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Bread for the World

Prepared by :

Christian Commission for the Development of Bangladesh (CCDB)


Praxis Architects

2.0 Architect`s report
2.1. Site and general conditions
- Legal owner
- Size of site (sqm)
- Description of site and surroundings
- Public transport and road system
- Distances to nearest settlement (s) /town
- Height above sea level
- Climatic conditions (seasonal temperatures min./max.,rainfall/year,
humidity, main wind direction)
2.2. Design and construction of proposed building(s)
- Design concept
- Structural design, materials proposed: foundations, walls, slabs, roofs,
doors, windows etc.
2.3. Services (detailed description)
- Water supply
- Electricity supply
- Sewage disposal and drainage
2.4. Implementation of project
- Method of tender
- Contractor or own labor
- Site supervision
3, Cost estimate
- Local inflation rate per annum:      %
- Local exchange rate related to EUR ............... or US$ ..........
3.1 Value of site
- A valuation certificate is required
- Value of site
3.2 Construction works Buildings
- Costs should be determined based on the calculation of costs.
3.3 Site works
- Clearing, levelling, access
- Water and electricity supply
- Sewerage and sewage disposal
- Surface- and soil drainage
- Fencing
- Retaining wall
- Roads
- Gardening, planting, etc.
3.4 Equipment
- A separate list of loose furniture and equipment is required.
3.5 Professional fees
- Architect
- Structural engineer
- Supervision
- Other consultants
- Local authorities’ charges
- Auditor
3.6 Total costs:

2.0 Architect`s report

2.1. Site and general conditions

Legal owner

Size of site (sqm) : The site area of the climate technology park is 106891 sqm , which is
secured with a 3m high brick wall along the property line. The demarcated area for the
Climate Learning Centre is roughly about 18246 sqm or 4.5 acre. The location of the
demarcated area is shown in the Site Plan.

Description of site and surroundings

Public transport and road system

Distances to nearest settlement (s) /town

Height above sea level

Climatic conditions (seasonal temperatures min./max.,rainfall/year, humidity, main wind


2.2. Design and construction of proposed building(s)

Design concept:

The site of the Climate Technology Park is part of the greater forest system of the Gazipur
region and keeping that in mind, the location inside park for the Climate Learning Complex
was earmarked. The Site as well as the building demanded that there is minimum impact on
the existing topography and ecology, but maximum impact on the mind of the visitor
regarding climate consciousness and sustainability.
Thus the building demanded to be bold in statement but subdued in its relation with the

The program suggested that there should be three components in the complex.
1.The Reception Kiosk
2. The Climate Learning Centre
3. Cafeteria and outdoor sitting area.

The Climate Learning Centre is a two storied structure and the rest are single storied
building. The formal expression is derived by locating the main function of each building
under a large super roof and plugging the ancillary programs around them. The ancillary
programs are small and contained mostly in single storied load bearing brick structures. The
larger spanned spaces are under light weight steel structure. The composite structural
system makes the building cost effective, flexible and adaptable to topography.
Future Extension:
To accommodate horizontal future extension and modification the brick structures are easily
dismantle able due to the shallow footing and RCC structural grid can be added to any
direction for the modular grid system. As for vertical extension the prefab steel roof can be
repositioned on the extended part.

Structural design and Proposed Material:

For Reception Kiosk
Structural element - Local Rammed Earth Wall construction system.
Roof- 6" RCC slab supported on rammed earth walls.

For the Climate Learning Centre & Cafeteria

The main structural system of the buildings are is a composite structural system. Part of it is
RCC frame structure and part of it is load bearing Brick wall structure. RCC columns will have
footing foundation and the load bearing walls will have stepped footing foundation all
unified by a continuous grade beam of RCC. All concrete members will be according to the
Local Building Code and as per the instruction of the concerned structural consultant.

The walls are made of machine made 1st class brick The load bearing walls are not less than
250mm and at places its 500 mm in thickness in 1:4 cement mortar. The walls will be
constructed in English bond and with rat trap bond where required.

Ground floor slab as well as the other floor slabs are all RCC slab with 6 inch minimum

The super roof of the Learning centre and the Cafeteria , over 1st floor and ground floor
respectively will be constructed of industrial corrugated sheet on metal truss system. The
roofs of the extended parts beyond the super roof will be constructed using local clay pots
inside the RCC slab to reduce the load and cost and to permit provision for skylight where
ever the design suggests.
Doors are flush door and tampered glass door and window are all operable aluminium
windows and fixed tampered glass sheets are used as glass partition.

Floor will be made of the structural slab surface cut/ground to hard stonolithic finish


Water Supply: No water Supply system Available from the Municipality. Water to be supplied
by installed deep tube wells in the site. The deep tube wells are run on elecricity from Local
Grid and supplemented by Solar PV panels. the Buildings all have rain water harvesting
Features to complement the need of water when available .

Electricity: Supply from Local Grid , to supplemented with installed Solar PV panels at various
locations in site.

Sewage disposal: No sewage system from Municipality. All the toilet facilities will be served
with Septic tank and Disposal tanks, ultimately to be used in the Bio Gas Plant at the site.

Implementation of the Project:

Construction to be implemented through contractor , to be awardd preferably through

tender , if there is sufficient response then work can be awarded through negotiation.

Time Plan:

The project to be completed in 1 year

Construction Supervision and Management:

To be done by the consultant and the staff of the CCDB for the design interpretation , quality
control, and financial management , monitoring and reporting.

3.0 Cost estimate

- Local inflation rate per annum:      %

- Local exchange rate related to EUR       or US$      

3.1 Value of site

- A valuation certificate is required

- Value of site

3.2 Construction works Buildings

See attachment

3.3 Site works

See attachment

3.4 Equipment

See attachment

3.5 Professional fees

See attachment

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