Satellite Communications Tutorial: 1 Abstract

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Satellite Communications Tutorial

J P Silver


This tutorials discusses the key areas of satellite 2.1 ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION
communications, discussing the various elements of a Figure 1 & Figure 2 indicates the average atmospheric
satellite communications system eg antennas, path absorption as a function of frequency at different alti-
loss etc. The communication system elements can tudes above sea-level and the effects of rain and fog.
then be connected together and analysed to deter- Note that the figures cover different frequency ranges.
mine a link budget.
Note 1. The first graph shows resonant absorption
peaks due to different molecules in the atmosphere at
2 FREQUENCIES FOR MICROWAVE particular frequencies. Usually these frequencies are
SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS avoided for communications applications, though in
The frequencies used for microwave satellite communi- special cases they may be deliberately used so that the
cations are determined by signal will not propagate beyond a certain range - eg
(i) the absorption of the atmosphere as a function of covert military signals, or mobile communications where
frequency the limited frequency range available means that the
(ii) the antenna size needed to produce a beam with the same frequency must be re-used many times in different
required angular spread communication cells.
(iii) international agreements/regulations

Figure 1 Average atmospheric absorption of millimeter waves. A: Sea level ; T = 20˚C; P = 760mm; PH2O = 7.5g/m3. B : 4
km; T = 0˚C; PH2O = 1g/m3 .
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- see below for the allocation from 4990 to 7075MHz.

Allocation to Services
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3
4990 – 5000 FIXED
MOBILE except aeronautical mobile
Space Research (passive)
Space Research
713 798
Space Research (deep space)
664 801 803 804 805
5725 – 5850
801 803 805
806 807 808
5850 – 5925 5850 – 5925 5850 – 5925
MOBILE (Earth-to-space) (Earth-to-space)
Figure 2 Atmospheric absorption of millimeter
waves due to fog and rain. 806 Amateur Radiolocation
Note 2 The second graph covers a much broader fre- Radiolocation 806
quency range, from microwave to optical and beyond. It 5850 – 5925 FIXED
shows that although rain and fog increase the attenuation FIXED-SATELLITE
of microwave signals the attenuation is still considerably (Earth-to-space)
less at the lower microwave frequencies (up to 15GHz, MOBILE
791 809
for example) than at optical frequencies, so that micro-
wave frequencies will maintain communication links Note:
and remote sensing observations under conditions where • Region 1: Europe, Africa, N Asia; Region 2: N &
optical links will fail. S America; Region 3: rest of Asia
• Upper case entries eg FIXED indicate a definite
2.1.1 Antenna size allocation for the service in the frequency band.
The basic (approximate) relationship between wave- Lower case entries show services that may be al-
length and antenna size is θ (radians) ≈ λ D where lowed.
• Numbers - such as 795 - refer to regulations which
θ is the angular breadth of the main beam between the apply to the frequency band.
3dB points and D is the maximum dimension across the
antenna aperture. An aperture of 10 wavelengths will
give a beamwidth of about 6°. At low frequencies the 2.3 ORBITING AND GEOSTATIONARY
wavelength is large, implying a large antenna. As the SATELLITES
frequency increases the antenna size reduces for a given
beamwidth but the attenuation of the atmosphere in-
2.3.1 Orbiting satellites
creases. A compromise must be made. Note that at-
mospheric attenuation is not a problem for satellite-to-
• lower orbits - cheaper to launch. Eg remote sensing
satellite links, so these may involve mm-wave frequen-
satellites at about 800km altitude (about 1/8 earth ra-
cies and very small antennas.
• not available all the time for communication links
2.2 INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS • ideal for collecting data - eg remote sensing - trans-
The use of different frequency bands for different appli- mitting data back periodically to fixed earth sta-
cations has been agreed through various international tions. Earth coverage obtained by rotation of earth
agencies beneath satellite.
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• receive antennas must track satellite • Data:

• lower coverage than geostationary
radius of orbit: 42 000km (about 7 times earth radius)
altitude: 36 000km
2.3.2 Geostationary satellites
orbital period: 24hours
• occupy fixed position with respect to earth above
the equator - no tracking required
• 3 satellites provide coverage for most of earth's sur-
face (not polar regions)

PT .G T Isotropic power ie
2 x 36,000 x 1000
= 0.24 Sec 4π .R 2 If TX transmits as a
3 x 10 8 sphere.

Tx Effective area = Aeff

Received Power 4π .R 2

PT GT Aeff The link attenuation α in dB is given by

PR =
⎛ 4πR ⎞ ⎛⎜ 1

⎛ ⎞ ⎞
Aeff is the receive antenna effective area α = 10 log⎜ PT ⎟ = 10 log
⎝ PR ⎠
⎜ λ ⎟ ⎜⎝ G G ⎟⎟
⎝ ⎠

4 π Aeff
General antenna relationship: G =
λ2 ⎛ 4πR ⎞
⎛ λ ⎞
2 = 20 log⎜ ⎟ − GT [dB ] − G R [dB ]
⎝ λ ⎠
PR = PT G T G R ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 4πR ⎠
The first term is called the free space loss - due to the
GR is the Rx antenna gain spreading of the radiation, not absorption.

PT GT is the Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP).

It gives a measure of the power flux. For each satellite
contours of constant EIRP can be plotted on the earth's
surface. A minimum value of EIRP is required for each
type of receiver (eg DBS). Usually the EIRP is given in
units of dBW - EIRP[dBW] = 10log10 ( PT GT ) .
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− 116[dBW] = PT [dBW]+ 30 + 40 − 203− 5

∴ PT dBW = 22dBW = 159W
Link budget calculations are often carried out using
powers measured in dBW. The power is measured rela-
and EIRP = 22 dBW + 30dB = 52 dBW
tive to a 1 watt reference power.

Power in dBW = 10 log

1 Watt The satellite antenna beamwidth must correspond to the
area of the earth to be illuminated. This determines the
⎛ 4πR ⎞ gain of the antenna. The earth station antenna must be
PR [dBW ] = EIRP[dBW ] + G R [dB] − 20 log⎜ ⎟ able to select a particular geostationary satellite - the
⎝ λ ⎠
satellite spacing in the crowded parts of the geostation-
ary orbit is about 2°, though there may also be frequency
Corrections must be added to PR for additional losses discrimination between neighbouring satellites. The
due to following approximate results for a circular aperture
antenna may be used to estimate suitable antenna sizes
1. antenna efficiency - power is lost in the antenna and gains.
feed structure, also in connections to the receiver
2. atmospheric absorption due to water and oxygen
( )
molecules G =η
3. polarisation mismatches of Tx and Rx antennas λ
4. antenna misalignments - ie boresights of Tx and
η is the antenna efficiency, typically 0.6 to 0.7, D is the
Rx antennas not aligned
antenna diameter

An additional loss factor L is introduced to the link θ 3dB = 70 λ D

budget equation to take account of these losses. The
equations become
the 3dB beamwidth in degrees of the antenna.

( )λ 2
4πR L

( )
For satisfactory operation a communication link must
PR [dBW ] = PT [dBW ] + GT [dB] + G R [dB]− 20 log − L[dB] have:
1. a large enough signal for the receiver sensitivity,
Typically L is about 5dB. and
2. a high enough S/N ratio or BER at the receiver
3.2 LINK BUDGET CALCULATION output for good quality communication
eg for TV reception international regulations re-
Calculate the power that must be transmitted from a geo- quire a S/N ratio ≥ 47dB
stationary satellite to give a power of -116dBW (2.5 ×
10-21 W) at a receiver on the earth. Assume f=10GHz, Information is conveyed by modulating a high frequency
carrier with a message signal. The basic quality of a link
G R = 40dB , GT = 30dB and additional losses of is expressed in terms of its carrier to noise ratio C/N
5dB. where C is the power for the unmodulated carrier and N
is the noise power, both measured at the receiver input.
R = altitude = 36000km The signal to noise ratio for an information signal - ie a

( )
modulated carrier - depends upon both the C/N ratio for
PR [dBW ] = PT [dBW]+ GT [dB]+ G R [dB]− 20 log − L[dB] the link and the type of modulation used - ie AM, FM,
λ FSK, PSK etc.
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The noise power associated with the link is specified by ture (which must be in degrees K, ie absolute tempera-
the system noise temperature Ts. This is made up from ture) using the general relationship
three contributions:
available noise power = kTB
1. antenna noise TA where k is Boltzmann's constant and B
2. antenna - receiver connection - a cable or
waveguide TC is the bandwidth. k = 1.38 × 10-23 J K-1
3. receiver noise TR this may include RF,
A useful figure to remember is that at 290K the available
mixer and IF stage contributions noise power density is -174dBm/Hz
In each case the noise power in watts (this is the avail-
able noise power) is calculated from the noise tempera-


Antenna Noise Power

NA = kTA.B

Other RF sources eg
PR sources etc

Ground wave

Radiation into the Earth surface

Back lobes from the
surface reflections

Figure 3 Antenna noise temperature as a result of other noise sources including galactic and other satellites.

3.5.1 Antenna pointing to the sky (ground station

Referring Figure 3, the antenna noise is due to energy,
which is fed to the antenna by unwanted radiation
In this case the output noise power from the antenna has
sources, such as stars and galaxies and other communi-
two components which are represented by the sky tem-
cation signals. (The latter are not strictly noise signals
perature, Tsky , and the earth temperature Tearth
in that they will not be random, but their effect on the
communication link will be the same as for noise - ie
they will worsen the S/N ratio and so they are included Tsky is due to noise originating in the atmosphere. It
here.) Also, the atmosphere itself behaves as a resistive varies with frequency and the elevation angle E of the
medium, which supplies noise power to the antenna. antenna. The sky temperature is higher for E=0° (an-
The output noise power from the antenna N A = kTA B tenna pointing to the horizon) because of the longer path
will depend on the positions and temperatures and emis- of the radiation through the atmosphere. Elevation an-
sivities of the noise sources and the gain and polar radia- gles of less than 10° are usually avoided. The two dia-
tion pattern of the antenna. grams Figure 4 and Figure 5 show Tsky for different
frequency ranges.
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Radiation into the

Back lobes from the
surface reflections

For a large (≈5m) Cassegraine antenna Tearth ≈ 10K

For a small (≈ 0.5m) antenna Tearth ≈ 100K

Figure 4 Antenna sky noise temperature as a func- If an antenna points towards the Sun the noise effective
tion of frequency and antenna angle.
temperature is about 10 000K. This situation should be

3.5.2 Antenna pointing to the earth

Usually the beamwidth is less than or equal to the angle
subtended by the earth, so that the earth fills the beam.
Then the noise temperatutre of the antenna is about
290K, the physical temperature of the earth.


Although it is a passive element the cable or waveguide
that connects the antenna to the receiver has a noise tem-
perature TC which, contributes to the system noise tem-
perature. A passive component with an insertion loss L
Figure 5 Sky noise for clear air and 7.5 g/m3 of water
vapour concentration (φ is the elevation angle)

For E ≥ 10° and f ≤ 15GHz Tsky ≤ 40K. RX

Tearth arises from radiation which feeds into the antenna IL = L (eg 2dB) gain = 1/L
via the back lobes of the antenna radiation pattern.
Noise figure F = L ∴ effective noise temperature

Te =T0 (L−1) and Gain G = 1/L

Tc = To (F-1) = 290(L-1) Where, To = 290K

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TR = Trf + +
Receiver noise includes contributions from thermal Grf Grf Gm
noise, shot noise and possibly flicker noise. These may
arise in the input RF section of the receiver, the mixers Figure 6 shows typical equivalent noise temperatures
used for frequency translation and the IF stages. A and figures for various devices, which may be used in
schematic diagram of a simple receiver and its equiva- microwave receivers.
lent noise circuit is shown below. The total receiver
noise figure TR can be calculated from the individual 2000

contributions from the usual formula for cascaded cir- 1500 8

1000 Mixer

TR =To (FR −1) FR is the receiver noise figure 700 5

500 Tunnel diode Amplifier 4

Equivalent noise temperature (K)

In the schematic receiver shown in Figure 7. 300 Amplifier 3

Noise figure (dB)

200 Bipolar 2
Tm Tif 150
TR = Trf + +
Grf Grf Gm 100
70 1.0
50 Uncooled
Note: This formula follows from the corresponding for- Parametric amplifier
mula for the noise figure Ftotal for cascaded stages, 20 0.25
F − 1 F − 1
= F1 + 2 + 3 + ... with
Ftotal 10 Cooled parametric amplifier
G1 G1G2
7 0.125
each noise figure replaced by its equivalent effective
noise temperature using T e=To (F −1) .
0.2 0.4 0.6 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100

Frequency (GHz)

Figure 6 Typical equivalent noise temperature and
LNA (low noise amplifier) noise figures of various devices

Trf = 50K Grf = 23dB [Grf = 200]

Tm = 500K Gm = 0dB [ Gm = 1]

IF stage

TIF = 1000K GIF = 30dB [ GIF = 1000]

500 1000
∴ TR = 50 + + = 50 + 2. 5 + 5 = 57.5 K
200 200 × 1

Usually, the mixer has conversion loss eg

suppose Gm = − 10dB ∴ Gm = + 0.1

500 1000
∴ TR = 50 + + = 50 + 2. 5 + 50 = 102. 5K
200 200 × 0 .1
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TA Mixer I.F Filter

Antenna cable Gain = Gm

Gain = Grf Noise = Tm
Noise = Trf
Gain = Gif
Noise = Tif


Noise equivalent circuit


Tm Tif
Gain Grf Gm Gain Gif

___ RX
___ TR

Figure 7 System setup including the antenna, antenna cable feed and receiver. The gains and noise temperatures are de-
fined throughout the system.


If we consider the system temperature for a combination TS = (TA +TC ) L+ TR
of the antenna and the receiver with a receiver tempera- (ie at receiver input use noise temperature x gain)
ture of 102.5K:

Antenna + Receiver TA ⎛ L−1 ⎞

= +290⎜ ⎟+TR
L ⎝ L ⎠
TA TR Using the figures above,

50 ⎛ 1.58−1 ⎞
Therefore, TS = TA + TR TS = + 290⎜ ⎟ +102.5= 240.6K
1.58 ⎝ 1.58 ⎠
TS = TA + TR = 50 + 102.5 = 152. 5K
ie. adding cable with 2dB IL increases TS from 152.5
If we now add a cable with IL 2dB [⇒ IL = 1.58] be- to 240.6K. This illustrates the very significant effect
tween the antenna and the receiver: attenuation at the input has on noise. For this reaon the
LNA is often connected directly to the receive antenna.
TC = 290 F − 1 = 290 L − 1

Then, the system temperature at the receiver input

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GT Satellite
Rx Transponder
Tx Gain = G

PT uplink
PR Ld = Dielectric Loss

R ˜ C = Carrier power

⎛ λ ⎞ 1
Cd at receiver
= (PT + G T ).GR .⎜ ⎟ .
⎝ 4π .R ⎠ L

⎛ λ ⎞ 1

From before: PR =(PT GT )G R ⎜ ⎟ Power at earth station/Power at

⎝ 4πR ⎠ L satellite down link output

If system temperature is TS (includes antenna noise TA ,

Figure 8 Schematic of the RF uplink and downl link
cable and receiver noise) signal path

Noise power (single link) at receiver input is

received down-link carrier power
N = kTS B Free space loss
Cd = Cu G Ld
⎛ GR ⎞ ⎛ λ ⎞ 1 1

(link ) = PR = PT GT ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟
total received down-link power
N kTs B ⎝ T s ⎠ ⎝ 4πR ⎠ L kB
N = N u G Ld + N d
(Tx) Bandwidth Here N u is the uplink noise at the transponder (satel-
⎛ GR ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ is the receiver figure of merit. lite). N d is the noise added to the down link.
⎝ TS ⎠
N N G Ld + N d N Nd
Usually the down link is the most critical due to the lim- Hence, = u = u +
ited power which is available on board the satellite ( PT ) Cd Cu G Ld Cu Cd
and the antenna gain GT (limited by its size). Hence,
and so
the most critical receiver is the earth station

eg Intelstat ground station (C N )total =

⎛ GR ⎞ (C N ) uplink
+(C N )downlink

⎜⎜ ⎟⎟=40.7 dBK −1 at 4 GHz

⎝ TS ⎠
Because of the limited power available on the satellite
The analysis above applies to a single link - ie up-link or for the downlink the C/N ratio for this link is usually
down-link, but information transmitted via satellite in- lower than that for the uplink, and this is the main de-
volves both links. With reference to Figure 8 the total termining factor for the overall C/N ratio.
C/N ratio for the two links can be found as follows:
The total C/N ratio is also reduced by interference on
each link, and intermodulation distortion in the trans-
ponder, so a more complete expression is
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(C N )total = 1 TV signals and/or computer signals. They are transmit-

(C N )uplink+(C N )
-1 -1
+(C I )
+(C I )
+(C N )
ted by modulating a carrier signal in some way - AM,
FM, PM (analogue), or ASK, FSK, PSK etc (digital). In
a multicarrier system the different messages are com-
Calculations using the above relationships apply to clear bined for transmission by multiplexing. The converse
air propagation conditions, but allowance has to be process of demultiplexing is carried out at the receiver
made for additional attenuation and noise which may be
introduced on each link due to rainfall or other possible The multiplexing techniques used are
meteorological conditions. The margin that must be
allowed depends upon the required reliability (eg link i) Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) - each
maintained for 99.99% of time, averaged over one year) message is placed in a different frequency range by
and the range of climatic conditions which are predicted modulating a different carrier frequency. All the mes-
along the link. The margins also vary with frequency sages are combined for transmission.
and the angle of elevation. Typical margin values are
2dB (C band) and 8dB (Ku band). Each satellite link will have a certain bandwidth. The
bandwidth may be divided into sub-bands with different
4 MODULATION AND MULTIPLEXING sub-bands assigned to each earth station. The figure
below shows a set of satellite transponders for (a) a C
TECHNIQUES band and (b) a Ku band system.
Each earth station will, in general, be transmitting and The C band transponder uses a single down converter
receiving many messages simultaneously to and from a (D/C) and signal processing at 4GHz, whereas the Ku
satellite. The messages may be 'phone calls, ratio and
band system uses D/C to 1GHz for signal processing be fed together to the HPA (high power amplifier) for
followed by up-conversion (U/C) for the down-link. amplification.
Each sub-band will contain many messages, which will
Frequency DEMUX

6GHz 4GHz
Frequency MUX




C-Band Transponder
Figure A


Multiple Transponders

1GHz 11GHz

Frequency DEMUX

14GHz 11GHz
Frequency MUX



U/C’s H.P.A
KU-Band Transponder
Figure B

Equilizer Multiple Transponders

Figure 9 Schematic of two satellite transponders. The top one is a C-Band system and the one on the bottom is a Ku-
Band system. HPA = High power amplifier; DC = Downconverter; U/C = Upconverter.
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In the C band 6/4GHz transponder (Figure 9 A): Non-linear Distorted fo,

saturation 2fo, 3fo etc
• the uplink is at the higher frequency, so D λ is
greater for the (common) receive/transmit antenna –
it will have a higher gain
• the input filter is a fairly wideband band-
pass‘roofing’ filter to allow all the uplink frequen-
cies in, but eliminating out-of-band noise
• LNA – low noise amplifier
• D/C – down converter to 4GHz (the down-link fre-
quency) for signal processing – error correction,
amplification, signal channelling etc. Vin

• frequency demultiplexing – divides input signal into

Pure sinewave
sub-bands to reduce non-linear distortion during
amplification. Each sub-frequency band is proc- fo
essed by a single transponder.
• equalisers – correct for phase differences between Figure 10 The diagram shows the non-linear (in the
the different frequency components of a signal saturation region) Vout vs vin curve for an ampli-
which are introduced by filters, de-multiplexers etc fier. If a sine-wave is applied to the input the non-
• HPAs – high power amplifiers – to increase power linearity will distort the amplified output sinewave
levels before re-transmission on the down-link. as shown.
Non-linear performance in the HPAs can intoduce Intermodulation can be reduced using back-off, as
harmonics, intermodulation distortion etc shown in Figure 11 Figure 11. The input signal signal
• band-pass filters at various points remove out-of- power is reduced to move below the non-linear segment
band products from the HPAs etc and reduce the of the characteristic. The amount of back-off can be
background noise, but they cannot remove in-band expressed in terms of either the input signal back-off or
products – eg 3rd order intermodulation (IM) prod- the output signal backoff. A disadvantage of using
ucts back-off is that it reduces the efficiency of the amplifier
because the RF output from the amplifier is reduced
The Ku (14/11GHz) system (Figure 9 – B) has many of whilst it is still consuming the same DC power.
the same elements, but the down-link frequency
Saturation - IMD
(11GHz) is too high for the elements in each trans-
ponder, so the input is mixed down from 14GHz to PSAT
1GHz for de-multiplexing and equalisation, then mixed
up to 11GHz for power amplification, frequency MUX Output
and re-transmission.


Because each transponder will be processing a very Pout
large number of messages simultaneously any non-
linearity in the transponder amplifier will lead to inter-
modulation which causes interference between the mes-
sage signals by transferring modulations from one fre-
quency range to another. The diagram Figure 10 shows
Pin Back off
a non-linear amplifier voltage transfer characteristic and
the way in which it leads to signal distortion. The dis-
tortion is normally represented in terms of additional Figure 11 shows how distortion can be reduced by backing
off the input signal from the saturation region to the linear
harmonics of the input signal, which are introduced by
the amplifier. The non-linearity may also be represented
in terms of the amplifier power transfer characteristic, The amount of back-off needed to avoid intermodulation
which also shows the saturation and saturation power of increases with the number of messsages (ie modulated
the amplifier. carriers) in the signal which is applied to the trans-
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ponder. One solution is to increase the number of trans- tions may arrive simultaneously at the satellite antenna
ponders on board the satellite so that each need only from which they are fed to the transponder which will
handle a restricted bandwidth and number of carriers. process the signals in several ways - eg amplification,
This, of course, increases the satellite mass, so a suitable error detection and correction, filtering and frequency
compromise must be reached between the number of changing - before feeding the signals back to the satellite
transponders and the intermodulation. antenna for the down link. The uplink and the down
link operate at different frequencies to avoid direct cou-
Back-off modifies the formula for the down-link C/N pling of signals from the transmit to the receive channels
ratio by making : PT = Pos − BOo eg 6/4GHz (C band), 14/11GHz Ku band). The higher
Where, Pos is the output power of the HPA at satura- frequency is used for the up-link because the satellite
antenna has limited size and a higher noise temperature
tion and BOo is the output backoff power . Pos is
(usually 290K). The gain is higher at the upper fre-
normally known for a given amplifier, then BOo is quency for a fixed antenna size.
adjusted dynamically according to the strength of the
input signal. Similarly, the signals transmitted from a satellite will
usually be received by all the earth stations. Most of the
Solid state amplifiers are superior to TWT amplifiers in messages received will not be needed by a specific earth
their linearity. Considerable attention has been devoted station - they must be filtered out during de-
to techniques for linearising HPAs to improve their effi- multiplexing. In a typical analogue system a trans-
ciency. This involves extending the linear part of the ponder may have a bandwidth of 36MHz, but this will
power amplifier characteristic. be subdivided into 12 sub-bands, each with a bandwidth
of 3MHz. When an earth station receives messages
ii) Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) - each message is from its vicinity via the PSTN network it sorts them out
transmitted at a different time. TDM is usually used into their destination earth stations. All the messages for
with digitally coded messages. Whereas with FDM each a particular earth station are combined to one sub-band
message is transmitted continuously using a restricted for the uplink. They are all processed by the satellite
bandwidth, with TDM each message is only transmitted transponder and transmitted to the earth stations, but
for a small fraction of the available time, but during that each earth station will only process its own sub-band.
time it uses all the available bandwidth.
As noted earlier, multiplexing and modulation are sepa-
Clearly, a system must be established to regulate the rate processes and so various combinations of the differ-
timeslots for each message. This scheduling will itself ent techniques available for each can be used. Accord-
require the communication of earth stations via the satel- ing to Glover and Grant, the predominant multiplex-
lite which imposes a network management overhead on ing/modulation/multiple access technique in current use
the available bandwidth/transmission time. An appro- for PSTN satellite telephony is FDM/FM/FDMA, but
priate balance must be struck between the complexity of this leads to large intermodulation products. Increas-
the 'housekeeping' of the communication system and the ingly, digital modulation (PCM) is replacing analogue
useful communication capacity. techniques, leading to TDM/PSK/TDMA.

An advantage of TDM is that intermodulation distortion With the systems described so far the communication
can be avoided, because only one message is being am- capacity between different earth stations is essentially
plified at any one time. 'designed in' when the bandwidths assigned to each sta-
tion are fixed, and changes cannot easily be made even
iii) Code Division Multiplex (CDM) - each message if demand changes. Capacity can be increased, and
includes a unique code which means that TDMA can be made more flexible, by
used with different signals being transmitted simultane-
ously - the code allows the elements of the different i) using multiple spot beams that can be steered as
messages to be grouped correctly. CDM uses a very required to different points on the earth's surface, and
wide bandwidth and so this technique is sometimes also
known as a spread spectrum technique. ii) by using a switching matrix on board the satellite
to co-ordinate the message transmission with the beam
Multiple access refers to the fact that many earth stations
share the same satellite. Signals from several earth sta-

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