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Yukon Review



Good place to work

Canadian County employers
among state’s top workplaces
By TERRY GROOVER city of Mustang. Superintendent Dr. said. “The teachers are sional development. This is the third con- Jason Simeroth said he supported by the That helps draw the
secutive year that the was pleased to see administration and the best teachers to the dis-
Three Canadian Yukon School District Yukon’s improved rank- administration is sup- trict.
County employers are has been included in ing. ported by the teachers. “It is flattering to the
among the state’s top the list. “It is such a unique It is a very collegial set- city of Yukon that peo-
workplaces. This year, Yukon is school to be a 6A dis- ting that people want to ple want to be here.
The list, which is ranked sixth among trict. It’s the seventh be in Yukon.” People move here
because of the
developed by The large companies. The largest high school, but Simeroth said one of schools,” he said.
Oklahoman, was district employs 965 it doesn’t feel like it. … the things that makes Yukon jumped five
released Sunday. people. We are very tied to the the school district spots in this year’s sur-
Among the top work- Last year, Yukon community and we are among the best places vey. Simeroth said the
places are Yukon and schools were ranked linked as a staff. to work is the emphasis district hopes to contin-
Mustang school dis- 11th. Everyone feels support- the district places on
tricts along with the Yukon ed by each other,” he teamwork and profes- Continued to COUNTY, Page 5A

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Dec 2018 Page resized From
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Yukon Review

our amazing culture,” was in the small busi-

Countyy From page 1A Tobler said.
“We will continue to
ness division.
This year’s list
recruit amazing people includes 19 companies
ue moving up in next included in the rank- to continue our trend that have been on the
year’s survey. ings. in the right direction.” list since its inception
“We are going to keep Mustang’s newly Also on the list was six years ago. There
doing what we do. We appointed superinten- the city of Mustang. were 19 companies that
have invested a lot of dent, Charles Bradley, With 191 employees, the had never been on the
time and effort in pro- mentioned the rank- city of Mustang ranks list prior to this year.
fessional development. ings during Monday’s at No. 11 in the mid-size Among those were
We will continue to be school board meeting. category, just below four large companies,
successful if we contin- Bradley asked Chris Great Plains National six mid-size companies
ue to do that. We will Tobler, the district’s Bank and ahead of Bob and nine small compa-
continue to honor, cele- human resources direc- Mills Furniture.
brate and recognize tor, to discuss the nies.
Not included in the
teachers for the work honor. list this year was Wilmoth said the big-
they are doing,” he “We have great peo- Canadian Valley gest surprise was the
said. ple, and this is reflec- Technology Center. It is number of educa-
Mustang Public tion of that,” Tobler the first time in six tion-related organiza-
Schools also joined the said. years the school was tions.
list. They are ranked at He noted that the dis- not included on the list. This year’s top work-
No. 12 in the large divi- trict faced difficulties Adam Wilmoth, the places were EPIC
sion. over the past year, business editor for The Charter Schools in the
Last year, Mustang including a teachers’ Oklahoman, which large category,
was ranked 17th. walkout and adapting worked with a
Mustang has 1,534 to its growing student Meridian Technology
third-party company to
employees. population. develop the list, said Center in mid-size and
This is the second “Our school family more than 200 nomina- The First State Bank in
consecutive year remained positive, tions were received. the small business cate-
Mustang has been which is a reflection on The largest number gory.

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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