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Global Issues Report

Roberto Rubio

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301
Dr. Vierra
November 8, 2018
Tuition and fees are increasing rapidly and it has become a global issue. Every

perspective will be thoroughly explained and cited. This problem can’t continue to happen, lives

are being ruined because of debt and everyone is being affected.

Globally schools have taken toll of the world’s economy. Today you are only looked up

too if you are either wealthy or went to school. Schools have massified not just in size but in

price, this doesn’t just affect student’s it affects everyone. Even people who do not go to school

suffer these consequences because of taxes and any other way the government makes money.

The way it affect our taxes is because financial aid is given to student’s by the government and

our government makes money by our taxes.

School tuition is rapidly increasing worldwide because of growth. Growth in population,

surface area, and in knowledge. According to Marthers (Pg.10) we learned with statistics how

college has risen to 7,000$ compared to the early 20th century. He demonstrated how schools

have massified, meaning everything grew, and not just income but also expenses. Consequently,

Harman (Pg. 110) says that higher education has faced internationalization which gave schools

new challenges which were to deal with governance, privatization, and massification which

proves why as income grows so do expenses. It implies that with infrastructure growing so do


Student loan debt isn’t a big problem even if it is the U.S biggest debt. According to

Akers the debt ranges up to 1 trillion dollars (as shown in figure 1), but Akers (Pg. 23) expresses

a good point that sooner or later whatever you studied will pay off your loan. He shows how

mostly every person that is “successful” has finished school and they have made for money than

what they spent in college. Unlike Akers, Ziderman (Pg.72) believes that it is too much of a great

risk to get in a big debt since most of the times the effects of your degree aren’t apparent. Society
can agree school isn’t for everyone, so you must take a chance believing that you will make it

through school.

Financial aid is looked at as unfair for different hierarchies. According to Kelchen (Pg.1)

there is inequality in financial aid, like how wealthier people don’t get help and how lower-class

people do. Some argue that the way it is distributed is looked at by democrats. Accordingly,

Hartmann (Pg. 221) explains to us how financial aid a necessity and is fair because lower classes

can’t afford school. Financial aid is given to us by the government which is why it serves

democratically, as we all know the wealthier you are the more you get taxed, so that is why

financial aid is unjust because wealthy people don’t get any aid. Society or atleast in the US this

is where two government parties contradict each other because we know the wealthier you are

the more you get taxed so it is unfair for the “wealthier” people.

Lower and middle-class families don’t benefit as much as families who have received

postsecondary education. According to Orfield, (Pg.5) in the mid 1900’s the price of tuition was

lower than it is in modern times; financial aid was significantly better than it is today, and money

was raised for families who couldn’t afford to send their kids to college. Consequently, Bettinger

(Pg. 52) discovered that the poorer you were in the 1970’s the more financial aid you got. Which

proves that the government’s way of giving financial aid is unjust. Now financial aid serves the

lower class better than the “higher-classes”, since more money is given to lower income people.

Scholarships have been proven to be unfair and unjust. According to Perna (Pg.2)

scholarships are only focused on students who stand out in a crowd, when there is a lot of other

students who can do the exact same thing, but they aren’t capable to reach their potential because

of their financial situation. In addition, Barr (Pg. 15) explains to us that the reason they are unfair

is because some students who don’t receive anything are either minorities or just don’t like being
in “plain sight”. That’s how life is, if you want to be known and move up in the world you must

be something. Which is how internships work because once you are being interned you have 1

foot inside a company who already knows you.

The price of tuition affects the attendance rates for different cultures. According to

Michal Kurlaender, (Pg. 27) Latin American student are more likely to get postsecondary

education at the community college level because tuition is much cheaper than a four-year

college. Consequently Koshal (Pg.73) says that a 4-year tuition rises as much as 3 times to a

median member. Logically someone considered a “median” member isn’t likely to attend a

community college unless they want to save money.

Financial struggle affects the human severely in a negative way. How? According to

Wilding (Pg. 263) he said that Financial problems are one of the world’s biggest reason for

depression. Consequently, Andrews (Pg. 14) emphasizes on explaining to us how that problem

goes to students a lot more frequently because student not only go into debt, they go into debt

knowing how hard school is and how high the risk factor is. This gives the schools a lot to think

about because we know what kind of extremes depression can lead too and no one would want to

be held responsible for that. Society knows that depression is the number one cause of suicide

worldwide. (as shown in figure 2.)

High school students are taught that college is everything, and I believe that forcing that into our

heads isn’t healthy. According to Perna (Pg. 3) every high school student who has been

counseled has gotten the image of college giving you what you need in life. Like moving

forward in life, but sadly all of us have seen the people that are millionaires and never

went to college and that’s what gets into our heads. Consequently, Clark (Pg.10) proved

to us that the reason the people that didn’t go to college and became successful is because
they were ambitious. They didn’t walk a straight and easy path, it may be displayed like

that but deep down they suffered and went through everything that the common folk went

through. I speak from personal experience because that’s what my family went through

and he had to fight for everything he got because he never finished school, but he still got

up there and moved forward.

Society is affected by the rise of college tuition whether you go to school or don’t. It is

important to realize this because we live in a world where we provide for the government, while

they only provide for some. Tuition has been rises for the last century and it will continue to do

so. Everything is going up in price and we may think that it’s because of how easy it is to get

money, but if you think about it school is just like supply and demand, there aren’t schools

around every corner nowadays. So since demand is going up so are prices because almost

everyone wants a degree.

Figure 1. Shown below is the slope on how much student debt has risen from 2006. Copyright Federal
Reserve 2018
Figure 2. Demonstrates how college is a big factor in depression and suicides in the U.S Copyright
Millennial influx 2016
Akers, B., & Chingos, M. M. (2016). Increased student loan debt is not a big problem. In N.

Merino (Ed.), Student loans (pp. 17-24). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven. Retrieved

from http://0-


Albrecht, D., & Ziderman, A. (1993). Student loans: an effective instrument for cost recovery in

higher education?. The World Bank Research Observer, 8(1), 71-90.


Andrews, B., & Wilding, J. M. (2004). The relation of depression and anxiety to life‐stress and

achievement in students. British Journal of Psychology, 95(4), 509-521.

Andrews, C. M., Darnell, J. S., McBride, T. D., & Gehlert, S. (2013). Social work and

implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Health & Social Work, 38(2), 67-71.

Carruthers, C. K., & Fox, W. F. (2016). Aid for all: College coaching, financial aid, and post-

secondary persistence in Tennessee. Economics of Education review, 51, 97-112.

Goldrick-Rab, S., Kelchen, R., Harris, D. N., & Benson, J. (2016). Reducing income inequality

in educational attainment: Experimental evidence on the impact of financial aid on

college completion. American Journal of Sociology, 121(6), 1762-1817.

Marthers, P. (2009). There are reasons for high college tuition. In J. Langwith (Ed.), College (pp.

98-106). Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Retrieved from http://0-

Shin, J. C., & Harman, G. (2009). New challenges for higher education: Global and Asia-Pacific

perspectives. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(1), 1-13.

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