Final Report Heid 1

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Global Issues Report:

Jacob Heid

Rhetoric Writing & Composition

Professor Vierra

November 18th, 2018



The purpose of this report is to demonstrate why should students be required to carry a

form of technology with them when attending a university. Through the evidence in this report,

students should be required to carry a form of technology with them because it allows a better

learning experience for both students and teachers. There are far more advantages that come

along with carrying technology, students can access information that may not be provided in a

classroom. Those who cannot may run the risk of falling behind in class or not be able to get the

learning experience that is intended for them.


Global Issues Report

As the years have gone by, technology has slowly made its way into the learning system.

Now it is very rare for students to enter a classroom that does not incorporate a form of

technology into it, it makes the learning experience a lot easier for students as well as instructors.

There are always many advantages to having a form of technology with students, which is why it

should be enforced more often for students to have a mobile device with them when attending a



Although students who do not have access to technology will have a more difficult time in

college, it is not impossible for them to still manage their classes. According to the University of

Texas at El Paso Library (2009), students are able to check out laptops whenever they would like

under the ‘equipment checkout’ section of the website. Therefore, students who do not carry a

form of technology, may still access some whenever they need to. In fact, there are college

campuses around the United States that are doing the same as the University of Texas at El Paso

Library, according to Becker (2017), there are college campuses that are responding to the issue

of digital equity and students not being able to access a form of technology (pg.3). As a result,

some college campuses are offering various forms of technology to students, ranging from

mobile hot spots for those who do not have the access to a wireless network, as well as laptops

for students who cannot access a mobile device for their classes.

When students carry a form of technology with them on campuses, it allows learning to

be a lot easier for students and teachers. According to Schwendiamann (2018), technology in

classrooms allows teachers to better collaborate with students (pg. 21). Teachers may interact

with the class even when they are not in class through the use of technology. By students

carrying a mobile device with them at all times, it gives them the same benefits. They can now

interact with the class even if they are not in class, they can access the information that is

provided by the teacher. Not only is it important for students to have a form of technology when

it comes to the class room, but it is also important when it comes to communication. It is

important for students to be able to have a way to communicate with their professors as well as

their classmates. A lot of courses now, involve a lot of group projects, this is when technology

may heavily come into play when it comes to the class room (refer to Figure 1). In addition,

research from Uslu (2018), have students carry technology helps them expand their scholarship

in the class room as well as outside the classroom. Students are constantly gaining more

knowledge when they are in the class room, when they have the access to technology, they are

allowed to continue to expand their knowledge even outside of the class room.

Carrying technology allows students to be able to fully participate in classrooms.

According to Phipps (2004), students can participate in the class more when they have a form of

technology. A lot of college class rooms are constantly integrated technology into their lessons

which to make it a lot easier and more convenient for students to follow along. This is when

those who can not have a form of technology may struggle in a class room. In many class rooms,

professors post a lot of student’s assignments online, making it easier for submissions as well as

grading for professors. Students who have the access to technology and carry a mobile device

with them, will be able to complete these assignments a lot faster and with little to no problems.

Thus, in regard to Rodriguez (2018), some schools are now incorporating more technology into

learning. Now carrying a form of technology is more important than ever because schools are

beginning to incorporate more and more technology into class rooms as the years go by.

Those who do not have access to technology will struggle a little more than those who

do. There are more advantages that come along with students carrying a mobile device than there

are disadvantages to carrying one. According to Hernandez (2005), access to technology may

cause divisions in a classroom. Many students are now carrying a form of technology to help

them in the classroom, it is very rare to find a student who does not bring a form of technology to

class. For those who do not bring a mobile device, they may be left behind when it comes to the

learning and work part of the class room. Because so much of classes now days are taught

through the use of technology, it is important for students to utilize that technology so that they

are able to follow along with the class. As a result of a student not bring a device in to a class

lecture, they may fall behind in what other students may be participating in, whether that be

online quizzes, online assignments or online trivia. Furthermore, previous research from Valodya

(2004) stated that students who cannot access technology are left at a disadvantage. They are not

able to participate in everything that a student with a mobile device might be able to participate

in. Now technology is incorporated into classrooms all the time, making it very important for

students to be prepared and be required to carry a device with them.

Students with who carry a form a form of technology can follow along in the classroom

better as well as perform better (refer to Figure 2). When it comes to note taking, students can

agree that it is a lot easier and more convenient to take notes on a mobile device. It allows

cleaner notes and more organized notes, students who take notes on a mobile device are less

likely to run into speed bumps when in the class room. Through their mobile device they can

continue to type their notes and not have to worry about stopping to maybe sharpen a pencil or

any possible slowdowns that may occur. It is more convenient for a student to carry a mobile

device with them than it may be for students to be carrying around a backpack full of notebook.

As a result of all of the advantages that come along with the use of technology, more and more

campuses are integrating the use of technology and making it an important part in students

leaning. According to Wegerif (2007) technology has become a teaching method for both

students and teachers. As a result, universities are bettering their use of mobile technologies.

Universities are finding more and more convenient ways to be using technology in a college

campus, now, grades are only accessed online as well as a majority of the assignments that are

given out to students making it even more important for students to be carrying a mobile device

with them at all times.

Carrying a mobile device can help students participate in programs offered on campus. A

lot of organizations now involve the use of technology more and more. According to O’Connor

(2018), a nursing program at the University of Texas at El Paso is taught through the use of

mobile technology. There are many nursing students around the University of Texas at El Paso,

in situations like this is when it is very important for students to be able to access a form of

technology. Although students may still be able to participate in a program like this, it would

make it a lot easier for students as well as the instructor to be carrying around a device for the

program. As a result, high demand for mobile technology has taken place and based on Biosselle

(2018), which has resulted in a struggle around the world in accessing technology and mobile

devices. Technology is growing more every day; new discoveries are constantly being made and

universities are finding new ways to incorporate technology on their campus. All of this sounds

like good news except when it comes to the small population of students that have problems

accessing the technology. Those are cannot find a form of technology are left struggling to pass

courses and be involved in the class room. This is not only an issue when it comes to college

campuses in the United States, but this is also a global issue as well. Many countries are using

technology just like the United States, only some are struggling with being able to access it and

integrate it into their campuses due to the lack of money and resources.


There are many advantages that come along with students carrying a form of technology

with them when they are in college campuses. Carrying around mobile devices allows for a

better learning experience for both educators and students and should later be more enforced all-

around college campuses. The usage for technology has become more important in college class

rooms and should be utilized at its full potential.



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Brandon Rodriguez, Veronica Jaramillo, Vanessa Wolf, Esteban Bautista, Jennifer Portillo,

Alexandra Brouke, … Jared Ashcroft. (2018). Contextualizing technology in the classroom

via remote access: Using space exploration themes and scanning electron microscopy as

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Schwendimann, B. A., De Wever, B., Hämäläinen, R., & Cattaneo, A. P. (2018). The State-of-

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Uslu, Ö. (2018). Factors Associated with Technology Integration to Improve Instructional

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Valodya, A. (2004). The easy route.(The Prospector)


Wegerif, R. (2007). Technology, education and enlightenment. In P. Dillenbourg, & Swiss

Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland (Eds.), Dialogic education and

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Figure 1. Why technology and mobile devices are important for college students, it helps

students to be engaged in and out of the classroom.


Figure 2. Usage of technology allows students to score higher grades in the class room

and is more convenient for students.

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