Capstone Rama

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Nitchanan Thapthim
Mahidol University International Demonstration School
Attending to the university is one of the important things for the students in nowadays in
order to be the pathways for the future career. Some of the students already know that which major
they want to study and how about the student that do not know yet? How they sacrificed themselves
what they really want to do? Many counsellors in each schools will suggest them to do several
questions on the Internet that will provide the occupants that proper for each students personality
or liking. Is that really work? No one can answer that. As I already do that since I was in the primary
school because I try to find myself for a long long time to find myself what I really want to be in the
future. However, the answer is change every year so I do not know what I should learn. I begin
interested in the medical when I was in grade 10. I studied biology for the core subjects and the
environmental science for the electives. In this year, when I am grade 11, I had an opportunity to be
the volunteer at the Chulalongkorn hospital in the pediatrics section. I did as a nurse. I had to
weight and height both babies and the children. I had to give the thermometer to check that these
children had fever or not. All of things that I weight, height etc, I had to write on the medical records
and sent it to each room for let the doctor check. I did here for only one weeks but it gave me a lot
of experiences that I will not get since I am the high school children.
However, the other experiences was coming. In this years, I had to do the project as we
known as the Capstone project that we have to sent it before graduated. I decided to do an
internship for the Capstone project. This school give a chance to the students to find the
experiences in Ramathibodi hospital. Ramathibodi hospital is one of the government hospital that
located on 270 Phraram XI Rd, Toongphayathai, Ratthewi Bangkok 10400 and it was opened for
almost 50 years. First, I knew. I really really interested because it will be the second time to work in
the hospital and this chance will be my last chance to make sure that being a doctor is me. All of
things that I will mentioned below are my experiences for internship in Ramathibodi hospital in each
day since I was walking in to this hospital

Monday, April 9th 2018

Today was my first day for doing an internship here, at Ramathibodi hospital. The schedule
began at a quarter to eight but that was not my time that I arrived. I arrived at the in front of the
entrance in half past six. I did not know where to go so I tried to find something to eat first so my first
meal here is in the minimart. I walked around and asked for help to tell which way I had to go. I met
my friends at the front of old building around 7 o’clock and we went to the director room together.
We waited for other people here until the minute hand meet at 6 which that means it already half
past eight. The staff began to describe. They opened a VDO that describe Ramathibodi in both
Thai and English and we also played Kahoot to answer some questions that related to the
Ramathibodi as well. They described the pathway to be a doctor, about the requirement for
studying here. We had a short break around 30 minutes and continue narrated about being a
volunteer here. After that we got the blue vest to put on all the time we stayed here. We continued
walked to the new building which we called Somdech Phra Debaratana Medical Center (SDMC) to
see the overall in each section that how they worked in order to decide what we wanted to do
tomorrow. We went to the OPD to see what they do. For OPD or Out Patient Department is the
patient that do not stay at the hospital so we have to height, weight, fever. We do not have to write
in on the medical record because they said that it would have an error when we did like that so we
just typed it in the computer and it would send to the doctor automatically. We went to the OPD, the
other part of OPD. In this section, we would do a lot, both doing bandage and also vaccine, I went
to see the ICU and CCU. The different for 2 of this is CCU is about the cardiovascular. We went to
the kidney section too. After that we went to see the pediatrics section to see the new born babies
and also the rest room for mother. We went to dental as well. For the first day, We did not know
much that each section what they do, we just do like a hospital tour to see where is this. We had an
hour for lunch break so I and my friends decided to have lunch at Sri-Fah restaurant in this building.
We returned to the old building to meet other people after lunch time. We continued the hospital
tour again here which first we went to orthopedic section first and went to the physical therapy. In
this section is about the physical therapy that maybe occur in the older people or after the surgeon.
We went the OPD and Dental in order and finally at the pediatrics section. In fact, this section also
be the one that I really want to do as well because if I did in this section I will see all of the disease
that I will occur in children like growth, diabetes, heart disease and many other things but my
partner said that I already do this since I was the volunteer at the Chulalongkorn hospital so I
should change. Therefore, I decided to work at the Somdech Phra Debaratana Medical Center
(SDMC) instead which I did not actually know that what I would do at this but what I realized now is
the new wonderful experience is coming.

Tuesday, April 10th 2018

Today, we were separated into many groups to work in each sections that they were
already response. My friends and I went to the Somdech Phra Debaratana Medical Center (SDMC)
which we called the new building. We went to the Health Care first to let the staff assign us what we
will do today. Health care center is the part of the looking after of the patients who have to look after
themselves when they went back home, so that sometime the staff of the health care center will go
to the patients home to talk and see that everything alright. We went to the OPD first in the morning.
We had talked to the doctors for a little bit for what they do in each day and how many people that
were treated, is that less or many. We observed 3 patients that have to collect the blood from the
spine and send it to lab to check that did they got the disease or not. We had an opportunity to see
how the doctor do the process which they called “bone marrow” she did not descried us much
because she had to concentrate. However, we saw that she kind of cut the piece of bone which
around 1.5 centimeter and the nurse put it in the small bottle preparing to sent it to check. After that
the nurse have to collect the blood from the patient’s finger in order to check too. We could see that
the cell in the blood that they already put in on the plate will be like the white dot. We had talk to the
them, 2 doctors, in this section. They told us their stories about the pathway to be a doctor and also
the type of jobs. In this section is a OPD so that the things they do in this section is not deep. It see
only the outside the body not doing the operation. The majority of patients here is come to check
the cancer.
After lunch, we went to the orthopedic section in order to see what this section does. We sat
beside the doctor and saw all of the patients that came in to get the suggestion for some kind of
theater from the doctor. There was a patient said that she hurt her knee and did not know why. She
was treated for several months if I could remember. She felt nothing after the operating. However,
this day in the morning, she felt hurt suddenly so she came here to check what happened to her
knee. We saw the doctor get the liquid, a yellow liquid from her knee and put it in the small bottle to
let others check it in the lab. We knew that, there are 2 kind of the syringes which are, lock and
unlock. The lock syringe is better because it was fit but it hard to pull it out while the unlock syringe
is easy to pull it out so the doctor prefer to use the unlock one. The size of the syringe will use the
large one because the liquid is sticky so if they use the small one, the liquid will not come out. After
that, we know that she was very lucky because after the lab was sent to the doctor. The result said
that she got infection so she had to admit and received the operation as soon as possible. If she
did not come to check her knee today, maybe she will not exist.

Wednesday, April 11th 2018

In everyday, we had to met the staffs of the volunteering in order to know that which section
we had to go today. However, as I already said that I, Wawa, Bhu, and Nett were the only 4
students that had a chance to work at the new building. Thus, the one that made a decision for us
which section we had to work is the staff, a nurse at the Home Care centre. Today, we went to the
surgical department. We went to the back of the doctor’s room in order to observe. Most of the case
today was a patient that come to check the cancer, the chest cancer. Some of them are already get
the operation so today they just check how it’s going but some of them were not got the treatment
yet so they came to make an appointment. We saw that one doctor did not talk to the patient but
they walk to other rooms to talk too because there are a lot of patients so the only one room to talk
with the patients is not enough for them. There are a lot of ways to cure this cancer. Some patients
were cut their breast, just one side, because they got the cancer. Some patient after cut their breast
out, the doctor will use the skin of their stomachs and put it instead of the breast that was cut out so
that make the patient had 2 side in the same size.
In the afternoon, we went to the short-stay department. In this section, we did do anything
much. The nurse brought us around the room in order to see the patient around. The patient here
was the patient of the cancer that had to come here to get the chemotherapy. A lot of patients here
and they take a long long time to get the chemotherapy. We went to the room that mix the medicine
for the chemo which have to mix in the special which we called isolators. Each of the patient will not
get the same amount of medicine which it will depends on the surface area of the patient’s body.
The reason why they had to mix the medicine in this machine because this machine will help
people get the toxics. After that Bhu had a chance to announce the name of the patient to come at
the counter waiting to get the chemo while I, Wawa and Nett had to do the check the blood
pressure and pulse of the patient and wrote it in the medical record.

Tuesday, April 17th 2018

Same as everyday, We had to meet each other first before we separated to each sections.
We had to share the experiences first like what we did yesterday, what we knew and what we got in
everyday in the morning before started the work. This was the first day started working after the
Songkran holiday. Before we had a break, the doctor said that he would allow us to go into the
surgery room to see how to cut the breast out. We had to go to the Health Care centre first in order
to tell the staffs that the doctor allowed us to go because last time she said that today we had to go
to the OPD section. After we told her. She had to contact to that doctor and the staff in front of the
surgery room to get the permission. After we got, we walked back from the new building to the old
one, the building that we met each other every morning. When we arrived, We had to change our
clothes first. We wore the light green dress and the green hat include the close toe slipper and wore
a mask to protect ourselves too. We had to wait for a bit long time around 2 hours because the case
that the doctor allowed us to see is not the first case so we had to wait for that. While we was
waiting, we talked to each other about the surgery. We saw a lot of the doctors washed their hand
before went inside and saw how they washed their hand too. We stayed at the room to see this
case for only hour and a half. We saw since the first like when the patient came in until they left out.
There were a lot of doctors and nurses in the room maybe around 10 people. There are only 1
surgery doctor, 4 doctor assistants, 2 sending a materials, 2 finding the materials and 1 anaesthetist
in the back. We walked around the room to see the process of operation. This patient was got the
operation to threat her cancer. This case she used to get the operation already. This was the
second time to get the cancer out.
In the afternoon, we had the another case too. We took a break for an hour to have lunch
and after that we returned back to see the another case again. In this case, we came back for a bit
late so that made us did not see since the patient came in. We stayed in this room for 3 hours to
see. This was the big case. We had to use 2 surgeries for this case because this case they had to
cut the breast and cut the skin from the stomach to put instead the breast that be cut. Therefore, 1
surgery cut the breast and 1 surgery cut the skin of stomach. However, before they closed the
breast skin, they had to check that the skin that they cut out had the blood or not because if it not.
The skin in that area will died so they let the anaesthetist to put the madicine that will fluorescent in
the dark area because it will easy for them to check. After they saw the yellow light. They closed the
skin and that is it for today.

Wednesday, April 18th 2018

Today, we went to old building first in order to share our experiences that we got yesterday.
We went to the ophthalmic to see the patient same as everyday. I did nothing for this section
because I just saw what the doctor did because this work was rather delicate and the material had
to be very clean so I did nothing just saw. I saw a lot of patients which come to see the doctor in
different reasons, even glaucoma, pinguecula, cataract, pterygium so they had to come here to
check. There were a lot of patients here and the doctor cannot check all of them so they had to
check the pressure of the patient’s eye first and the nurse will decide that they can wait or not. The
normal range of Rheumatiod factor high is less than 15.
If they can, they would have to make an appointment to re-check but if it cannot, they will wait of it.
Some patient cannot see in some place so the way they check the eye is there is a machine which
we called Visual Field to check the angle of the patient’s eyes the ability to see things.
In the afternoon, we went to OPD in order to see the patients again and same as normal we
did nothing to do for this section because it had less patient so we just check the blood pressure
only and type it in the computer

Thursday, April 19th 2018

Today, we went to The department move the patient. There are 3 types which and normal,
infected, and dead body. Today, we just followed them to see how they move the patient. We saw
only 2 types which are normal and dead body. We realized that it also important section too
because they had to move in the right way as well. The surprise us was we saw the dead body too.
We followed him, the one who bring the body. We went into the room that contained the dead body.
We saw the process of make up the body, clean the body too. In this day, we worked only half a
day because they let us came back home in order to prepare our presentation tomorrow.

Friday, April 20th 2018

We also went to the hospital for only half day as well because today we had a presentation
of out experiences. We had to created a Powerpoint presentation represent our work. We had to
told them all we gained during these days we worked here. The reason why we had to present
because. A pair of students each are not work in the same section same as other so we had to
listen others too to know what are they doing in each day. In my opinion I think that other people
work a little bit work because they just check the blood pressure or maybe who work with the
children, they will play with the children something like that.

To sum up, I went to the Ramathibodi Hospital in order to the do an internship for my
Capstone project. I gained a lot of experience during working here as well. I wish I would adapt this
wonderful experience to my future career too. As I mentioned that I want to be a doctor in the future
but I have a problem a little for my pathway to be that. Although, I was interested but my grade in
biology, chemistry, physic and math maybe not good enough for being the doctor or studying the
medicine after graduated for high school. However, one thing that I trust and always trust is if I
really want to be, I have passion, everything I do will be positive, I will succeed absolutely. I will
improve, hard working and also concentrate in class. My SAT score will enough for the medical
requirement absolutely.
- Recognize what is important to know and understand: We always taking note during the doctor
said in order to recognize us what is the essential things that we have to know and we will not
lose it.
- Reflect on their learning and use mistakes to help themselves improve: During our worked here.
We made some mistake to the patient sometime. Therefore, we have to learn it and did not do a
mistake again.
- Listen, read, write, and speak for different purposes and use different methods to communicate:
While we worked here, we have to talk to all of doctors, nurses and the patients so we have to
communicate between patient and doctor about what they want, what they need and what they
want us to do.
- Show behavior that is moral, honest, and correct according to society’s rules: As we are the
student represent our school. We were the school uniform appropriately in order to let other
appreciated that. We also have a good behavior and polite during working here too.
- Use technology to do research and to work: We create a Powerpoint presentation to Present
our experience. We researches some pictures, make it easy to follow, and presented it on last
day of Internship.

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