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Annotated Bibliography:

Access to Technology at UTEP

Jacob Heid

The University of El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

October 23, 2018


Research Questions

1. What happens to students then?

2. If professors are going to require a form of technology, how are they going to make sure

that every student has access to technology?

3. If students do not, what will professors do to help them.

4. Some schools, offer rentals for laptops to students, where can students go to find those

rentals and benefits?

5. Does UTEP offer laptop rentals?


Annotated Bibliography

Schwendimann, B. A., De Wever, B., Hämäläinen, R., & Cattaneo, A. P. (2018). The State-of-

the-Art of Collaborative Technologies for Initial Vocational Education: A Systematic

Literature Review. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and

Training, 5(1), 19-41.

Technology, is used to communicate, used for social media and now being used for

education purposes. According to Schwendiamann (2018), technology is now taking its

way into the education system. It is now allowing teachers to be able to collaborate better

with their students and provide easier access to assignments and other material that may

be essential to the classroom. Students now may soon start to be required to bring a form

of technology to class in order to be able to fully participate. The problem with that is the

question of whether every student is going to access that piece of technology. There is

shortcut for those who do suffer from that problem. Students now can go to the library

and check out laptops if need be, not every school has this luxury, but most will provide

some sort of help to those who are lacking the advantage of accessing technology.

Wager, W., Wager, S., & Duffield, J. (1989). Introduction to computers. Computers in

teaching (pp. 1-11) Brookline Books, Inc. 29 Ware Street Cambridge, MA 02138.

As the years go by, technology is taking over the world and our education little by little.

Now teachers are required to learn new software in order to be able to teach it in their

classroom. According to Wager (1989) we are in an era of enlightenment and in the

middle of a computer revolution. Now it is a mandatory thing for teachers and students to

be able to use a form of technology in the classroom for their benefits. There are even

programs that are developed more and more every day that are designed for a classroom.

Although not all students are able to bring with them their own form of technology,

because we are in a “computer revolution,” a log of the time, teachers may be able to

supply their students with a form of technology. There may either be computers in the

classroom or some that are available to be checked out, access to technology is slowly

becoming more easier for students.

Wegerif, R. (2007). Technology, education and enlightenment. In P. Dillenbourg, & Swiss

Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland (Eds.), Dialogic education and

technology (Volume 7 ed., pp. 269-299) Springer.

Technology has become the new method for teaching, it has become a necessity to have

college in a classroom to makes things easier for students as well as professors.

According to Wegerif (2007), technology plays a crucial role in allowing students to

expand their knowledge, it allows students to access new material that may be beneficial

to their education and may assist them when it comes to performance in the classroom.

Because of all the benefits that come with teaching a class in an environment that

involves a lot of technology, it makes it that much more important for students to be able

to access it if they wish to perform at their best and meet all of the requirements that may

come along with the class.

Uslu, Ö. (2018). Factors Associated with Technology Integration to Improve Instructional

Abilities: A Path Model. Australian Journal Of Teacher Education, 43(4), 31-50.

Technology on a college campus is a necessity that allows the learning ability to be

easier. According to Uslu (2018), technology helps to improve instructional abilities. It

allows teachers and professors to be able to lead a classroom online. When a professor

assigns an assignment, they usually explain during class time and now they are able to

also post the assignment instructions online, making it easier for students to follow. This

leads to the claim that students now days, must have access to a form of technology to

allow them to be able to fully engage in the classroom. Those who do not have access

may struggle with following class instructions as well as turning online assignments.

Access to technology is becoming more and more of a necessity on college campuses and

important for students to have.

Margaret, M., Paul, M., & Tinashe Gwendolyn, Z. (2017). Enhancing Teaching and Learning

through the Use of Mobile Technologies in Zimbabwean Universities. Journal Of

Systems Integration, Vol 8, Iss 4, Pp 43-51 (2017), (4), 43. doi:10.20470/jsi.v8i2.298

According to Margaret M., Paul, M. and Tinashe Gwendolyn, Z. (2017) universities are

now beginning to better their education through the use of mobile technologies.

Professors are now extending their courses into technology, students are now able to

learn through their mobile devices and access readings, assignments and other material at

their comfort. The access to technology is becoming more and more vital as the years

progress and mobile devices are now an essential need for students. Students who may

not be able to access a form of technology will struggle more and more when it comes to

being able to keep up with class readings, assignments as well as major grades.

Zimbabwean Universities are now using more and more mobile devices in their learnings

for students as well as many universities around the world. Professors now use

technology to post quizzes and other major assignments. Students need to have a form of

technology with them at all times when attending a university if they wish to be able to

access important material that professors share through technology.


O'Connor,S.; Andrews,T., Smartphones and mobile applications (apps) in clinical nursing

education: A student perspective, Nurse Educ.Today, 2018, 69, 172-178, Elsevier Ltd,


Now days, there are many students that have mobile devices that they carry with them

around the campus. Most instructors put a lot of online assignments online and the only

way for students to be able to access the assignment is for them to have a mobile device

of some sort. This source may be related to UTEP because it discusses how a Nursing

program, now uses apps to help enhance the learning. Professors do require a lot of e-

books that students have to read in order to enhance their learning, although the purpose

of the technology is different, the source may still relate to the general topic that access to

technology is a vital part of being a student on a college campus.

Brandon Rodriguez, Veronica Jaramillo, Vanessa Wolf, Esteban Bautista, Jennifer Portillo,

Alexandra Brouke, … Jared Ashcroft. (2018). Contextualizing technology in the

classroom via remote access: Using space exploration themes and scanning electron

microscopy as tools to promote engagement in multidisciplinary geology/chemistry

experiments. Journal of Technology and Science Education, Vol 8, Iss 1, Pp 86-95

(2018), (1), 86.

Technology is all over the education system, as the years go by, it becomes more and

more useful in a class room. According to Rodriguez (2018), schools are now using

technology is the class room, for subjects such as geology and chemistry. The advantage

of these classes beginning to use technology is that they are able to provide the access to

technology to students. Because the technology is built into the curriculum of the class, it

allows the students to come to class without having to worry about having the access. The

teachers are able to teach the classroom through the use of technology that is provided for

the class. Which allows for better and easier learning for both the teachers and the


Angela K. Boisselle, & Lenin C. Grajo. (2018). They Said: A Global Perspective on Access to

Assistive Technology. Open Journal of Occupational Therapy , Vol 6, Iss 3 (2018), (3).

The issue of not being able to access technology is becoming more and more of an issue

as we progress. Due to the fact that technology is becoming such an essential part of the

world, it is resulting in a lot of people being forced to be a part of that evolution and those

who are not able to have the access to technology are left at a disadvantage. According to

Boisselle (2018), it is becoming a struggle around the world to be able to access

technology and are not having access to the technology that would be desired. This is a

problem when it comes to education, students not being able to access technology are

effected the most and are not able to fully participate in classrooms as much as they could

if they were able to access technology.

Jonathan D. Becker. (2007). Digital equity in education: A Multilevel examination of differences

in and relationships between computer access, computer use and state-level technology

policies. Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol 15, p 3 (2007), 3. Retrieved from



Digital equity is the biggest problem when it comes to technology access. Not every

student is able to access a computer or wifi and as a result of this, they may suffer in their

education. According to Becker (2017), there are roughly 40 states in the United States

that suffers from this problem, and over 50,000 students who suffer from this. As a result

from this, there are schools who do provide needs such as computers to those who can

not access one. Students are able to check out tablets, mobile hot spots depending on if

their school offers them. Some college campuses are taking action as well and providing

the same advantages to those students who are not able to access technology and suffer

from the issue of digital equity.

Phipps, R. A., & National Postsecondary Education Cooperative. (2004). How Does Technology

Affect Access in Postsecondary Education? What Do We Really Know? Report of the

National Postsecondary Education Cooperative Working Group on Access-Technology.

NPEC 2004-831. National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC). Retrieved

from http://0-


When it comes to postsecondary, it is almost a requirement for students to have access to

some form of technology. According to Phipps (2004), technology greatly affects

students of postsecondary, although all students need to have access the issue may be

more important for those taking online courses. As for students who attend campus, it is a

must that they are able to have the access to technology so that they are able to full

participate in the courses. Although they may not be taking online courses, it is still very

important to be able to have a smartphone, tablet or computer on hand so that they are

able to turn in assignments, check their grades or communicate with their professors.

Reza-Hernandez, Laura (2005) "Educators' translation of technology integration in two -way

dual language classrooms". ETD Collection for University of Texas, El Paso.


The use of technology in schools is now more useful than ever, but according to

Hernandez (2005), this can lead to divisions. Not everyone has the access to technology

and because of that, it can separate those who do have the access from those who do not.

The students who are not able to have the access to technology are the students that then

begin to fall behind or their grades begin to suffer from this problem. As a result from

this problem, schools are now providing to students who suffer from this to prevent them

from falling behind or prevent them from learning. Although there are many benefits that

come along with the use of technology, there are many disadvantages that students may

suffer from.

Valodya, A. (2004). The easy route.(The Prospector)

When it comes to the use of technology in the education system, there are a lot of

advantages and benefits that come along with it. Students are able to access a lot of

information that may not be able to be accessed in class, according to Valodya (2004),

through the use of technology, students are provided endless research and information.

The disadvantage that comes along with this, is the fact that the students who do not have

the access to technology will miss out on this. There is the library for those who may not

have computers, but those students are already at a disadvantage than those who have

technology at their hands. Thankfully, the University of Texas at El Paso does offer

students laptop rentals, but students may only use them for a limited amount of time.

Although schools do try their best to hold students at the same advantage, there is always

going to be those disadvantages when it comes to technology in the learning system.

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