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•CO2from the atmosphere penetrates concrete and reacts with Ca(OH)2 to form CaCO3; carbonation
•Alkalinity of concrete reduces from about ~ 12.5 to ~ 8.5
•Passive film/layer around the reinforcement become unstable and loose its protective
•In the presence of oxygen and moisture, corrosion of reinforcement will occur
•Steel is produced from iron or by a process that converts it from its preferred oxidized condition to
that of pure metal. Thus, there is a strong tendency for the metal to revert to its native form (i.e.
•Hydration of cement is the reaction between the cement and water which forms a gel around each
cement grain. The gel forms a matrix between the sand and aggregate particles, binding the mass into a
solid concrete.
•The hydration reaction liberates alkalis as a by-product, and the pore solution rapidly becomes a
sodium and potassium hydroxide rich solution, saturated with calcium hydroxide and with alkalinity in
excess of 12.5 (pH).
•Excess Ca(OH)2 is precipitated, as small crystals throughout the hydrated cement matrix. The
maintenance of this high pH is responsible for the formation of the passive film on the surface of the
embedded steel reinforcement.
•Leaching –a process whereby the level of Ca(OH)2 reduces as the solid material comes into solution.
This phenomena could occur where water passing over concrete surface. The more acidic the water, the
faster and deeper the leaching process will be.
•Carbonation process is depletion of Ca(OH)2 occurs much more quickly when atmospheric CO2
penetrates the concrete through its pores system. CO2 reacts with Ca(OH)2,

•Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in the pore solution (pore water) producing CO32-ions:
CO2+ 2OH- 32-+ H2O
CO32-reacts with Ca2+to form CaCO3
Ca2++ CO32- 3
•As a result, a carbonation front is established which progress from the outer surface of the concrete
•The pH of this carbonated region falls to about 8.5.
•If the carbonation front reaches the vicinity of the steel, this could result in a loss of protection to
the steel (i.e. the passive film/layer loss its protective character or become depassivatedwhen the
steel is in contact with carbonated concrete).
•The carbonation front or depth of carbonation is usually monitored on site by treating freshly broken
surface of concrete with phenolthalein (a pH indicator), un carbonated regions are coloured pink, while
carbonated region appears colourless.
•The carbonation coefficient will depend primarily on the rate of diffusion of CO2into concrete. This is
affected by many factors such as cement type and content, water/cement ratio, etc.
•Simplified form of relationship between depth of carbonation (D) and time (t) of exposure to CO2has
been proposed as the following:
D = K(T)1/2
D = depth of carbonation, mm
K = carbonation coefficient
T = time of exposure to CO2, years

•Once the effect of carbonation have created the necessary conditions for corrosion of reinforcing
steel (initiation stage), the next stage is the formation of rust (propagation stage).
•For corrosion to proceed, both water and oxygen are required, plus an electrochemical mechanism; the
formation of a corrosion cell with an anode, a cathode and a current flowing between them.
•Electrons will flow through the reinforcing bar from the anode to the cathode, and the circuit is
completed via the electrolyte which comprises of water and dissolved ions within the pores of the
hardened cement paste. The consequence of this current flow is the release of metal ions into solution
at the anode and the reduction of dissolved oxygen at the cathode to form hydroxyl ions (OH-).
•Anode reaction:
Fe2++ 2(OH)- 2 (ferrous hydroxide)
4Fe(OH)2+2H2O + O2 3(ferric hydroxide)
•Cathode reaction:
O2+ 2H2O + 4e- -
•In the carbonated region, it is likely that a number of corrosion cells will form along the bar, this
results in uniform corrosion over the whole of the steel surface to produce insoluble iron oxide, i.e.
rust. This occupies a larger volume than that of iron and thus produces expansion forces which crack
and spall the concrete cover.


•The water saturation level of the pores is the most important factor in determining the rate of
•Because CO2permeates the concretes most rapidly in the gas phase, but carbonation reaction takes
place in the liquid phase.
•In a completely dry concrete, the CO2cannot react because there is no water in the pores.
•In a completely saturated concrete the CO2cannot react immediately because CO2must first dissolve in
the pore solution and diffuse through the pores to reach the alkaline substances.
•When the pore have a layer of moisture on them but not completely saturated (50-80% RH), the CO2can
rapidly reach the vicinity of the pore walls and have enough water to be able to react.

•In depth understanding on the durability (hetahanan) and deterioration(kemerosotan) of concrete is

crucial in the assessment and rehabilitation of concrete structures. This could ensure more accurate
diagnosis and prognosis from the assessment work and ultimately could be translated into more
effective and durable repair work.

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