ExampleMotivation Letter

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As I tell on the previous question, I have involved in the project named Enviroez!

that related to WASH

(water, sanitation, and Health) field. Well my community can only implement one project in 2017 and
will implement one more project with the same field as the previous (about designing and building
water transmission system in a water shortages rural area) this end of the year in Lampung, Indonesia.
So I hope with joining this exchange I can give some good recommendations for the next project. Back to
the previous project that was already held, the project that I have involved was held in the first year of
2017. The program was about solving the problems of the difficulty of water access during dry season.
The area in need that we took was Duwet Village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Province.

Other volunteers and I spent approximately five months of preparation and 2 weeks of implementation.
The preparation we were separated into 5 division. I decided to join to Design Division. The division itself
consisted of 4 people, we were responsible to make the engineering design of the transmission system.
The design consisted of the calculation of fluid hydraulic in pipe to meet the appropriate criteria, pump
system, the needs capacity of the reservoir, engineering drawing, and the risk and cost analysis.

When implemented the project, I did not do field work or technical work. I joined the social division and
was assigned to participate in the social program. The social program consisted of socializing of the
program in general, socializing the maintenance of the transmission network after it has been installed,
giving the materials about the important of sanitation and clean water to women and children, and fun
events to improve relations with the villagers. I specifically tasked to socialize the maintenance of the
transmission network because I previously involved in the design division, so it would be easier to me to
give the explanation to the community about such materials.

The transmission system included pipe and pump was installed within 4 days, it was way quicker than
we expected. Previously we assumed that it would be installed within 9 days. It happened because the
society is very cooperative in helping this work. I think that was very strongly related to the success of
social programs undertaken by the social division.

The most astonishing thing for me is the transmission system is well-operated and well-managed until
now and it really helped the community to the access of clean water during the dry season. And it is kind
of amazing to know that the leader of water manager in that area is a woman now, the same woman
from the housewives who were given socialization at the time. We were still keep a good relationship
until now. I am so grateful to be a part of the program, it is one of the biggest stepping stones of my life,
to realize that we are really just developing as we try to develop others.

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