On The: The Say That Vide Has, 2018 Ending

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SB Order No.


F.No 113-03/2017€B
Govt. of lndia
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-l 10001
Dated: 20.09.2018

All Head of CircleyRegions

Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

Subject ; Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes.


The undersigned is directed to say that vide memorandum No

01/04/2016-NS dated 19.09 2018 (copy enclosed), Govt. of lndia, Ministry of Finance,
Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) has revised interest rates of small
savings schemes for the third quarter of the financial year 2018-19 starting l"tOctober
,2018 and ending on31"t December, 2018 on the basis of
compounding/payment built-in in the schemes, as under:-

st. lnstruments Rate of interest Rate of interest Compounding

No. w.e.f.01 .07.20'18 w.e.f 01 .10.2018 Frequency"
to 30.09.2018 to 31.12.2018
01 Savin D osit 4.0 40 Annually
02 1 Year Time Deposit 66 6.9 Quarterly
03 2 Year Time Deposit 6.7 7.0 Quarterly
04. 3 Year Trme Deposit 6.9 7.2 Quarterly
05 5 Year Time Deposit 74 7.8 Quarterly
06 5YearRecurring Deposit 6.9 72, Quarterly
07. 5 Year Senior Citizen 8.3 8.7 Quarterly and
Account Scheme Paid
08 5 Monthly lncome Account 7.3 Monthly and paid
09. 5 Year National Savings 7.6 6.U Annually
10 Public Provident Fund t.o 8.0 Annually
11. Kisan Vikas Patra 7.3 (will mature 7.7 (will mature in Annually
in 1 18 months) 1 12 months)
12 Sukanya Samriddhi Account 8.1 8.5 Annually

Cont. on page 2

3. changes to all concered for information and

lt is requested to circulate these
necessary guidance. Same may also be placed on the notice board of all Post Offices in
Public area.The necessary calculation tables will be supplied in due course.

4. This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.

Yours Faithfully,

Assistant Director (SB-ll)

Copy to:-


lnspections)/ DDG (PCO)
2) Director (FS)/Director (CBS), Dak Bhawan.
3 Director of Audit (P&T), Delhi.
4 All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts, Postal
5 Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad.
6 All Directors, Postal Training Centres.
7) Director CEPT Mysore for uploading the SB order on lndia Post Web Site.
8) Dy. Director CEPT, DMCC/SDC O/o CPMG T.N.Circle.
9) AD /lnspection/PFA/igilance
10) All Accounts Officers ICO(SB)
11) All recognized unions.
12) MOF(DEA), NSJI, North Block, New Delhi ..
13i oireitor, cOO Complex,'A'Wing, 4n Floor, Seminary Hills, Nagpur-
14) PPS to Secretary Posts.
15) PS to Member (Banking).
Covernment oflndia
Ministry of Finance
Depallment of Economic Affairs
(ltudgct Division)
North Block. Nerv Delhi
& D&ted:19.09.2018

Su bj!-cl: Revision of interest rates for Small Saviags Schcmcs.f

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM ofeven number dated 166 February.
2016, vide tyhich the various decisions taken bv tie Covenlment regarding interest tixation for small
savings schemes were comnrunicatcd to all concerned.

2. On the basis of the decision of the (lovernn'rent, interest rates for small savings schenes are to be
notiticd on quarlerly basis. Accordingly. thc rates of intcrest on various small savings schemcs for the third
quarter of financial year 2018-19 starting l"r October, 2018. and ending on 3l{ December, 2018. on rhe
basis of the interest compounding ,/ pal r'ncnt built-in in the schemes, shall be as under:

Instrum€nt Ral€ of interBl w,r.t. Ilate of interest Compounding

0t.07.20t8 to w.r.l. 0!.10.2018 freq u cnc.v-
30.09.2018 to 11.12.201E
Savings Deposit 1.0 4.0 Annuallv
1 Year Time Deposit 6.6 6.9 Quanorl)'
2 Year'limc Dcposit 6.? 7.0 Quarrerly
I Year Time sit 6,9 7.2
5 Ycar Time srt 7.4 7.8
,( Year Recurring Deposit 6.9 '7
.3 Quanerl\
5 Year Senior Citizen Savings 8.3 8.7 Quarterly and paid
5 Year Monthly lncome Account '1.3
i1.j Monthly ard paid
5 Year National Sav Ccrtificate 't .6 8.0 Annually
't .6
Public Provident Fuld Schcme 8.0 Annuallv
KisanVikasPara I I (will mature in 118 7.7 (wili mature in Annuallv
n)onths I l2 months
S Samriddhi Account Scheme 8.I 8,5 Annuelly
t No Change

L This has the approval ofFinance Minister. la

(Padam Singh)
Sr. Regional Diroctor (NS)
Tele: 0l 113095 I i ,:


l. The Secretary 2. Th€ Secretary

Department of Expenditurc Department of Revenue
North Block, Nerv Delhi. North lllock- New Dclhi

3. Thc Secretar) 4. The Secretary

Department of Posts I)epartment of Financial Services. Jeevan
Dak Bhawan Dcep Buildiag
Nerv Delhi Parliament Street, New Delhi.

5. ChiefCeneral Manager 6. Resen'e Bank of lndia

Department of Cort. & Bank Accounts Centrel Accounl Section
Ressrvc Bank of lndia Additional O{fice Sectiol
Central Office, Mumbai. East High Coun Road
Nagpur - 440 00 t .

7. Chief Secrctaries of States/UT 8. The Director

0overnments. National Savings lnstitute, Nevr Delhi

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