, attracted to a
3. The teacher will magnet, and easy to
answer the student’s rip.

1. The teacher will Analyzing:

present a map about 1. The students will
separating the materials remember again what 1. What the materials that we Listening:
in the waste. they did to separate the used in the experiment?
materials in the waste. Predicting: As they listen to
each other.
2. The teacher will ask 2. The students will Extend the 2. How we separated the Guess which of these
the students to complete the map that students different materials in the different materials
remember again what the teacher will present conceptual waste? (aluminum drink cans,

the ways that we used to it in the board. understanding tin cans, plastic pottle,
separate the materials in about how we and cardboard) float or Speaking:
the waste. can separate the 3. Which of them were float or sink, attracted to a
materials in the sink? magnet, and easy to Through they
waste and what rip. answer the map.
3. Also, in this map the the results of it.
teacher will ask them to 4. Which of them were
complete it with whole attracted with a magnet?

5. Which of them easy to rip?

Evaluating: Representing data: Listening:
1. The teacher will ask
from each student to 1. The students will As they listen to
draw or write a short take their science book. Through they write or the instructions of
story about the Can you draw or write a short draw a story about the this activity.

recycling. Assess the story about the recycling that recycling and the
2. The students will students you understood it from the teacher will check Writing:
draw or write a short understand. lesson? their works to see if
2. The teacher will give story about the they understand the When they write
them their science book recycling. lesson or not. or draw their story
to they can draw in it. in their science

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