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JULY 2017

1. Answer FIVE questions only. Not more than TWO from any section.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
4. Illustration of an answer with clear sketches / diagrams carries weightage
5. All unused pages of answer script must be cancelled out by two lines (X) across the page.

Q1. A fire in the exhaust gas boiler on a motor ship may develop in two or three stages. With reference to such
situations; discuss:
A. The factors which could be responsible for initiation and development of:
i) Ignition of soot; ii) Small soot fires; iii) High temperature fires;
B. State the standing instruction you, as Second Engineer Officer, would issue to watch keepers with respect to
the action to be taken in the event of a boiler uptake fire.
2007/SR8 2011/SR11 2012/SR2 2011/SR14 2012/SR6 2012/SR7 2013/SR7 2014/SR06
2014/SR09 2014/SR10 2015/SR01 2016/SR03 2016/SR03 2017/SR06 2017/SR7

Q2. Give a pragmatic approach to dealing with a sea water leakage, which is flooding the engine room and which
has the potential of causing a serious impairment to a vessel’s stability.
2009/SR6 2008/SR10 2008/SR8 2007/SR2 2010/SR12 2010/SR1 2012/SR3
2015/SR08 2015/SR12 2016/SR10 2017/SR01 2017/SR04 2017/SR07

Q3. A hydraulically operated ballast tank valve situated in the duct keel has keel has failed to close. Describe the
procedure to repair.
B. Describe the procedure for entry in the duct keel.
2009/SR2 2007/SR8 2006/SR5 2006/SR1 2011/SR1 2010/SR2 2011/SR7
2011/SR11 2012/SR2 2012/SR4 2012/SR6 2012/SR7 2014/SR3 2014/SR09
2014/SR12 2015/SR04 2015/SR04 2016/SR07 2017/SR07

Q4. Briefly describe the environmental impact of NOx and SOx and allowable limitations are per Annex VI of
MARPOL in emission control areas and outside emission control areas.
B. Briefly describe methods to control NOx emission.

2008/SR1 2007/SR8 2011/SR2 2012/SR2 2015/SR7 2016/SR03 2017/SR6 2017/SR7

Q5. Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Gas Tankers giving reference to
the conventions and justify for their requirement.
2008/SR8 2008/SREMG 2006/SR8 2005-6SREMG 2012/SR1 2012/SR3 2013/SR12
2015/SR08 2016/SR10 2017/SR01 2017/SR04 2017/SR7

Q6. With reference to oil monitoring of bilge and tanker ballast discharges;
A. Describe with a sketch, the general arrangement of an oil monitoring system; B. State the inputs that are
recorded; C. Explain the difficulties encountered with the efficient operation of the oil monitoring system.
2008/SR9 2008/SR6 2008/SR4 2007/SR8 2007/SR7 2010/SR12 2011/SR10
2011/SR11 2011/SR9 2012/SR2 2012/SR09 2012/SR12 2013/SR3 2013/SR10
2014/SR10 2014/SR12 2015/SR7 2015/SR11 2015/SR07

Q7. A. What do you understand by the terms Convention, Protocol, and Amendments? State in which order these
will be adopted by the IMO.
B. What procedure is nowadays followed for putting the amendments into effect?
2007/SR8 2011/SR11 2010/SR6 2011/SR1 2012/SR2 2012/SR4 2012/SR12 2016/SR3

Q8. Write short notes on - A. Role of Recognized Organization (Classification Societies) on ship; B. Enhanced
survey program (ESP); C. Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) for oil tankers. ALREADY DONE 2017/SR07
2009/SR8 08/SR EMG 2007/SR10 2007/SR8 2007/SR5 2006/SR5 2011/SR2 2011/SR7
2010/SR1 2010/SR11 2009/SR1 2008/SR7 2010/SR6 2011/SR8 2011/SR11 2011/SR1
2012/SR1 2012/SR2 2012/SR4 2012/SR12 2014/SR3 2014/SR09 2015/SR01 2016/SR03

Q9. A. Explain the principles underlying the STCW Convention; B. Explain how as a senior engineer you would
implement the regulation for controlling and monitoring of minimum hours of rest for watch keepers; C. What type
of specific shipboard familiarization is required to be given?
2009/SR5 2009/SR2 2008/SR12 2008/SR10 2008/SR8 2008/SR3 2007/SR10 2007/SR5 2007/SR5 2007/SR2 2006/SR5 2006/SR4

2007/SR6 2010/SR10 2011/SR11 6-7/EM 2006/SR3 2010/SR2 2011/SR4 2011/SR3 2011/SR12 2012/SR3 2012/SR7 2012/SR8

2012/SR09 2013/SR3 2013/SR4 2013/SR6 2013/SR08 2013/SR11 2014/SR01 2014/SR02 2014/SR06 2014/SR08 2014/SR09 2015/SR03

2015/SR06 2015/SR8 2015/SR9 2015/SR10 2016/SR12 2017/SR01 2017/SR04 2017/SR04

Note : If you are looking for answers prepared in organized manner with clear drawings please visit our website by


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