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1 (43) 2017


Andi Mihail BĂNCILĂ


Demographic changes that currently affect the planet are not
fully new, they have continued throughout history, managing to
influence geographical areas and making changes to individuals’
lifestyle. The phenomenon of international migration has become a
topical issue in 2015 with the increasing number of asylum seekers on
the territory of the European Union. This special event raised new
questions about the socio-economic evolution of the European
continent, with problems being signaled both from the perspective of
newcomers and permanent residents of this space. The main task that
the political authorities of the member states of the community block
have over the next years is to identify a solution through which to
achieve appropriate and long-term integration of newcomers, many of
them belonging to different cultures of the majority population.

Population, migration, demography, starvation, growth rate

1. Introduction Era, and brought to actuality on the

If we are to look back retrospectively foundation of an important faulty modern
through out History, one notices that, society.
powerful ideas which made waves
throughout XIX and XX centuries, which 2. The population evolution from
created pseudoscience to justify them, have ancient times to modern times
become, in time, examples to be avoided by The term “race” is wrongfully used
future generations. These concepts which by most people, being interpreted as an
had to sustain the superiority of some element of separation of the human
groups over some other, based on principles individuals in terms of skin color, cultural
lacking scientific fact, such as eugenics or and ethnical aspects, geographical positioning
the “human race” purity principle, remained or aspects regarding language or religion.
in the collective memory as some From a scientific point of view, man is the
aberrations of foretime. Unfortunately for only species of the animal kingdom
our contemporary society, concepts of represented by one race only, Homo
segregation started reappearing, this time Sapiens (Kaplan & Winther, 2013, 40).
justified by religion. This type of approach The common ancestor of the modern
is far from new, as it dates back to the Dark man (Homo Sapiens), and his kin, the


Neanderthal, left the African continent, his same time period, modern men leave Africa
genesis location, approximately 1.9 million to start their big migration worldwide
years ago. For over 1.2 million years, the (Keys, 2015). It is estimated that modern
anatomic changes caused by the men finalized their migration about 14.500
environment are too inconsistent to be years ago, when they arrived on the
studied, but starting with the year 700.000 territory of today’s Chile (Wolman, 2008).
B.C. the Homo Erectus evolves distinctly, For a short period of time, the two species
setting the base of the two most common evolved together, with evidence sustaining
known human species. Around the year DNA crossing between the two. Geneticists
350.000 in the same period, the confirm today that European DNA has
Neanderthal inhabited Middle East and all traces of the former inhabitants of the
of Europe, whilst Homo Sapiens evolves in continent. This fact allows them to resist
much more favorable climate conditions, on colder environments, compared to those
the African continent. By 100.000 of the that never left “the Black Continent”.

Figure no. 1 The migration of the human race (

The competition for resources, of Neanderthals. In 1994, in the caves of El

especially food, has been fierce both in Sidron, Spain, bones of a small human
between the two species and also inside the community of 51.000 years old Neanderthals
same groups. As a result of an had been discovered. After the conducted
unsustainable food procuring system, the study in the Institute’s labs, it was
small groups of Neanderthals consisting concluded that the cause of death has been a
most probably of 10-12 men encountered violent one. Most probably the group,
great difficulties in protecting their own composed of 3 children of 9 years,
habitat. The species considered to be more 3 teenagers and 6 adults, was sacrificed by
evolved, i.e. homo sapiens, evolved in another neighboring group for food.
larger groups of individuals, capable of Climate change is by far unfavorable for
hunting animals of greater size, ensuring this species, being unable to adapt the new
enough nourishment even in unfavorable environment. The most powerful part of the
climate changes. This theory is being “Wurm” glaciations happening 25.000
supported by Dr. Laluenza Fox (2011) years ago, created a penury of food, which
within the Biology Institute of Barcelona, resulted in the extinction of the
who proved the brittleness of small groups Neanderthals.


Following these events, one can see Mongoloid, and Australo-Negroid. The last
how closely related man is with the has two more subdivisions, according to
available resources, especially food. These geographical positioning: Negroid found in
factors allowed excess nourishment to be Sub-Saharan Africa, and the second,
developed in favorable areas, seeding the Australoid, spread in Australia, New
first great human civilizations. Guinea and most of Micronesia.
Demographical research experts within the The numeric population growth has a
Population Division of The United Nations sinusoidal evolution with many variations.
Organization have arrived at the conclusion The main cause is represented by the slow
that these factors strongly influenced the and faulty evolution of the nourishment
demographic growth, especially as a result system, often incapable of ensuring enough
of new land working technology. These calories for a certain population. As a
new means facilitated the growth factor, consequence, the malnourished and hygiene
increasing agricultural productivity and deprived individuals were most exposed to
reducing the human dependency over plagues. The most important event of
nature and setting the foundation of the first modern history is represented by the
demographic revolution of the planet. UN Bubonic Plague (also known as the “Black
specialists estimated that at the end of the Death”) between 1347-1351. During this
Paleolithic era, at the Nile valley area, the time it is estimated that 30-60 % of the
number of inhabitants exceeded 20.000, population of Europe (Theilmann and
considering the world population was about Frances, 2007) had died. There are
5 million (United Nations, 1978). significant cities in which the death rate
According to the geographical reached a staggering 80 %. The population
distribution criteria, the skin color or other loss was later recovered as a result of
cultural elements, the human race has a few increasing birth rate, in approximately
subdivisions: European (Caucasian), 150 years.

Figure no. 2 Bubonic Plague transmission in Europe, years 1347-1351 (Britannica Kids, 2016)


The intoduction of potato and corn on the industrial age. At the final moment of
the European table seemed to have solved the migration era it was estimated that there
the food problem, at least for a time being. were about 40 milion inhabitants in Europe,
Aside from potato and corn, brought to a number with little variation for more than
Europe in the “Columbian Exchange (Nunn 1000 years. The first estimation which
and Qiam, 2010)”, the explorers also states a doubled number of inhabitants is
enriched the Europeans’s menu with dated at the end of the XIV century.
tomato, pumpkin, beans, pepper, sunflower, Starting from then, as a result of the
and last, sugar (sugar cane, the plant from positive effects the new plants provided, an
which the high calory product was unprecedented demographical growth was
extracted, couldn’t survive in Europe, so it observed. In just 250 years, the number of
could be only brought as sugar). These registered people almost doubled compared
plants, with a high prodictivity and more to the recordings over the millenia, from the
calories, compared to the cereals already fall of the Roman Empire, reaching a 60
used by europeans, contributed decisively milion growth in population, totalling 140
to the health improvement and population million (Rotariu, 2009, 198).
growth of the europeans. Economists who The visible growth of the number of
analyzed the effects of these plants inhabitants was signaled even by the
regarding the european food menu, contemporary. In 1776 Adam Smith was
concluded that a single acre of cultivated mentioning the link between the avalible
land with sugar canes produced a caloric food resources in a certain space and the
equivalent of 12 acres of wheat (Niall, demographical evolution: “Any animal
2011, 54). In order to study the effects species thrives according to the means of
generated by this caloric improvement, subsistence and there is no species to be
Ferguson Niall,a wellknown British able to reproduce more than this one”.
historian, compared the average height of a A few decades later, his theory was
XVIII century Britishsoldier, with a contested by the more skeptical Malthnus,
japanese one from the same time period. who argued: “nourishment is mandatory to
This comparison was more relevant the human survival and the population
because, as the Europeans were beginning growth potential exceeds the soil’s ability
to trade globally, the japanese started to produce means of subsistence for the
isolating themselves from the rest. human (Livi-Bacci, 2003, 51-52)”.
The superior caloric intake determined a 13 One of the main causes for which
centimeter difference between the British Europe was vulnerable to sudden shortages
and the Japanese (Niall, 2011, 55), the of food was the lack of some important
former being taller. agricultural projects, capable of mentaining
These facts considered, the european (during droughts) and, if needed, increase
growth rate entered a new phase, in which agricultural productivity. Unlike Asia,
the growth rate was superior to any other where farmers were forced to participate in
period. Up to that moment, sickness, war building some important projects (canals,
and malnutrition determined a reduced roads, terraforming) (Jones, 2003, 10), in
demographic dynamics, but even if the Europe, the increase of food provisions was
death rate mantained at the same level, the insured by obtaining new farming land by
caloric intake favorised the rapid growth of deforestation or draining wild lands.
newborn. To undestand the effects caused Starting with the XVIIth century, the
by this phenomenon, we need to observe situation changes. The Europeans,
the demographic estimations from the constrained by the demographic pressure,
Roman Empire’s fall (when demographic had to perfect methods in order to protect
evidences were held) to the beginning of the agricultural areas (the swampy soil in


the Netherlands, who used important dam an big-enough number of people suggested
systems). This way, they managed the implementing strict methods of
performance of avoiding floods, which demographic control. A lot of them thought
were a threat to any agricultural surface they could diminish the number by armed
(Jones, 2003, 28). conflict, which proved to be undocumented.
The most bloody war in the history of
3. Current Demographic Evolution mankind, World War II, which took place
The demographic growth increased at between1939-1945, regrettably succeeded
the beginning of the XIXth century, when it in reducing the global population with
is estimated that humankind achieved the approximately 50 (
most important step of its history, to 70 million (,
exceeding one billion inhabitants. Later, the 2017) people. If we are to take into account
number of people living on planet Earth the actual growth rate, all the loss can be
increased in a rate that no one would have recovered in less than one year; this fact
anticipated a century before. The second proves that the war is useless as a means of
billion inhabitants was reached in 1927, the demographic control. If the use of nuclear
third was estimated to have been reached in weapons is taken into account in a global
1960, and in the next 40 years the global scale conflict, we would risk total
population doubled again. According to the annihilation of humans.
Institute of Statistics of the UN, in 2011 the In recent history, there is another
population worldwide reached a staggering model of family planning through which
7 billion and it is estimated that by the time was intended to avoid a food crisis. This
half a century passes, the number will reach method proposed the introduction of law
9 billion. This perspective is sustained by regulations in order to control births. “The
the fact that at this moment there is a global only child” policy, adopted in China
level of about 1,8 billion fertile women, fact starting 18th of September 1980
that contributes to the growth with about 80 (Sonawane, 2016) avoided the birth of over
million people each year (Kunnzing, 2011, 400 million children (Whyte, Feng & Cai,
37). Demography specialists calculated that 2015, 146). The long term costs of such
every day, the demographic plus reaches project are disastrous, as today China feels
about 250.000 new citizens the growth of costs in manpower and
(, 2016). implicitly the decrease of her economical
This abrupt growth in population competitivity for some industries. The
succeeded in bringing back the old method through which the Chinese
preoccupation regarding the number of government obtained the sudden diminish
people and the available resources. This in birth rate is a very strict one, applied
interest has been expressed by politicians harshly and which, over time, created
and scientists throughout history. Every suffering and even unbalance regarding the
time it was thought that the number of genders, 40 millions more males than
citizens exceeded the sustaining resources, females presently.


Figure no. 3 The evolution of growth rate in China, starting the second half of the XXth century

No country in Africa is viable for to handle in the next 20-30 years is the
such a policy. The communist Chinese state accelerated aging of the population, fact
was and still is a super centralized state in that will generate huge social costs. It is
which the government has the ability to estimated that by 2050, there will be over
implement any type of policy, even by 440 million inhabitants living in China,
force. The vast majority of the African with the age over 60 (Phillips, 2015).
states, which record abrupt growths in Seeing this problem, starting 1st of January
population number, are weak states in 2016 (Evans, 2016), the Chinese government
which the government doesn’t have the allowed couples to have a second child.
ability to control whe whole country. Even This fact proves that such a political
more, the costs of applying such policy are constraint is faulty on the long term.
great. The great challenge China will have

Figure no. 4 The estimated global population growth by 2100 (


Even if Europe, North America, 4. Conclusion

Australia and an important part of Asia A great number of people did not
constantly registers negative demographics, necessary mean joy. For many states, this
decreasing their population over the years, blessing turned into a great burden because
the increase in life expectancy also of lack of space or technology to insure
increased the global population growth. food. At the beginning of the XXIth
This fact is very visible especially in poorly century, the global population was split
developed spaces, where the population is accordingly: Asia 59.1 %, North & South
also undeveloped. The continent which has America 13.9 %, Africa 13.8 %, Europe
the fastest population growth rate is Africa. 12.7 %, Australia & Oceania 0.5 %
According to actual growth statistics, (Săvoiu, 2006, 100). Unfortunately a great
published by Wendy Baldwin, president of numbe of inhabitants are living in areas
the Population Evidence Bureau of lacking resources for sustenance. The most
Washington, it is estimated that this dramatic situation is found around
continent will practicly double in Subsaharian Africa, which at this moment
population in a very short time. registers the highest growth rate and
Approximately 1,1 billion people inhabit therewith the fastest soil feritlity depletion
Africa presently, and it is about to rise to rate. Despite a great number of people
2.4 billion by 2050 (Pflanz, 2013). suffers from starvation and estimations of
Following this growth statistics it can be various institutes of statistics anticipate that
noted that the population doubles in about their numbers are increasing. A great part of
30-40 years. If the population growth factor the food is used to cover other needs.
remains constant on the African continent, According to economical statistics at the
the population doubles in a smaller interval. global scale, only 55 % of the produced
At this time, every woman on this continent food is used. One of the sectors to which a
has a rate of 5.2 children, tipping 7.1 great part of the produced cereals are
children for women in Niger (Institut redistributed is the biofuels department,
National de la Statistique, 2012), one of the aproximately 36 % of the whole (Foley,
poorest countries in Subsaharian Africa. 2014, 45). This fact raises a lot of eyebrows
regarding the management of this precious
resource and underlines that the global food
strategy should be remastered.


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