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Master of Business Administration


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are students in the Master in Advance Technology Management program at

UTEM. All information compiled from this survey will be used to complete my research
assignment (E-Commerce MTKM 5093). Kindly answer all questions in SECTION A and
Q strictly confidential and for academic use
SECTION B. All answers given will be kept
only. Your full cooperation in completing this questionnaire is very much appreciated.

Thank you.
SECTION A (Company Background)
Instruction : Please tick ( √ ) at the appropriate answer.

1. What is your company type?

Manufacturing Services

Retail/Distributor Others (*specify) ____________

2. What is your company selling process?

Manufacturing with Sell direct to end-user

distribution network

Sell through Others (*specify) ____________

3. Do you have supplier for the raw material?

Yes No

4. If “yes” how many?

Less than 5 6-10

11-20 More than 20

5. How many distributors dealing with the company?

Less than 5 6-10

11-20 More than 20

SECTION B (Methodology of ERP)

6. For how long this company already implement ERP?

Less than 2 Years 2-5 Years

More than 5 Years Others (*specify) ____________

7. Is the software internally developed?

Yes No
8. What software that have been used for ERP implementation?

SAP Oracle

JD Edward Others (*specify) ___________________

9. What is the advantage of this software compare to other software (what make the
company choose this software)?


10. Have the company re-implement the ERP?

Yes (*state why?) No


11. As the preparation before implementing ERP, have you implemented any of the

 MRP (Material Requirement planning)

 Close Loop MRP
 Business Process Re-Engineering

12. Does your company consider this following step in implementing ERP:

 Assessment on company’s current situation problem , opportunity, strategies,

 Send a group of executives /operating managers to learn in general and
basics of ERP
 Generate written document about cost and benefits to implement and not to
implement ERP
 Formal recommendation by the leader whether to implement or not to
 Stating the vision of ERP (what to achieve after implementation)
 Agreement on which performance categories are expected to improve and
what level to expect
 Creating an executive steering and project leader for ERP implementation
 Educate and training employees at all stages
 Implementing sales and operation planning
 Forecasting demand management, planning and scheduling process
 Data integrity ( all the bills, formula, recipes, routings and other data are
accurate , complete and structure )
 Implementing finance and accounting process
 Selecting and installing software
 Assess and evaluate the company’s situation, problem opportunity and
strategies after implementation
 Ongoing education for the whole organization

SECTION C (Architecture of System)

13. Which is the following application supports your company ERP system?

 Material management
 Sales and distribution
 Production planning
 Financial accounting
 Controlling
 Fixed Assets management
 Project System
 Workflow
 Industry solution
 Human resource
 Plant maintenance
 Quality management

14. Does your company use all the function that provided by your ERP system?

 Use all the function

 Use 75% of the function
 Use 50% of the function
 Use 25% of the function

15. How long for the company to take time to implement all the function ERP in this

A month 2-5 month

More than 6 month Others (*specify) ____________

16. When does it started and when it is finally fully implement?

SECTION D (Training and Education)

17. Who does the company choose to leads the ERP implementation?

 Sales and admin managers

 Logistic managers
 Customer service managers
 Production managers
 Product engineering managers
 Purchasing managers
 Supply chain managers
 Manufacturing engineering managers
 Material managers
 Distribution managers

18. What is the requirement to be project manager leader?

 Full-time worker

 Someone from within the company

 Have operational background

 Heavyweight

 Veteran within company

 Energetic Rookies

19. Who do you send for ERP training

 Top management

 Manager level

 Operational level

 Supervisor level

20. How often does the company send the employees for training?

Monthly Quarterly

Yearly Once before implementation

Others (*specify) _____________________

21. Does the training helps the employees in using ERP?

Yes No
SECTION E (Impact and Effect)

22. Which of the following factors have become problem for the implementation of ERP
in this company?

 Everyone needs to participate

 Hard to train all the employees
 Hard to get participation from top management leadership
 ERP requires all the employees to be multi-tasked
 Data integrity
 Hard to synchronize all the department
 Resistance to new business process

23. Which department benefits most in the implementation of ERP?

 Human Resource
 Operations
 Finance
 Marketing
 Logistic
 Sales

24. After implementing ERP, what is the significant impact that can be obtain:
 Better customer satisfaction
 Improved vendor performance
 Increase flexibility
 Reduce quality cost
 Improve information accuracy and integrity
 Improve resource utility
 Improve information accuracy and integrity
 Improve decision making capability
 Better solution in e-commerce
25. How does the implementation of ERP effect on the :
a. Human Resource
b. Operations

c. Finance

d. Marketing

e. Logistic

f. Sales

g. ROA/ROI of the company


26. What is your opinion on effectiveness of ERP in your company?


.:::: End of question. Thank you ::::.

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