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Rhetorical Analysis

Roberto Rubio

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

December 9, 2018


This paper consists of a monograph found in the UTEP library. The monograph

emphasizes on student loans and debt. Why it’s a problem that is occurring this very

moment. We analyze the statistics given to us in the monograph, with the knowledge Dr.

Vierra gave us we apply rhetoric to this book.


Rhetorical Analysis:

A rhetorical analysis is not a essay focusing on what the author wrote, but on how or

why he wrote it. Some people think it’s useless to analyze a paper or article, when all they

do is just skim through and they think they get the purpose. We learned from Paul Vierra

and other great authors on how to correctly analyze a rhetorical paper, and why it’s

important to know how the author wrote his paper.

“The global educational policy environment in the fourth Industrial Revolution :

gated, regulated and governed”

According to Travis D. Jules we have not only been through one industrial

revolution, but four. The first one is the one everyone learned about in school in social

studies, which is the only official one according to the books. But to the people there has

definitely been more than one industrial revolution especially because the way we have

seen technology evolve in the 20th century.


Rhetorical Analyzation is a paper on how a author writes, not on what he writes

about. A good example is that in a rhetorical analysis, it is going to show emotion not as in

like love or hate, but it will make you think about how things work around us like discourse

communities and in other words UTEP. All of the rhetorical appeals we know like logos,

ethos, and pathos are demonstrated, Not just on pathos which is emotion.

Literature Review

The monograph I chose is an book I saw at the UTEP libraries website, the name of

the book is, Repayment of Student Loans: Federal Plans and Forgiveness Options and

Issues for Older Americans and since it’s a monograph it has one author who goes by

George L. Payne(pg.1). This book goes into statistics on how much debt student’s in

college have which in my opinion is crazy on why they give loans if the U.S is already in

debt. Four years ago the debt for student loans exceeded 1 trillion dollars, and Imagine how

much higher it is 4 years later. This book explains too us on how you can be eligible, repay

your loan, and be credible for the public loan forgiveness. (pg.10) George L. Payne

persuades you with ethos in this book but he also uses logic too catch your sense.

The monograph emphasizes a lot in every appeal in rhetoric. The first one they

showed us is logos which appeals to logic. In the monograph the way they use statistics is

what makes it obvious that they use logos. How George L. Payne brought out that the

biggest debt in the US is student loans and it ranges up to a trillion dollars. Some people

argue that the government should stop handing out money for school when they don’t even

have the money themselves. They believe that they will make profit from the credit earned

in the loan.

Ethos is explained to us on (pg,4) when they say that the “culture” in the US is to

spend money. As weird as it may sound it’s very true, because if you see today’s youth all

they look up to is people who have money and spend lots of money. That it why the world

is falling apart, it isn’t until after that they realize that money isn’t everything. I’m not

saying that is everyone’s beliefs but they make it seems so.

For pathos they show us connection to emotion by telling us how sometimes the

loan you took out may be one of the biggest mistakes or greatest things you have ever done.

They explain to us that it is a mistake when you want to study something that won’t benefit

you that greatly in the future economic wise. Like Jewish studies it may be and interesting

degree but how are you going to benefit from it? A drastic opposite degree is any

engineering those do pay off in the end because everyone knows that engineers that are

successful make a lot of money.



I have given the 3 examples logos, ethos, and pathos, to explain on why student loan

problems are one of the biggest problems in the US. As I explained the first I explained

which was logos was using statistics. The second one was on explaining the united states

“culture”, and how teens are being raised today by thinking money is everything. The third

and final one was pathos which showed us not emotion as in sadness but as in why a

useless degree won’t be worth to get a loan.


Payne, G. L. (Ed.). (2016). Repayment of student loans: federal plans and forgiveness

options and issues for older americans. Retrieved from

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