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International Students

LOGO 1 Memorandum of Understanding


Purpose and scope

This Memorandum of Understanding serves as an arrangement between the

……………………………………….. and ……………………………………….. to work together to
address the issues of international students, particularly those students from Indonesia and Philippines.
The purpose of the this is to guide the partnership and the nature of the collaboration for effective
response to the issues faced by international students.

In particular it:
 Formally acknowledges the commitment of the Federation of
……………………………………….. and ……………………………………….. to respond
strategically to the issues faced by Indonesia and Philippines students
 Articulates a shared vision, values, and commitments in relation to Indonesia and
Philippines students from overseas
 Provides a foundation for collaboration and partnership initiatives
 Does not limit the rights of signatories to participate in any other activities or relationships and
has no legal binding.

Parties to the MOU

This Memorandum of Understanding is between the ……………………………………….. and

To facilitate the grounding, inclusion and empowerment of Indonesia and Philippines students in all
areas of their experience - personal, community, programs, and systems levels.
The working partnership between the ……………………………………….. and
………………………………………... will demonstrate the following principles:
 Collaboration over the short, medium, and long term
 Empowerment of international students to respond to their own issues
 Interaction between newly arrived students and established residents both within ethnic and
across ethnic boundaries
 Partnerships with a close relationship between working collaboratively with school,
government, community groups, and other organizations
 Provision of inclusive Council services and long term strategies that acknowledge and
integrate overseas student demographics and issues.

Obligations of the parties

By signing this Memorandum of Understanding, all parties agree to:
 Commit in principle to consult with each party on matters pertaining to Indonesia and Philippines
students including strategic planning and projects of mutual agreement
 Share knowledge, expertise, skills and network contacts to facilitate more effective outcomes
 Allocate appropriate resources to achieve partnership goals in relation to the wellbeing of
Indonesia and Philippines students
 Endorse and promote the activities of the Indonesia and Philippines students in relation to
international students
 Review and monitor progress to ensure partnership remains sustainable

Meetings between Indonesia and Philippines students will take place on a quarterly basis with the
appropriate officers.
This Memorandum of Understanding commences on ………………………………. and will remain in
place until such time as both parties agree and through mutual agreement that the partnership be ceased.


………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………
President University Student Council of CEU

………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
Vice Director for International Student Affair of CEU Vice Director for Student Affairs

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