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Mountain View College

School of Theology

The Calvinist and the Seventh-day Adventist View of

Salvation by Grace

A Term Paper

Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

Systematic Theology 1


Prof. Felixian T. Felicitas


Sen Sophal

November 6, 2017


Statement of the Problem


A. The meanings of the phrase “Irresistible grace”

B. the sovereignty of God
1. Predestination
2. Election
3. God 's Will Is Irresistible
C. The Fallen man by nature dead in His sin
1. The Supernatural power of the Holy Spirit
2. The Supreme Inward Call of the Holy Spirit
D. The Regeneration and Faith


A. God’s initiative grace toward sinners

B. Covenant of Grace established before Creation
C. Grace available to all men of all conditions in
all time
D. The relationship of Grace and Faith
1. Grace on God’s part and Faith on man’s part
2. Saved by grace through faith in Jesus
3. Grace is the assurance of salvation
4. God’s Grace is unconditional love with
conditional response
5. Grace is unmerited favor
6. Grace restores the relationship
E. God’s grace is free but costly
F. Grace, Faith and Service



A. Universal grace
B. Salvation by Grace through Faith
C. God’s decrees and Man’s free will






For many years until now the Calvinism has the

misconception of God’s grace as irresistible. This doctrine

known as irresistible grace or efficacious grace. This

doctrine taught that God’s grace is sovereign and free but

it is irresistible. So, they stated that salvation is by

irresistible grace through supernatural power of the Holy

Spirit, because when God determines the sovereignty of His

will and plan, no any human beings can be resisted due to

human sinful nature after the fall. And God’s sovereign

grace can be saved only the elect, whom are called by the

efficaciousness of the Holy Spirit. As a result, this

teaching misleaded a lot of people into controversy and

questioning about God’s character toward His saving grace.

In contrast, The Seventh-day Adventist view of God’s

grace as graced-free-will. God’s grace is costly and free,

but not irresistible and cheap. God’s redeeming grace is a

demonstration of His unconditional love which is manifested

fully in the life and death of Jesus Christ. The Fall of

Adam and Eve brought sin to the world. The Bible declares,

“All have sinned” (Romans 3:23). Therefore, God sent His

Only Begotten Son to save (John 3:16) and reconcile human

from sin to life eternal and grace. Above all, this grace is

all what God has done in order to bring all humans back to

Himself, back again to the original relationship at creation

before the Fall. We can only find grace and forgiveness only

by responding through faith and accepting Jesus Christ as

our personal Savior. “Grace is God extended to miserable

sinners. Faith is the sinner’s hand stretched up to clasp

the offered hand of God” (Neufeld 1976)1. Apart from this,

in order grace to be efficient, every human, who wants to be

saved has one simple condition is to accept or reject. God’s

grace must be the special gift for all undeserved sinners.

According to Norman Gully said, “Those who accept the gift

will be saved, while those who reject the gift will be


1 Neufeld, Don F., ed. Seventh-day Adventist

Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. (Washington, DC: Review and Herald,
1976, 526.

2 Norman, Gulley, Norman R. Systematic Theology: God as

Trinity. Vol. 2. (Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews
University Press, 2011), 627.
Statement of the Problem

Salvation by grace is the universal theme of the

Scripture3 to all human beings. In the ultimate ground of

God’s saving grace is for all ranks and conditions of men

Paul stated that, “For the grace of God has appeared,

bringing salvation to all men” (Titus 2:11). But sadly even

though it is the universal theme of the scripture still

there are many misconceptions and misinterpretation of God’s

character toward His saving grace. In order to find biblical

understanding of Salvation by Grace, the researcher would

like to compare The Calvinist and the Seventh-day Adventist

View of Salvation by Grace. The problems addressed in this

study are the following questions: 1) Why Calvinist view of

God’s grace is irresistible? Is it scriptural? 2) What ways

does the Seven-day Adventist view of God’s grace unlike the

Calvinist? 3)Does God’s decree violate the freedom of human

will? What must be the biblical understanding of Salvation

by grace?

3 Roul, Dederen, ed. Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist

Theology. Vol. 12. (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald
Publishing Association, 2000), 271.


According to Calvinist teaching the phrase “Irresistible

grace” means that when “God calls the elect to salvation, the

elect is effectual and cannot resist”4. And only the elect

receive “irresistible grace” which enable them to believe and

to do good works5.

The result of God’s irresistible Grace is the certain

response by the elect to the inward call of the

supernatural power of Holy Spirit and to those who God has

chosen will be kept in the safe fold unto salvation until

the day of judgement but to those are not chosen will be

condemned. Because God’s will is sovereign above human’s

will of decision. therefore, “Those who God has chosen

will have no choice to resist God’s grace but positively

respond only, since God is omnipotent in predestining and

determining salvation”6.

In relation to the First [Total Depravity] of Five

Points[TULIP] of Calvinism has taught that “Sin affected

4 Cloud, David W. The Calvinism Debate. (Port Huron,

MI: Way of Life Literature, 2006), 57.

5 Hall, Kevin. Introduction to the Study of Calvinism:

Overview of the Calvinistic Doctrine. (2004), 5.

6 Ibid
the entire person: the body, heart, emotions, will, and

mind are all affected by sin, as the result of this

condition, sinners are not able to believe, so the

unbeliever is not capable of freely choosing to accept

Christ. Calvinists continually stated from the texts of the

Bible regarding the effect of sin: “man’s heart is evil

(Mark 7:21-23), man is a slave of sin (Rom 6:20), man does

not seek God (Rom 3:10-12), man does not understand

spiritual things (1 Cor 2:14), man is at enmity with God

(Eph 2:15), man by nature is a child of wrath (Eph 2:3)”7.

He or She must be enable by God alone to do and choose for

so”8. In order the elect to receive “Irresistible Grace”

from above, “the Holy Spirit must move on a person to

effect regeneration called ‘the inward call by the Holy

Spirit’, that person cannot resist and will infallibly be

regenerated”9. Man’s will have nothing to do with the New

Birth. Soon after the New birth by the supernatural power

of the Holy Spirit, as this result, a person[Elect] now

7 Matthew, Slick, J. "The Five Points of Calvinism,"

CARM (2011): 33.

8Slick, Matthew J. "The Five Points of

Calvinism."CARM, (2011): 33.

9 Ibid.
enable to believe and receive Jesus as Savior”10 in other

word faith came after the regeneration.

God sovereignly regenerate sinners[elect] and give

them the “gift of faith”. Without the “gift of faith” a

person’s will is in the bondage to sin in such a fashion

that he is unable to believe the gospel11.


We might misunderstand of God’s grace when we

misinterpret of John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that

He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him

should not perish, but have eternal life”. The Seventh-day

Adventist understood that, God’s unconditional love have

manifested His grace toward undeserving sinners through His

Son, Jesus Christ. His grace is “God’s free favor, it is

fully spontaneous on His part and not conditioned on human

merit” (Neufeld 1976)12. That is why salvation is never by

the merit of man but by grace through faith in Jesus Christ

(Eph 2:7-8).

10 Ibid

11Cloud, David W. The Calvinism Debate. Port Huron,

MI: Way of Life Literature, 2006.

12 Neufeld, Don F., ed. Seventh-day Adventist

Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. Washington, DC: Review and Herald,

After the Fall of our foreparents, Adam and Eve in

their thought there is no any ray of hope but immediately

the covenant of grace was established for them and their

children to look forward to this Hope—God said, “I will put

enmity Between you and the woman, and between your seed and

her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall

bruise him on the heel” (Genesis 3:15). The “Covenant of

grace was made between God and humanity, first God promised

through His grace a bulwark against sin. He would create a

hated between Satan’s followers and God’s people. This

would disrupt man’s relationship with Satan and open the

way for a renewed relationship with God”13. John, the

beloved disciple of Jesus completely understood this

covenant of grace by confidently declared that, “the Word

became flesh, and dwelt among us...the only begotten from

the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). And in

affliction of Paul, he asked the help from God and God said

to him, “My grace is sufficient for you” therefore, Paul

continued saying that “I will rather boast about my

weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2

Corinthians 12:9). God’s grace of salvation is not limited

13Seventh-day Adventist Believe: A Biblical Exposition

of Fundamental Doctrines. (Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 2005)

and irresistible for only the elect, it is full and

available for all men of all conditions at all time. The

covenant of His grace was not provided only after the Fall

but before the creation14( Eph 1:4-6). According to Julius

Nam, he stated that, “Calvinism of fore-ordination and

predestination in their most forbidding and unscriptural

aspect for the salvation of the elect only”15. Therefore,

the Calvinist view of God Salvation by grace is not

scriptural, for God’s grace is not for only Elect but

available to all humans.

For God is love (1 John 4:8). He is the God of

relationship. Love and grace is His attribute to define

Whom He is. Salvation by grace “is not an irresistible gift

from an irrevocable decree, for the gift includes human

choice to receive it through faith” (Gulley 2011)16. Grace

is God extended to miserable sinners. Faith is the sinner’s

hand stretched up to clasp the offered hand of God17.

14 Ibid

15Nam, Julius. "Early Seventh-day Adventist Views on

Calvin and Calvinism." Journal of the Adventist Theological
Society, 20/1-2 (2009): 200.
16Norman, Gulley, R. Systematic Theology: God as
Trinity. Vol. 2. Berrien Springs, (Michigan: Andrews
University Press, 2011), 553.
17 Don, Neufeld, F., ed. Seventh-day Adventist
Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. (Washington, DC: Review and Herald,
1976), 526.

God’s grace is conditional and “manifestation of

unconditional love in the sense that over flows from Divine

love and sufficient to save[reconcile] the entire men of

all race. But this salvation by grace will only be

efficient for those only who meet one simple condition—

there must a respond of embracing of human faith” 18. In

other word no response of faith to God’s grace a person

cannot be saved.

Grace is clearly defined as “God’s unmerited favor

toward humanity and it is manifested through the covenant

of grace and fulfilled through Jesus Christ” (Mulzac 14/2

(Fall 2003))19 as the gift of the covenant full of grace and

truth. The expression of “unmerited favor” means that “God

giving His son and all the benefits are the result from

receiving Him, it is God’s favor and loving kindness shown

without regard to the worth of the one who receive it”20.

Therefore, Salvation is not by works it the by what God has

done for us [justification by faith]. And our Faith is just

the stretching hand to receive freely of God’s Grace

18 Whidden, Woodrow. "Grace." Spectrum, (May 2009).

19Mulzac, Ken. "Grace in the Synoptic Teachings of

Jesus." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 14/2
(Fall 2003): 66.

20 Ibid

manifested in our Lord Christ. The prayer of apostle Paul

sounds relationship and restoration between God and human

declared, “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love

of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you

all (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Relationship between the Godhead is reciprocal, thus

Paul also wish for all God’s people may become one in His

grace, love and communion. By His Grace we may experience

of restoration, a life of constant victory and fruitful

witnessing for Jesus Christ our Savor21.

We might be confused with the statement “Grace is free

gift from God” and we will trample on His Grace whatever we

desire. But to speak of grace as free “does not mean that

it is not costly. It is free only so far as the recipient

is concerned. To the Provider[God], the price was enormous

and inestimable. God’s plan of salvation in dealing with

sin through the manifestation of His grace cost the life of

His Son[Jesus]” (Fowler 1993)22. That is why Ellen G. White

in her writing Christ Object lesson concerning grace truly

said,” We ourselves owe everything to God's free grace.

21Crews, Lu Ann. Riches of Grace. (Roseville, CA:

Amazing Facts, Inc, 2003), 31.
22Fowler, John M. "Grace: costly, free, but not
cheap." Ministry International Journal for Pastor,

Grace in the covenant ordained our adoption. Grace in the

Saviour effected our redemption, our regeneration, and our

exaltation to heirship with Christ. Let this grace be

revealed to others” (White, Christ's Object Lessons 1900)23.

Apostle Paul says that “God has called us by His

grace” (Gal 1:15) and “through the life God was at work

through His grace in order to shape us and develop our

character and faith” (Erickson 2013)24 to be his ambassador

or co-worker with Him for the gospel’s sake to others. And

It is “Through grace God called all men to service, and it

the operation of divine grace that influences men to

respond to God Call” (Horn 1960)25. We are called by God not

to gain or work for our salvation, because “salvation is

not effected by our effort” 26. Eternal life is the gift of

God with one condition is the respond of human faith. But

we are called because God is our gracious Maker, Sin

separated us from His relationship. Now since He invites to

23White, Ellen G. Christ's Object Lessons. (Battle

Greek, Michigan: Review and Herald, 1900), 250.
24Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Third
Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2013), 145.

25Horn, Siegfried H. Seventh-day Adventist Bible

Dictionary. (Washington, DC: Review and Rerald, 1960), 420.

26Nichol, Fancis D., ed. The Seventh-day Adventist

Bible Commentary. Vol. 6. (Washington, DC: Review and
Herald, 1980), 1008.

receive His grace and our faith respond this His call, then

God expects in men of faith to shine forth in good works

and produce the fruits of a Christ-like life. Apostle Paul

stated that “For by grace you have been saved through

faith is the gift of God; not as a result of works,

that no one should boast. For we are His workmanship,

created in Christ Jesus for good works” (Ephesians 2:8-10).


The Bible Itself is very clear that “all have sinned

and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). If all

humans have sinned, so Grace does not give only to the

elect[Calvinists] but God offered Grace to all sinners and

it is needed by all humans at all times in order to be

saved through faith in Jesus. God’s grace revealed in the

life of Jesus and through Him we receive the redeeming

grace (Romans 3:35). Apostle Paul absolutely understood in

heart of the Savor, Jesus Christ is longing to save

everyone not just a few, he exclaimed that “God desires all

people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the

truth...who[Jesus] gave Himself as a ransom for all” (1

Timothy 2:4,6). More than that, for Grace to be effective

or officious all sinners must come to God (John 6:45) with

their seriousness of repentance and through faith.

The purpose of Grace is central for all human

salvation. Apostle has connected the bridge of salvation

between God’s grace and human’s faith, he said, “For by

grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not

your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).

Ellen G. White emphasized on this verse that God respects

the human will and their faith in Him, even though “Faith

is gift of God, but the power to exercise faith is ours”27

and she tried to give the demonstration about Grace does

not violate human’s will but human faith is man’s part to

respond willingly to the provision of God’s grace into


Sometime in life because of our little faith we might

doubt the provision of God’s grace (Matt 6:30). But Jesus

Said “My Grace is sufficient for you” (2Co 12:9). What

Jesus needs is all about our responds of faith to His

sufficient grace. Let Him be proud and said “Truly, I tell

you, with no one in this world have I found such faith”

(Mat 8:10).

27White, Ellen G. Patriarchs and Prophets.

(Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald, 1890, 431.


The nature and purpose of God’s Saving grace is never

changed and for all humans to be saved there is only one

condition is their willingly response through faith alone.

The Bible says “For all have sinned” (Rom 3:23) and

rebelled against the God of love and grace. Therefore, all

sinners need Grace to be saved through faith. God sent the

redeeming grace not just only the elect but for all as

universal gift of grace. Grace truly revealed in the life

of Jesus. And at His death of Calvary and His victory over

sin and Satan God offered all human again the free will to

decide for their journeying through life becomes aware of

two ways, one lead to life, the another one lead to death.

Man has freedom of choice to choose. God Himself does not

violate their believing free will (John 3:16). God’s Word

provides all humans as the map to salvation, as It is well

said,” For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of

God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans

6:23). Therefore, God gift of Grace for human’s salvation

either can be received or resisted.


Cloud, David W. The Calvinism Debate. Port Huron, MI: Way

of Life Literature, 2006.
Crews, Lu Ann. Riches of Grace. Roseville, CA: Amazing
Facts, Inc, 2003.
Dederen, Raoul, ed. Handbook of seventh-Day Adventist
Theology. Vol. 12. Hangertown, MD: Review and Herald,
Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. Third Edition.
Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2013.
Fowler, John M. "Grace: costly, free, but not cheap."
Ministry International Journal for Pastor, August
Gulley, Norman R. Systematic Theology: God as Trinity. Vol.
2. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University
Press, 2011.
Hall, Kevin. Introduction to the Study of Calvinism:
Overview of the Calvinistic Doctrine. 2004.
Horn, Siegfried H. Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary.
Washington, DC: Review and Rerald, 1960.
Mulzac, Ken. "Grace in the Synoptic Teachings of Jesus."
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 14/2
(Fall 2003): 66–79.
Nam, Julius. "Early Seventh-day Adventist Views on Calvin
and Calvinism." Journal of the Adventist Theological
Society, 20/1-2 (2009): 192-207.
Neufeld, Don F., ed. Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia.
Vol. 10. Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1976.
Nichol, Fancis D., ed. The Seventh-day Adventist Bible
Commentary. Vol. 6. Washington, DC: Review and Herald,
Seventh-day Adventist Believe: A Biblical Exposition of
Fundamental Doctrines. Boise, ID: Pacific Press, 2005.
Slick, Matthew J. "The Five Points of Calvinism." CARM,
2011: 1-63.
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. IL: Good News
Publishers, 2007
The Seventh-day Adventists Answer Question on Doctrines: An
explanation of Certain Major Aspects of the Seventh-
day Adventist Belief. Washington D.C: Review and
Herald, 1957.
Whidden, Woodrow. "Grace." Spectrum, May 2009.
White, Ellen G. Christ's Object Lessons. Battle Greek,
Michigan: Review and Herald, 1900.
—. Patriarchs and Prophets. Washington, D.C.: Review and
Herald, 1890.


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