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Data Type

Multiple Choic
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a Types
Choice Test
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t answer from the options.

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Question 1 Select the most suitable data type from the options to repr

A) The number of children in a class B)

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1 Alphanumeric

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text Numeric (Integer)

C) The gender of a person D)

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1 Alphanumeric

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text Numeric (Integer)

E) The precise weight of an item F)

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1 Alphanumeric

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text Numeric (Integer)

Menu Next Question
Next Question
om the options to represent:

A person's first and second names

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 4

Numeric (Integer) ● Numeric (Real) Text

Someones birthday

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text

A Yes/No question

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text

Next Question
Next Question
Question 2 A classic computer games store uses a database to store info
This is part of the database:

Title Genre Date of Release

Bomb Jack Platform 12/8/1984
Galaxian Shoot-em-up 1/3/1979
Jack the Nipper Platform 7/8/1985
Temple Terror Text Adventure 7/8/1985
Barbarian Fighting 21/01/1987
Heroquest Adventure 15/09/1989
Manic Miner Platform 20/03/1983

A) How many records are there in this database?

1 ● 2 3 1

4 5 6
7 8

C) Which field is sorted in Descending order?

Title ● Genre Date of Release 1

Product Id Price Rating


E) Identify the data type of the Genre field

Alphanumeric ● Boolean Date 1

Numeric (Integer) Numeric (Real) Text

Previous Question
Previous Question
ses a database to store information about the games that they sell.

Product Id Number Price Rating (1 - 5)

Z123454 £4.99 5
CS34521 £5.99 5
B765343 £4.50 4
Z897534 £4.99 4
AV65287 £9.99 4
H645422 £4.99 3
Q645423 £6.50 2

B) How many fields are there in this database?

1 ● 2 3 1

4 5 6

D) Give a name of a field that contains Numeric Integer data

Title ●
Genre Date of Release 1

Product Id Price Rating


F) Which field would be the Primary Key field?

Title ● Genre Date of Release 1

Product Id Price Rating


Question Next Question
Next Question
Question 3 Select which of the following statements about databases is t

A) Flat file databases consist of only one table.

1 ● 0

C) Fields are used to store individual items of data and are

identified at the top of table columns.

1● 0 ●

E) In order to have a relational database you must have a

primary key.

1● 0 ●

Previous Question
Previous Question Next Questi
Next Questi
about databases is true or false:

B) Relational databases must have two or more tables.

1● 0●

D) Records are sets of data relating to a person or an object.

1● 0●

F) Foreign keys exist as primary keys in another table and

provide the link between tables.

1 ● 0 ●

Next Question
Next Question
Question 4 Read the features of a database below and then choose whet
a flat-file or a relational database:

A) Helps remove repeating data.

Flat-File ● Relational

C) Use foreign keys to provide links between tables

Flat-File ● Relational

E) Stores all data in one single table.

Flat-File ● Relational ●

Previous Question
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Next Questio
nd then choose whether the feature describes

B) Stores data within 2 or more tables.

Flat-File ● Relational

D) MUST make use of a primary key.

Flat-File ● Relational

F) Makes use of linked tables.

Flat-File ● Relational

Next Question
Next Question
Question 5 The manager of a scuba-diving store uses a database to store d
This is part of the database:

Equipment Type Number in Stock Buy Online (Y/N)

Snorkel 24 Y
Flippers 17 Y
Mask 41 Y
Wet-Suit 8 N

A) Which field is best suited to a Boolean data type?

Equipment Type ● Number in Stock 1

Buy Online (Y/N) Last Ordered

C) Which field is best suited to a Numeric data type?

Equipment Type ● Number in Stock 1

Buy Online (Y/N) Last Ordered

Previous Question
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Next Que
database to store data about equipment he sells.

Buy Online (Y/N) Last Ordered

Y 30/04/2012
Y 17/04/2012
Y 05/04/2012
N 05/04/2012

B) Which field is best suited to a Date data type?

Equipment Type ● Number in Stock 1

Buy Online (Y/N) Last Ordered

D) Which field is best suited to a Alphanumeric data type?

Equipment Type ● Number in Stock 3

Buy Online (Y/N) ● Last Ordered

Next Question
Next Question
Question 6 Look at the text in each of the question boxes and then
Mathematical Operator that matches it best.

A) Less Than

< ●
>= ● 2

> <= =

C) Equal To

< ● >= 1

> <= =

E) Less Than or Equal To

< ●
>= ● 2

> <= =
Previous Ques
Previous Ques
tion boxes and then select the
es it best.

B) More Than

< ●
>= 1

> <= =

D) More Than or Equal To

< ● >= 1

> <= =

Previous Question
Previous Question Next Question
Next Question
Question 7 The database below shows a list of footballers:

Shirt Number Name Age

1 Peter Shilton 36
8 Peter Reid 29
10 Maradonna 27
6 Terry Butcher 27
7 Peter Beardsley 25
4 Steve Hodge 23

A) How many players are < 29 years old?

1 ● 2 3 1

4 5 6

C) How many players are Midfielders AND have scored > 9 goals?

1 ● 2 ● 3 2

4 5 6

E) Which field has been sorted?

Shirt Number ● Name Age 1

Position Goals Scored

Previous Que
Previous Qu

Age Position Goals Scored

36 Goalkeeper 0
29 Midfielder 4
27 Striker 36
27 Defender 2
25 Midfielder 24
23 Midfielder 9

B) How many players are >= 25 years old?

1 ● 2 3 1

4 5 6

D) How many players are Defenders OR have scored <= 4 goals?

1 ● 2 3 1

4 5 6

Previous Question
Previous Question Next Question
Next Question
Question 8 A school library has a file for storing details of the books
of the books borrowers. The two files are linked using a c

Book File
Book Code Title Author Published
1857028898 The Jester James Patterson 1999
1747591054 Under the Dome Stephen King 2007
1748791167 Killing Floor Lee Child 1999
1563371218 Ghosts of Sleath James Herbert 1994

Borrower File
Number Name Form Book Code
102 Jessie James 11A 1857028898
1097 Jack Reacher 10C 1747591054
767 Alex Cross 10B 1563371218
611 Rachel Roscoe 10D 1747591054

A) How many records are there in the book file? 1

1 ● 2 3

4 5 6

C) What type of database do these two files form?


Flat-File ● Relational

E) Which field is the primary key in the book file? 2

Book Code ● Title ● Author

Published Num in Stock Cost

G) Which field has the data type currency?

Title ● Cost Form

Book Code Author Published

I) Which book is currently on loan twice? 1

The Jester ● Under the Dome

Killing Floor Ghosts of Sleath

K) What is the Common Field within the database? 1

Number ● Name Form

Book Code Due Back Author

Previous Questio
Previous Questio
g details of the books it has and another file for storing details
es are linked using a common field.

Book File
Published Number in Stock Cost
1999 2 £10.99
2007 8 £17.99
1999 3 £18.99
1994 1 £19.99

Borrower File
Book Code Due Back
1857028898 14 June 2012
1747591054 12 June 2012
1563371218 08 June 2012
1747591054 06 June 2012

B) How many fields are there in the borrower file? 1

1 ●
2 3

4 5 6

D) Select two reasons why this type of database is more useful that
having two single flat-file tables (one from each list)

Cheaper More secure

F) Which field is the foreign key in the borrower file? 1

Number ● Name Form

Book Code Due Back

H) Which data type would be the most appropriate for the Due Back

Boolean ●
Percentage Date

Alphanumeric Currency Numeric

J) Which field in the Borrower table has been sorted? 2

Number ● Name ● Form

Book Code Due Back

Previous Question
Previous Question Next Question
Next Question
Question 9 Choose either True of False for each of the following stateme

A) DAC stands for 'Digital to Analogue Converter'.

1 ● 0

C) ADC stands for 'Analogue to Data Converter'.

1 ● 0

Previous Question
Previous Question
ch of the following statements:

B) A use for DAC is to output sound from a computer.

1 ● 0 ●

D) A use of ADC is to convert analogue sound from a microphone into

digital data.

1 ● 0 ●

Question Next Question
Next Question
Question 10 Complete each sentence using one item from the lists p

A) Computers and other electronic devices are known as

B) Computers are unable to store or process 1

C) Computers are known as digital because they store data in the form of

D) A 1 is used to convert analogue signals into digital data

E) A 1 is used to convert digital data into analogue signals

F) Combinations of digits (1's and 0's) are known as 1

G) 1 are used to input analogue signals into a computer.

H) 1 can be used as both ADC and DAC.

I) DAC stands for 1

J) ADC stands for 1

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Scores Feedback
item from the lists provided:

signals into digital data

a into analogue signals

als into a computer.

Scores ++ Feedback
Scores Feedback
Correct Answers and Scores Score: 3

Question 1 Select the most suitable data type from the list to represe

A) The number of children in a class

You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that any values of whole numbers without decimal plac
number of children in a class must be a whole number - for exampl
Marks Awarded: 0

B) A person's first and second names

You chose: Numeric (Integer) Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that when you have text seperated with a space, the va
first and second name seperated by a space - For example Ian Brow
Marks Awarded: 0

C) The gender of a person

You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that values of pure text without spaces or symbols etc a
Male or Female - there are no spaces or symbols required.
Marks Awarded: 0

D) Someones birthday
You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that values of dates or times should be treated as Date.
Marks Awarded: 0

E) The precise weight of an item

You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that numeric values that require decimal places should
we need a precise number - for example 1.7 kg.
Marks Awarded: 0

F) A Yes/No question
You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Incorrect - Please Retry
Explanation: Remember that any values of Yes/No or True/False data should be t
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 1: Err:502
Question 2

A) How many records are there in this database?

You chose: One record Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that records are a combination of individual data that re
Marks Awarded: 0

B) How many fields are there in this database?

You chose: One field Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that field numbers can be identified by counting the nu
Marks Awarded: 0

C) Which field is sorted in Descending order?

You chose: Title Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that descending means to sort from highest to lowest
Marks Awarded: 0

D) Give a name of a field that contains Numeric Integer data

You chose: Title Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that numeric integer data are whole numbers
Marks Awarded: 0

E) Identify the data type of the Genre field

You chose: Alphanumeric Outcome: Correct - well done

Explanation: Remember that alphanumeric data is made of text that includes sym
spaces or - symbols
Marks Awarded: 1

F) Which field would be the Primary Key field?

You chose: Title Outcome: Incorrect - Please Retry

Remember that key fields contain items of data that cannot ever re
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 2: Err:502

Question 3 Select which of the following statements about databases

A) Flat file databases consist of only one table.

You chose: TRUE Outcome: Correct - well done
Explanation: Remember that flat-file databases only have one table
Marks Awarded: 1

B) Relational databases must have two or more tables.

You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that relational databases require a minimum of 2 tables
Marks Awarded: 0

C) Fields are used to store individual items of data and are identified at
You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that fields are located at the top of the table and are us
Marks Awarded: 0

D) Records are sets of data relating to a person or an object.

You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that records are groups of data about one object or per
pieces of data.
Marks Awarded: 0

E) In order to have a relational database you must have a primary key.

You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that primary keys are required to provide one
Marks Awarded: 0

F) Foreign keys exist as primary keys in another table and provide the l
You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that foreign keys provide the other part of the link betw
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 3: Err:502

Question 4 Read the features of a database below and then choose w

a flat-file or a relational database:

A) Helps remove repeating data.

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that one of the main uses of relational databases
Marks Awarded: 0

B) Stores data within 2 or more tables.

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: If you need to store data in 2 or more separate tables
Marks Awarded: 0

C) Use foreign keys to provide links between tables

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that foreign keys provide part of the link between table
Marks Awarded: 0

D) MUST make use of a primary key.

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that primary keys are required to provide one part of th
Marks Awarded: 0

E) Stores all data in one single table.

You chose: Relational Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: When data is not likely to repeat it can be stored in one single table
Marks Awarded: 0

F) Makes use of linked tables.

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Links are only ever needed if you have 2 or more tables
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 4: Err:502

Question 5 The manager of a scuba-diving store uses a database to st

This is part of the database:

A) Which field is best suited to a Boolean data type?

You chose: Equipment Type Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that Boolean data types are used for Yes/No options
Marks Awarded: 0

B) Which field is best suited to a Date data type?

You chose: Equipment Type Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Remember that anything which requires days/months/years to be s
Marks Awarded: 0

C) Which field is best suited to a Numeric data type?

You chose: Equipment Type Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that any number values can be stored as
Marks Awarded: 0

D) Which field is best suited to a Alphanumeric data type?

You chose: Buy Online (Y/N) Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Remember that Alphanumeric data types are used to store text tha
suit includes the - symbol.
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 5: Err:502

Question 6 Look at the text in each of the question boxes and then se
Mathematical Operator that matches it best.

A) Less Than
You chose: >= Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that Less Than is identified by the < symbol.
Marks Awarded: 0

B) More Than
You chose: < Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that More Than is identified by the > symbol.
Marks Awarded: 0

C) Equal To
You chose: < Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that Equal To is identified by the = symbol.
Marks Awarded: 0

D) More Than or Equal To

You chose: < Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that More Than or Equal To is identified by the >= symb
Marks Awarded: 0

E) Less Than or Equal To

You chose: >= Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that Less Than or Equal To is identified by the <= symbo
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 6: Err:502
Question 7 The database below shows a list of footballers:

A) How many players are < 29 years old?

You chose: 1 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that Less Than is identified by the < symbol. In the exam
Marks Awarded: 0

B) How many players are >= 25 years old?

You chose: 1 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that More Than or Equal To is identified by the >= symb
Marks Awarded: 0

C) How many players are Midfielders AND have scored > 9 goals?
You chose: 2 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: In the example, 1 player was BOTH a Midfielder AND had scored mo
goals or less and so were not counted.
Marks Awarded: 0

D) How many players are Defenders OR have scored <= 4 goals?

You chose: 1 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: In the example, 3 players were EITHER a Defender OR
Marks Awarded: 0

E) Which field has been sorted?

You chose: Shirt
In theNumber
example, the onlyOutcome: Incorrect
field that is arranged - please retry
in order
Explanation: Low).
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 7: Err:502

Question 8 A school library has a file for storing details of the books it
of the books borrowers. The two files are linked using a co

A) How many records are there in the book file?

You chose: 1 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that records are a combination of individual data that re
Marks Awarded: 0
B) How many fields are there in the borrower file?
You chose: 1 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that field numbers can be identified by counting the nu
Marks Awarded: 0

C) What type of database do these two files form?

You chose: Flat-File Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that relational databases require a minimum of 2 tables
Marks Awarded: 0

D) Tick two reasons why this type of database is more useful that havin
Cheaper Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
You chose:
More secure Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Relational databases reduce the amount of repeating data
Marks Awarded: 0 0

E) Which field is the primary key in the book file?

You chose: Title Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that key fields contain items of data that cannot ever re
Marks Awarded: 0

F) Which field is the foreign key in the borrower file?

You chose: Number Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that foreign keys exist as primary keys in another table
Marks Awarded: 0

G) Which field has the data type currency?

You chose: Title Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that the Currency data type is used for any
Marks Awarded: 0

H) Which data type would be the most appropriate for the Due Back fie
You chose: Boolean Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that values of dates or times should be treated as the D
Marks Awarded: 0

I) Which book is currently on loan twice?

You chose: The Jester Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: In the example, the only Book Code that appears in the
Marks Awarded: 0

J) Which field in the Borrower table has been sorted?

You chose: Name
In the example, the onlyOutcome: Incorrect
field that is arranged - please
in order is Dueretry
Explanation: (High to Low).
Marks Awarded: 0

K) What is the Common Field within the database?

You chose: Number Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: In the example, the only field that appears in both tables is Book Co
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 8: Err:502

Question 9 Choose either True of False for each of the following state

A) DAC stands for 'Digital to Analogue Converter'.

You chose: TRUE Outcome: Correct - well done
Explanation: DAC = Digital to Analogue Converter.
Marks Awarded: 1

B) A use for DAC is to output sound from a computer.

You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that digital sound must be converted to analogue befor

are analogue and cannot understand digital sounds.
Marks Awarded: 0

C) ADC stands for 'Analogue to Data Converter'.

You chose: TRUE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: ADC = Analogue to Digital Converter.
Marks Awarded: 0

D) A use of ADC is to convert analogue sound from a microphone into d

You chose: FALSE Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that analogue sound must be converted to digital befor
computers only understand digital data.
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 5: Err:502
Question 10 Complete each sentence using one item from the lists pro

A) Computers and other electronic devices are known as:

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that records are a combination of individual data that re

Marks Awarded: 0

B) Computers are unable to store or process:

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that field numbers can be identified by counting the

Marks Awarded: 0

C) Computers are known as digital because they store data in the form
You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that relational databases require a minimum of 2 tables

Marks Awarded: 0

D) A is used to convert analogue signals into digital data

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Relational databases reduce the amount of repeating data

Marks Awarded: 0

E) A is used to convert digital data into analogue signals

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Remember that key fields contain items of data that
Explanation: this.
Marks Awarded: 0

F) Combinations of digits (1's and 0's) are known as:

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that foreign keys exist as primary keys in another table
Marks Awarded: 0

G) are used to input analogue signals into a co

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
Explanation: Remember that the Currency data type is used for any
Marks Awarded: 0

H) can be used as both ADC and DAC.

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: Remember that values of dates or times should be treated as the

Marks Awarded: 0

I) DAC stands for:

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry

Explanation: In the example, the only Book Code that appears in the
Marks Awarded: 0

J) ADC stands for:

You chose: Err:520 Outcome: Incorrect - please retry
In the example, the only field that is arranged in order
Explanation: (High to Low).
Marks Awarded: 0
Total score for Question 10: Err:502
Grade: U Breakdown of score below

om the list to represent:

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Numeric (Integer)

mbers without decimal places are treated as Numeric Integers. In this case the
whole number - for example 20 children.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Alphanumeric

erated with a space, the value becomes Alphanumeric. In this case we have a
ace - For example Ian Brown.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Text

out spaces or symbols etc are treated as Text. In this case we can be either
symbols required.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Date

should be treated as Date.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Numeric (Real)

uire decimal places should be treated as Numeric Real Numbers. In this case
e 1.7 kg.

Incorrect - Please Retry Correct answer: Boolean

True/False data should be treated as Booleans (2 options).
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Seven records
on of individual data that read across the table.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Six fields

entified by counting the number of columns that make up the table.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Rating

ort from highest to lowest - or in this case from 5 - 2.

teger data
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Rating
e whole numbers without decimals.

Correct - well done Correct answer: Alphanumeric

ade of text that includes symbols or spaces. In this case some of our data had

Incorrect - Please Retry Correct answer: Product Id Number

of data that cannot ever repeat. Id numbers are always perfect for this.

ents about databases is true or false:

Correct - well done Correct answer: 1

have one table.
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
quire a minimum of 2 tables to form the relationships.

a and are identified at the top of table columns.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
top of the table and are used to store and identify the individual pieces of

an object.
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
ata about one object or person. Records should not confused with individual

t have a primary key.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
ed to provide one part of the link between tables.

able and provide the link between tables.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
e other part of the link between tables.

w and then choose whether the feature describes

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational

relational databases is to help remove or reduce duplicate data.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational

parate tables you need to link them with relationships.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational
rt of the link between tables.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational

ed to provide one part of the link between tables.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Flat-File

be stored in one single table. This is known as flat-file.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational

or more tables. 2 or more tables = relational database.

uses a database to store data about equipment he sells.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Buy Online (Y/N)
used for Yes/No options.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Last Ordered

s days/months/years to be stored should be given the Date data type.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Number in Stock
be stored as Numeric data types.

ata type?
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Equipment Type
es are used to store text that also includes spaces or symbols. In this case wet-

on boxes and then select the

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: <

y the < symbol.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: >

by the > symbol.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: =

the = symbol.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: >=

s identified by the >= symbol.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: <=

identified by the <= symbol.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 4

y the < symbol. In the example, 4 players were aged under 29.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 5

s identified by the >= symbol. In the example, 5 players were aged 25 or

cored > 9 goals?

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
dfielder AND had scored more than 9 goals. Other midfielders had scored 9

ed <= 4 goals?
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 3
Defender OR had scored 4 goals or less.

anged - please
in order is Age.retry
In this case itCorrect answer:
is arranged Age order (High to
in Descending

details of the books it has and another file for storing details
s are linked using a common field.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 4

on of individual data that read across the table.
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 5
entified by counting the number of columns that make up the table.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Relational
quire a minimum of 2 tables to form the relationships.

more useful that having two single flat-file tables

Incorrect - please retry Less repeating data
Correct answers:
Incorrect - please retry Easier to update
t of repeating data and, therefor, are easier to update.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Book Code

of data that cannot ever repeat. Id numbers or codes are always perfect for

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Book Code
mary keys in another table and provide the link between tables.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Cost

is used for any money data.

e for the Due Back field?

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Date
should be treated as the Date data type.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Under the Dome

t appears in the borrower table twice is the one for Under the Dome.
anged - please
in order is Dueretry Correct
Back. In this case it is answer: Due Back order
arranged in Descending

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Book Code
ars in both tables is Book Code. (Common fields are located in more than one

of the following statements:

Correct - well done Correct answer: 1

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
onverted to analogue before speakers can output. This is because speakers
gital sounds.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 0

m a microphone into digital data.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: 1
e converted to digital before the computer can process it. This is because
em from the lists provided:

own as:
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Digital Devices

on of individual data that read across the table.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Analogue Signals

entified by counting the number of columns that make up the table.

tore data in the form of:

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Digits
quire a minimum of 2 tables to form the relationships.

nals into digital data

Incorrect - please retry Correct answers: ADC
t of repeating data and, therefor, are easier to update.

nto analogue signals

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: DAC
of data that cannot ever repeat. Id numbers or codes are always perfect for

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Binary
mary keys in another table and provide the link between tables.

ogue signals into a computer.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Microphones
is used for any money data.

DC and DAC.
Incorrect - please retry Correct answer: Sound Cards
should be treated as the Date data type.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer:

Digital to Analogue
t appears in the borrower table twice is the one for Under the Dome.

Incorrect - please retry Correct answer:

Analogue to Digital
anged in order is Due Back. In this case it is arranged in Descending order

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