Lesson Plan 7

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Lesson Plan 7(Fluency)

Name of Student Teacher: Meera Adnan/ H00333343 School: Rak Academy (BC)
Professional Development Plan

1. Goal: implement a consistent lesson where the students build their knowledge through guided investigation about the concept.
2. Strategies Used:
 Document the content of the lesson to use it as a reference.
 Plan well for the lesson and discuss the lesson plan with MCT & MST.
 Fix the lesson plan after getting feedback.
3. Evidence achievement:
 Lesson purposes (Power Point, the worksheets).
 Lesson plan (before & after feedback).
 Students works and assessment at the end of the lesson.
Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

 hands-on experiences with a variety of materials.

5 Literacy  Making observations that are relevant to questions asked.
 Working in cooperative learning teams in an enjoyable learning environment.
 Following guided inquiry principles to deepen their understanding of a topic.

A brief description of the Lesson:

 Title of Lesson: level reading/ fluency.
 Strand: Reading.  This lesson is in the literacy class. It’s explaining how the
 Sub-strand: Explain how to read fluency. students can reading in fluency way.
The problem that students are trying to solve: The outcome or product of the students’ investigation:

 How can speaking and reading fluency?  The students will try to read some short stories to can
reading fluency and understand the meaning of fluency.

The learning objectives:

 Students will be able to read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension.
 Students will be able to read aloud grade-level stories with fluency.
 Students will be able to use appropriate rate, accuracy, expression, and phrasing while reading and comprehending text.

Essential Question: Guided Questions:

 How can reading fluency?  What the meaning of fluency?

 Do you understand each other when they reading and

-The stages that the students will use to investigate the problem:

Stage The Teacher Role The students Role Aim of the lesson

- Ask the students if they have ever heard of the word 1. Access and elicit student’s prior
fluent. - They will think and discuss about the meaning of knowledge.

- Explain what it means to be “fluent” in a language.


- They must too understand each other in the classroom. 2. Engage the students.

- Ask the two students if they were able to

understand each other.

- They will speak with the others.

3. Develop their thinking skills.
- Ask other students around the room if they were
able to understand none, part or all the conversation.

- Explain that the difference in fluency was the

difference in the level of understanding around the
room. The same affect happens in reading.
- Model fluent reading using a short passage or
- Allow students to select a short story from the pre- - The students will select a short story from the pre-
selected class set. selected class set.

- Give students time to read and reread the picture

book in their head. Taking note of punctuation, - They will read and take notes of punctuation, important
important words, and pauses at the end of sentences. words.

- Whisper read- Allow students to arrange


themselves on the floor around the room so they can - They will arrange their selves on the floor around the Explore the questions and
separate themselves from table mates. room. possibilities.

- Have students read the book while whispering using

appropriate fluency. - They will listen to the sound that they are making as
they read the words.
- Encourage them to listen to the sounds they are
making as they read the words.
- They will model what fluency in reading sounds and
- After they have read and reread the book in a look like in their picture book.
whisper have them return to their seat.

- Ask for volunteers to model what fluency in

reading sounds and looks like in their picture book. - Find a partner and practice good fluency while reading
to their partner.
- Make corrections/suggestions as they read.

- Allow students to find a partner (hand-up-pair-up)

and practice good fluency while reading to their

- Monitor and correct fluency.

- Ask students to discuss with their partner what
he/she could do better.
- The students will discuss with their partner what they

- Ask for suggestions from the class- “I heard do better.

someone not pausing at the end of a sentence”.
Demonstrate conceptual
understanding through applying to
- Ask what differences they hear when a reader is learning about the lesson concepts.
using fluency and when a reader is not using fluency. - Answer the questions that the teacher gives to them.

- Afterwards introduce a journal topic “What benefits

does fluency provide to the reader? To the listener?”
- Students will understand what the word “fluency”
- Using the fluency. means as related to language.

- Students will hear the teacher use fluency.


- A reminder of fluency should be given each time a Extend the students conceptual
student read independently or aloud. understanding about using fluency.
- Students will practice using fluency, and hear their
peers using fluency.

- Ongoing assessment will occur in the lesson as the

teacher monitors partner work, and in the future - Write journal assignment.
when students are reading aloud.
Assess the students understand.
- Journal assignment

- Write a short summary of the on-level text.

- To evaluate comprehension, have students write a
short summary of the on-level text.

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