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Aranton, Lester Aaron A.

Hist 150
Perpetual Battle for Peace

The Gandhi movie revolved around the continuous fight of Mahatma Gandhi to end
violence and oppression and to attain independence for India. The divide between the people may
it be in the religious or political aspects is the main root why these problems occur. While there is
a strong motivation to purge these issues, a lot of challenges hinder Gandhi to become successful
in achieving peace. It is evident that the problem lies with the conflict of interests between the
oppressed and the oppressors, but one important factor that needs to be discussed is the acquisition
of peace without using violence which is I think one of the major struggles of Gandhi in the pursuit
of equality.

On Oppression

In the beginning of the film, Gandhi was thrown out of the first-class train compartment
despite having the ticket that allows him to ride on the mentioned compartment because he is an
Indian. This first-hand experience of oppression can be considered as one of the triggers why
Gandhi has always been striving to achieve equity.
His compassion toward the oppressed branched out to helping the African workers and his
fellow Indians who were being exploited by the employers and British rulers respectively. There
was an immense motivation by Gandhi to pull up those who are part of the grassroots to attain the
equal treatment that they deserve.
In spite of the recurring attacks in the forms of firing and threats against him by the
authorities and the police, he still managed to become the source of determination of the victims
of oppression to stand up and fight for their rights. Gandhi became a symbol that the masses are
powerful and he became a living reminder that it is justifiable to fight as long as there is something
wrong that should be corrected.

Peaceful Revolution
Notwithstanding his advocacy of achieving equality using peaceful revolutions, there were
internal problems within the masses which made it difficult for Gandhi to pursue the mentioned
advocacy. There were various instances wherein Gandhi’s wish for civil disobedience was
misinterpreted as an initiation of violence. However, this did not stop Gandhi to conduct his
peaceful revolutions.
Hunger Strikes, Diplomatic relations, and the most famous salt revolution were the protests
led by Gandhi. Perhaps, his mentality that there can be harmony without attacking one another was
a result of his law education. He became composed in addressing the issues and inspired the people
that attainment of a positive end is feasible without using tanks and guns.

Indian Independence

After the second world war, India achieved its independence from its British conquerors,
nonetheless, the issue of religious divide still persists. This issue is specifically between the Hindus
and the Muslims and Gandhi became an instrument to immediately stop the feud by conducting
another hunger strike. One highlight during the Hindus vs. Muslims conflict is the issue of
forgiveness. Known as someone who is always composed, Gandhi served as an inspiration for
other people to forgive one another. With this, it can be observed that Gandhi is not only after the
remedy of wars, but also its prevention—because when there is forgiveness, clashes between
groups can always be avoided. Further, this is in line with Gandhi’s trademark advocacy of
achieving peace without violence.

Perennial Wars

Until this day, it is undeniable that wars still exist either domestic or interstate and the
reasons behind these wars are similar from the time of Gandhi—conflict of interests, religion, and
politics. The current society is in dire need of notable people like Gandhi who will initiate peaceful
revolutions with the genuine concern for the oppressed. The world is being overpopulated by self-
serving leaders that only want to attain power and conquer the world even if it means exploiting
other people, ethnic cleansing, and violent attacks against other nations.
There is indeed a lack in diplomatic relations and peaceful talks between different parties
around the world. Once there is a looming threat, the other end would make its military readily
available just in case attacks might happen. While people see this as strategic, I think it fuels the
occurrence of perennial wars. Everyone is agitated easily and there is an evident absence of
The film can serve as an inspiration to everyone that there will always be a better method
to resolve conflicts—the one that does not involve bloodshed. It is now more than ever that the
people stand up like Gandhi to initiate revolutions against oppressors using ways that are away
from violence. I still believe that proper communication and genuine intentions of acquiring peace
can lead us to a better society.
Lastly, I would like to use Gandhi’s final statement that “…There have been tyrants, and
murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but, in the end, they always fall. Think of it.
Always.". There will always be room for peace as long as we will think rigorously on how to
uplift the society in a manner with no violence—and this is the perpetual battle for peace that
everyone needs to conquer.

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