Assignment2 Part2

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CHEM 1701 – Assignment 2 – Part 2 (8% of final grade)

Chemistry I for Pre-health Science

All assignment components are due on: ____________________________________

___ /30 marks

Background and Content:

The purpose of this assignment is to help prepare you for test 2 and for you to explore connections between
your classroom learning and healthcare. To accomplish these goals, the assignment has three parts.

Part 2 – Case study & healthcare application [30 marks]

• 8% of final grade
• This part is a case study with applied questions that tie your course learning to healthcare.
• Submit to folder in DC Connect titled “Assignment2_Part 2”

Learning Outcomes:
The following course learning outcomes (CLO) and essential employability skills (EES) are addressed
throughout this assignment. The CLO’s and EES can be found in the course outline.
• CLO 4, 5, 6, 7
• EES 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11

• Points have been attributed to each question and a rubric is available for part 3.
• While you may work in pairs or small groups to complete the assignment, each student must submit
their own original work.
• Assignments may be checked for authenticity using TurnItIn software.

Handing in your work:

• Submit your completed work to the appropriate Assignments folders in DC Connect.

Other things to note:

• Show all work for full marks.
• Apply significant digit rules and round appropriately for all answers.

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Part 2 – Case Study [30 marks]
Rationale: In this section you will develop your problem-solving and critical thinking skills by applying your
knowledge of basic concepts to a case study. This is an important skill to develop as it allows you to relate
what you are learning to the everyday world and helps prepare you for future programs and careers in the
health care field. As you proceed through this section, think about how these questions connect to your other
courses and to your future goals.

• Read the case study below
• Answer the questions in full sentences using your own words
• Make sure to read the question carefully and thoroughly when structuring your answer

Case Study: Mary is a student enrolled in the PHS program at Durham College. She is in her mid-20’s and
has a young son, Andrew. Mary is finishing up her first semester in the PHS program and is feeling very
overwhelmed. She has worked very hard to achieve high grades and plans on applying to several competitive
healthcare programs including Paramedic and Registered Nursing. She is struggling to picture how she will get
through another semester. Her stress levels are at an all time high and she is struggling to manage the
demands of school, caring for her young son and working part-time 20 hours/week.

Andrew is struggling to fit in at school and is having trouble focusing in class. A pediatrician diagnosed Andrew
with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and has suggested placing Andrew on one of two medications, Ritalin or
Adderall. Mary is very nervous about these medications. However, Mary plans to research each medication
extensively before making any decisions.

Mary has started experiencing panic attacks on a regular basis as a result of the stress and pressures of her
work and personal life. Her doctor has suggested cannabidiol oil (CBD) oil to help with her anxiety. Mary also
struggles with digestive issues and is lactose intolerant.


Mary struggles to get Andrew ready for school in the morning. Andrew particularly hates brushing his teeth.
One morning Mary catches a glimpse of the ingredients in Andrew’s toothpaste. This is what she sees.

1. [1 mark] What is the chemical formula for calcium carbonate? Show how you determined the chemical

Calcium has a charge of +1
Carbonate has a charge of -2
By crossing their charges, Calcium ends up with carbonates charge as carbonate ends up
with calciums charge.
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2. [1 mark] Why is calcium carbonate included in toothpaste? What does it do? Include a link to your

Calcium carbonate acts as an abrasive in toothpaste to rub/scratch off bacteria and

plaque on your teeth.

Source link(s):

Andrew’s pediatrician is Dr. Avogadro. He is a very clever doctor and raises pet moles on the weekends. On
Dr. Avogadro’s advice, Mary starts researching Ritalin and Adderall as a way to manage Andrew’s ADD.

3. [1 mark] Research to find the chemical formula for Ritalin. Include a link to your source(s).

The chemical formula for Ritalin is C14H19NO2.

Source link(s):

4. [2 marks] Calculate the molar mass of Ritalin. Show all work for full marks.

M=12.01g(14) + 1.01g(19) + 14.01g + 16.00g(2)

The molar mass for Ritalin is M=233.34 g/mol

5. [1 mark] The suggested maximum daily dose of Ritalin is 60 mg/day. Convert this value to grams (g).

60mg / 1000. Daily dose=0.06g

6. [1 mark] Use your answer from the previous question to determine how many moles are in the
maximum daily dose of Ritalin. Show all work for full marks.

0.06g x 1mol/233.34g/mol.
There are 2.58 x10^-4 moles in the daily dose of Ritalin.

7. [2 markx] The chemical formula for Adderall is C 9 H 13 N. Calculate the molar mass of Adderall. Show all
work for full marks.

M=12.01g(9) + 1.01g(13) + 14.01g

The molar mass of Adderall is M=135.23g/mol

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8. [1 mark] The suggested maximum daily dose of Adderall is 40 mg/day. Convert this value to grams (g).

40mg/1000 = 0.04g

9. [1 mark] Use your answer from the previous question to determine how many moles are in the
maximum daily dose of Adderall. Show all work for full marks.

0.04g x 1mol/135.23g/mol
There are 2.95 x 10^-4 moles in the daily dose of Adderall.

Andrew recently celebrated his birthday and Mary has been eating a lot of ice cream and cake as part of the
celebrations. When Mary consumes a lot of milk products (which contain lactose), her lactose intolerance
starts to bother her.

10. [1 mark] Perform research to find the chemical formula for lactose. Include a link to your source(s).

The chemical formula for lactose is C12H22O11.

Source link(s):

11. [1 mark] In the body, lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose. Research to find the chemical
formulas for glucose and galactose. What do you notice about the chemical formulas for these two
sugars? Include a link to your source(s).

Glucose=C6H12O6 Galactose=C6H12O6 . These 2 chemicals have the same chemical formula

Source link(s):

When Mary’s body makes the enzyme lactase, the enzyme does not fold into the proper shape. Therefore, the
enzyme does not work properly and Mary has trouble digesting food that contains lactose, the substrate for

12. [1 mark] Perform research to learn more about the role of hydrogen bonding in protein folding.
Summarize your findings in 2-3 sentences. Include a link to your source(s).

Hydrogen bonding holds an amine and an element together. The hydrogen bonds hold
together these chemicals together in a specific 3D shape that gives the protein its specific
Source link(s):

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Mary decides to explore Lactaid, an over the counter medication that mimics the action of the enzyme

13. [1 mark] What type of reaction occurs when lactase breaks down lactose?
a. Combination reaction
b. Decomposition reaction
c. Single displacement reaction
d. Double displacement reaction

Mary’s doctor has suggested she consider taking bupropion. Bupropion is marketed and sold as Wellbutrin and
Zyban. Mary’s doctor suggested this medication because it will help with both Mary’s anxiety and may also
help Mary stop smoking. Mary has been an occasional smoker her whole life but has recently increased to
about a pack a day as she deals with the pressures of school, work and managing Andrew’s recent ADD

14. [1 mark] The image on the right is the chemical structure of

bupropion. On the image, circle or highlight ONE C – Cl
bond, ONE C = O bond and ONE N - H bond.

15. [1 mark per row = 4 marks] Complete the table below for the following bonds found in bupropion.

C – Cl C=O N–H

EN value of each element 3.0-2.5 3.5-2.5 3.0-2.1

EN difference 0.5 1.0 0.9
Bond classification Polar Polar Polar
Delta notation C(+)-Cl(-) C(+)=O(-) N(-)-H(+)

As an alternative to bupropion, Mary’s doctor has suggested cannabidiol (CBD) oil to manage her anxiety and
panic attacks. CBD is a non-polar chemical compound.

16. [1 mark] You learned in the lab that water is a polar molecule and that some B vitamins which are also
polar will dissolve in water. This is called the “like dissolves like” rule. Fat is a non-polar substance.
Would you expect CBD to be fat-soluble or water soluble? Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.

CBD would be fat-soluble because it is a non-polar substance. Non-polar substances will

not dissolve in polar substances, as water is polar.

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When the body responds to stress, chemical compounds are released which lead to changes in blood pressure
and respiratory rate. One chemical compound released in the body is cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone released
by the adrenal glands in response to stress. Cortisol narrows arteries making it harder for blood to pass
through and the heart pumps harder to compensate. Visit this link []
to view the chemical structure of cortisol. The chemical structure of cortisol is very similar to the chemical
structure of many other hormones, including testosterone, the male sex hormone

17. [3 marks] Research to find the chemical formulas for cortisol and testosterone. Explain the similarities
and differences in the chemical formulas for each hormone. Include a link to your source(s).

Cortisol Testosterone

Chemical formula C21H30O5 C19H28O2

Similarities Most abundant in hydrogen, least abundant in oxygen, both contain CHO

Differences Different amounts of CHO. Testosterone contains less of all 3 elements.

Source link(s):,

18. [1 mark] Determine the molar mass of cortisol. Show all work for full marks.

M C21H30O5=12.01g(21) + 1.01g(30) + 16.00g(5)

M C21H30O5=362.51g/mol

A relaxation technique Mary enjoys is going for evening car rides. Mary has seen a lot of dangerous and
distracted drivers on the roads lately and was recently part of a RIDE checkpoint. At the checkpoint, Mary saw
some drivers receive a roadside breathalyzer test. Mary decides to research more about the chemistry of how
a breathalyzer works.

19. [2 marks] The chemical reaction that takes place in a breathalyzer is written below. Inside the
breathalyzer, the alcohol in the breath sample (ethanol, C 2 H 5 OH) is oxidized by potassium dichromate.
When this happens, a color change occurs that indicates the presence of ethanol. Balance the reaction
and assign oxidation numbers to every atom or ion in the reaction.

H+ + Cr 2 O 7 2- + C 2 H 5 OH → Cr3+ + CH 3 COOH + H 2 O

16H+ + 2Cr2O7^2- + 3C2H5OH --> 4Cr^3+ + 3CH3COOH + 11H2O

oxidization--> H(+1) Cr2O7(-2) C2(-2)H5(+1)O(-2) Cr(+3)C(0)H3(1)O(-2) H2(+1)O(-2)

CHEM 1701 – Assignment 2 – Part 2 Page 6 of 7

There are many types of alcohols and you will learn about some of them in semester 2 of chemistry. The
alcohol in alcoholic beverages is called ethanol. The structure of ethanol is C 2 H 5 OH.

20. [1 mark] In a combustion reaction, oxygen is a reactant. Write the balanced combustion reaction for
ethanol where the products of the reaction are carbon dioxide and water.

3O2(g) + C2H5OH(l) ----> 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)

21. [1 mark] Calculate the mass of 500 mL of ethanol if the density of ethanol is 1 mL = 0.789 g. Show all
work for full marks.

M=0.789g x 500ml
The mass of 500ml of Ethanol is M=394.50g

22. [1 mark] Use your mass from the previous question to determine the mass of water that could be
produced from the reaction. Show all work for full marks.

394.50g x 1mol/46.07g/mol
=8.563 mol C2H5OH
8.563 mol C2H5OH x 3 mol H2O/1 mol C2H5OH
=25.689 mol H2O
25.689 mol x (2.02g+16.00g)/1 mol
=462.9g H2O could be produced from the combustion reaction of Ethanol.

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