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New England in the 1690's

Hope, Isabel, Ian, Josh, Rinka

What type of people settled in Massachusetts?
● Puritans

● made up of entire families

● a entremely religious group (obsessed and strict)

● plain churches
● Family oriented

● strict in their religion

● suspicious of non-Puritans

● Fearful of the devil

William Phips and Salem Witch Trials
1692, Sir William Phips ruled province of Massachuettes Bay

Mass hysteria over withches burst out

1692, Established Speial Court of Oyer and Terminer for Salem witch trials

19 were hanged, several deaths in jail, more being accused

Oct, prohibited further arrests, released many accused witches

Replaced the court with Superior court of judicature

May 1693, Pardoned all people accused of witchcraft

How did they survive?
● 1620s when Puritans first arrived

- “Mayflower”

-half of the Puritans died just after they arrived

-settled down at Plymouth

-built a church first

-built wooden houses

houses of

How did they survive?
-made a good relationship with Indians

-grew crops

-fished for food in oceans

Puritans ⬇

How did they survive?

● 1640s
○ More and more people came from England(most of them were Puritans)
○ Lived in the north of Plymouth, a colony called Massachusetts Bay
● 1690s
○ Two groups of Puritans combined
○ Their religious belief got spread
Social Structures and Hierachies
Determined based on:

-Financial Wealth and tangible possession(properties, land they own etc..)

Divided into three general groups:

Upper/Elite class

m Middle Class

Lower class
Upper Class

● Exported goods to trade

● Became wealthy by selling goods to the agricultural population


● Considered as a higher person in society since puritans life were based on religious

● They grew tobacco, rice, indigo etc..

● They owned plantations that were worked by slaves
● They exported the items or used for their own supplies
Middle class (largest group in New England society)

Farmers (yeoman)

● Farmers were one of the common occupation

Craftsman and artisans were also considered to be in middle class

Many of this people made enough money to create a bountiful life

Lower Class


● Some farmers could not produce enough foods, or crops and they relied on little incomes


● The economy depended largely on the system of slave labour(Especially farmers, merchants
and planters)
● Many were from other countries looking for work

Others worked as a day laborers on farms, in merchant shops, or at seaports

What were their main fear and anxieties ?
● Witchcraft
○ 200 were accused,19 found guilty(mostly woman)
○ confessed witches were saved and forgiving by God
○ convict witches were hanged
● Attack from native American
○ theft of Native American land.
○ expand aggressively

Ian Hsu
Fear and Anxieties
● Puritan feared that people will leave church
○ religious intolerance
○ Roger Willian
● Fear of God,Satan
○ Death
○ punishment

Ian Hsu
1)Author: Editors Publisher: A&E Television Networks Last Updated: August 21, 2018

2)The reader’s Companion to American History. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, Editors. 1991 by Houghton Miffin Harcourt Publishing

3)Source: Kamrath, Angela E. The Miracle of America: The Influence of the Bible on the Founding History and Principles of the United
States of America for a People of Every Belief Second Edition. Houston. TX: American Heritage Education Foundation, 2014.2015,

4)“Puritan New England: Massachusetts Bay.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy,

5)Boundless. “Boundless US History.” Lumen,

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