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Reflection 7

Lesson Products Student teacher Fatema Altenaiji

MST Courtney Mcmanman School Rak Academy – PYP

Class Grade 2 Date 30/October/2018

Overall aim and context of the lesson: implement a consistent lesson where the students build their
knowledge through guided investigation about concept

- Extend students conceptual understanding about products and how they could describe and explain a product
while visiting souq planet with the teacher. Then how they analyze the observed product in a reflection

Select (S):
This lesson is assessing students Think-Pair-Share skill through group decision making about products they could found
out at souq planet, and how they could explain the product in a reflection.

Describe (D):
The lesson is for grade 2 student in science class. In this lesson I am trying to relate the lesson to the real world, by
taking the grade 2 children with my teacher to souq planet, for exploring the different products there, asking them to
explain and describe it, or ask the manager about it. students here are building their literacy skills as they listen to
manager and teacher talk about a product, and they are improving there speaking skill through explaining products.
students in this activity are very motivated and highly engaged to describe and talk about different kinds of products

Analyze (A):
I think the student's response the way they did because they are going to the shop and seeing the different kinds of
products which motivates and support the learning content, as it relates to real life which was more realistic task
"In creating a real-world connection, you are embedding multimedia in a rich context in which students will learn and
practice skills, gather and present information, and solve problems. Indeed, the real-world connection is a strong
distinguishing element of this learning approach that makes it so motivating for students."
(Cole, Means, Simkins, & Tavalin, 2018) which was really observed in students engaging and motivation in the activity

Appraise (A):
From the student's perspective the nature of the experience was motivating and interesting as it supports student
learning about the content and develop their practice and process skills, as support their interest and motivate them
Transform (T):
I might enhance students learning of this lesson in the future by asking them to bring products and we could make a
shop of the products in the school, so learners could talk about them to other school students, staff, and their parents

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