Westpac Macro FX Trade Ideas

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Macro FX Ideas – Sell EUR/JPY at 128.

Trade Recommendation 11 December 2018

Trade Details: Current rate: Entry 1: Entry 2: Target: Stop:

Sell EUR/JPY 128.33 128.65 126.65 129.45

Rationale: • ECB staffer’s updated projections at the December meeting will be key for ECB policy through 2019. Data has
persistently undershot ECB’s path leaving their targets far from being achieved. Slower global growth, lack of
substantial Eurozone reforms and lower internal demand all suggest that growth will remain low, despite firmer
Eurozone employment data.
• ECB’s
EUR/AUD and yield spreadsforward guidance may well be extended beyond the “end of summer” in terms of a potential rise in key rates.
• EU is likely to be restrictive and punitive on potential breaches of national budget guidance from France and Italy.
• EUR/JPY has been steady despite large risk sentiment swings around US-China trade tensions and going forward
may remain insulated from a range of potential outcomes on this front.
• The sharp fall in global yields should exert a gravitational pull on EUR/JPY.
Risks: • ECB staff might not alter their projections.
• ECB might maintain its “end of summer” guidance on potential rate moves.
• Improved global sentiment might undermine recent JPY firmness.
• Flash PMI’s might beat expectations (in Japan and Europe).

Key data • ECB (13th).

and events • EU Summit (13th-14th).
• Flash PMI’s (14th).
• US-China trade negotiations (ongoing).
1 11 December 2018 Westpac Global Strategy
Trades/portfolio overview
Live trades:
Potential %
Pair Long/ short Entry 1 Date Entry 2 Date Target Stop Loss

No new trades. AUD/NZD was stopped out. USD/INR was closed at a level in front of its initial target.

Closed trades:
% cumulative
Pair Long/ short Entry 1 Date Entry 2 Date Exit* % spot return
portfolio return

USD/INR (1mnth NDF) Long 70.20 93-Dec-18 - - 71.50 +1.78% -0.57%

AUD/NZD Long 1.0655 22-Nov-18 - - 1.0550 -0.98% -2.35%

GBP/USD Long 1.2855 22-Nov-18 - - 1.2770 -0.66% -1.37%

EUR/USD Short 1.1285 13-Nov-18 - - 1.1365 -0.71% -0.71%

Macro FX Ideas provides a weekly overview of our highest conviction trade views, published every Tuesday, with intra-week updates as stop and take profit levels are hit and/or events trigger a shift in our views.
Macro FX Ideas includes all Ad Hoc Trade Ideas and provides information on the performance of recently closed trades.
A complete history of trade recommendations is available upon request.

*Unless otherwise explicitly stated (i.e. stopped out or take profit levels hit) all Macro FX Ideas are exited at the close of business on the following Tuesday, 10a.m. US EST.
Trade recommendations can and will vary from our Weekly G10 FX Model Update.

2 11 December 2018 Westpac Global Strategy

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3 11 December 2018
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4 11 December 2018 Westpac Global Strategy

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