Utilization of RFID Analytics in Assessing Student Engagement

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Utilization of RFID Analytics in Assessing

Student Engagement
Alrence Santiago Halibas
Faculty of Computing Sciences
Gulf College
Muscat, Oman

Indu Govinda Pillai Anju Cherian Matthew

Faculty of Computing Sciences Faculty of Computing Sciences
Gulf College Gulf College
Muscat, Oman Muscat, Oman
indu@gulfcollege.edu.om anjuit@gulfcollege.edu.om

Abstract— The teaching and learning methods are increasingly momentum and popularity because of its notable advantages in
adopting educational data mining approaches. This ever- terms of durability and longevity, security and efficiency.
changing landscape has allowed management to use educational Among its known technological and organization benefits
data for strategic decision-making, offered students with relevant include decreased manual work, optimization of time and effort
information to improve academic performance, and provided and greater productivity, improved accuracy and faster data
teachers with data on learners’ behavior for effective teaching. capture for real-time information, enhanced security of fixed
To assess academically at-risk students, teachers need to gain assets, and cost cutting in many administrative areas [2].
valuable insights on student engagement, which includes class RFID, which is the key technology in achieving IoT, is now
attendance, library and computer laboratory access, and use of being applied in retail, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and
other learning resources so that they can tailor the learning needs other consumer applications. RFID applications serve as
of students. Data analytics is used to examine student engagement
opportunities for organizations to gather and measure vital
inside and outside the classroom and predict learning trends.
The popularity of Internet of Things and the convergence of
information that can be used to analyze and forecast, and
RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks, Big Data, and Cloud produce behavioral statistics for organizational improvement
Computing have enabled organizations to implement innovative [3].
information systems; however, their integrative potential has not Over the decade, we have witnessed an increasing
been thoroughly explored. Having an RFID in combination with convergence of IoT enabling technologies - wireless sensor
data analytics will provide various academic stakeholders networks, big data, and cloud computing [4]. Enterprises and
valuable and critical information as regards students’ learning
individuals are able to implement innovative information
behavior. Therefore, this paper reviews current trends of RFID
systems because of the integration of these smart technologies,
in education and discusses opportunities of data analytics
integration. Moreover, this paper also presents a conceptual
however, their potentials have not been thoroughly explored in
framework of a basic RFID Analytic System that can be used in the academic sector. At present times, academic institutions are
assessing student engagement. gradually keeping up with the advancement of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT). Although we have seen a
digital transformation in this sector, we have yet to encounter a
Keywords— IoT; RFID; data analytics; student engagement mature system that fully integrates them.
Having RFID in combination with data analytics can
I. INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE provide various academic stakeholders valuable and critical
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem that describes information as regards students’ learning behavior. There is an
the interconnection of intelligent objects such as computing increasing number of academic institutions that are adopting
devices, buildings, sensors and other smart devices with people data analytics and mining approaches with educational data.
and business processes for data transfer and exchange [1]. This This is a promising development in the academic sector and
wireless network adds business value to an enterprise. In recent one that allows management to use relevant data for strategic
years, many organizations have employed automated methods decisions. Additionally, it provides students with relevant
in their data management, including barcodes, Quick Response information necessary to improve their academic performance.
(QR) codes, digital watermarking, and Radio Frequency It also offers teachers with data on learners’ behavior in order
Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC). to provide appropriate learning strategies and intervention
In fact, RFID has been around for many years and its adoption programs.
and utilization in various sectors of society is gradually gaining
The succeeding sections of this paper are organized as Table 1
follows: Section 2 provides background information and Categories of RFID
related work on topics relevant for this research, including Frequency Band Advantages Disadvantages
Student Engagement, RFID, and Data Analytics and Mining. Low Frequency Non-sensitivity to radio Slower data read rate
Section 3 reviews the current state of adoption and application (LF) wave interferences Shorter read range of 10
30 KHz to 300 caused by metal or cm
of RFID in education and highlights the limitation on the KHz liquid
utilization of data analytics. Section 4 presents a conceptual High Frequency Low to moderate data Moderate sensitivity to
basic architecture of an RFID Analytics in assessing student (HF) transfer rate radio wave interference
engagement. Finally, Section 5 is the conclusion and 3 MHz to 30 MHz Longer read ranges caused by metals or
recommendation for future work. from 10 cm to 1 m liquids
Ultra-high Long read range up to Not yet a matured
Frequency (UHF) 12m technology (need to
II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK 300 Mhz to 3 GHz Moderate to high data standardized global
transfer rate than LF or bandwidth)
A. Student Engagement HF
Non-sensitivity to radio
Student engagement is an academic construct that is wave interference
considered as a good predictor of learning and personal caused by metal or
development [5] but a difficult predictor to measure because of liquids
its multidimensional properties. The common dimensions of Cheaper than LF or HF
this construct include academic, behavioral, affective, and
Microwave RFID High data transfer rate
cognitive engagement [6]. In this paper, student engagement 3 GHz
will adopt the definition of behavioral engagement as student
involvement in activities that are crucial in achieving positive
academic outcomes [7]. A good number of studies have In a passive RFID system, the antenna in the transceiver
revealed that student engagement has a positive impact on transmits a signal to the RFID tag using radio waves. Once the
learning [8],[9] and academic performance, thus, when students RFID tag receives the signal, it activates and reads these radio
are fully engaged in activities, they are able to maximize their waves and transmits pre-stored data back to the transceiver.
learning. An essential indicator of student engagement is Then the reader converts the data into digital form and passes it
attendance data that can provide early signs when a student is to a host computer for further information processing and
likely at-risk [10]. However, attendance data may be under- filtering of redundant reads.
utilized, thus, limiting its potential as a critical evidence of In an active RFID system, RFID tags have their own power
student engagement. source using a battery that extends the range of its transmission
Geographical engagement, which is a new sub-construct, is [14]. They emit a signal in order to transmit the stored data in
when a student engages the learning environments with the chip. The tag comes in two types: transponder and beacon.
mastery and autonomy [11]. To have a comprehensive The transponder activates when it receives a signal from the
assessment of students, teachers need to be able to gain reader only, thus, its battery is conserved. On the other hand, a
valuable data and insights regarding student engagement. Data beacon, which is often used in Real-time Locating Systems
can be taken from class attendance, and geographical (RTLS), emits a signal at pre-set intervals to send the tag
engagement data on the use of library and computer laboratory information and position.
resources, and other learning environments. It is necessary for
academic managers to get hold of timely and accurate student C. Data Analytics and Mining
engagement data in order for them to analyze learners’ Educational Data Mining (EDM) has enabled academic
behavior and predict their future performance [12]. They need institutions to measure, collect, analyze and report learners’
to be more forward looking in their management so that they needs, engagement and behavior so that appropriate learning
can proactively address the students’ learning needs. designs and intervention programs are applied to optimize
learning as well as improve the retention and success rate
B. Radio Frequency Identification [15],[16],[17]. Data Analytics is an emerging research
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a bi-directional discipline and field of practice [18] that is gradually
wireless communication that uses electromagnetic fields to transforming the nature of teaching, learning and assessment in
identify and track tags attached to objects and things [13]. A education [19]. It is starting to gain momentum in the academic
basic RFID system consists of a read/write RFID tag, an RFID sector and will dramatically change the course of teaching and
scanner (or transceiver) with an antenna and a host PC for data learning in the coming years [16]. According to [20], the
collection and processing. An RFID tag stores electronic primary goal of the analytics process is providing corrective
information called the Electronic Product Code (EPC), which actions that include “monitoring, prediction, intervention,
is a 96-bit identifier of up to 2 KB data and can be read from a assessment, analysis, personalization, recommendation, and
given frequency range [14]. Unlike barcode technology, RFID reflection.” With data analytics and visualization, learners are
does not require a direct line of sight in transmitting a signal to able to understand their needs and improve their learning
the transceiver. experience and performance, teachers are able to improve their
teaching methods, and academic managers are able to identify
and allocate the needed resources and services in a timely and predict future attendance of students [32]. Unfortunately, most
efficient manner [21]. of these analytic systems are isolated systems. This calls for an
integration of these models and technologies with RFID in
To facilitate data mining for student engagement, several order to harness their full potential.
procedures may be followed. Firstly, there is a need to identify
the different data sets that will be used to measure student 2) Library System
engagement. The data can be collected from several sources, There are numerous RFID library systems that are being
which includes learners’ access of the learning environments implemented for user identification, book search, circulation,
and data retrieved from information systems. Secondly, these inventory and self-help [33],[13]. Some of these innovative
data must be cleaned and transformed into suitable formats systems even use mobile phones as RFID readers [34].
before being passed to the analytics engine because they may
be too large and contain insignificant attributes, thus, need to Most library staff requires students to log their attendance
undergo pre-processing or data preparation [22]. Thirdly, these in the library for reporting and accreditation purposes. In order
data are feed to the analytics engine where appropriate to facilitate this process, students are required to log their
statistical and data mining techniques are applied in finding attendance on a paper-based register. Unfortunately, some
trends and patterns, and predicting outcomes. The common library users unintentionally skip this process, thus, it is
algorithms and techniques used in data mining are difficult for library staff to monitor library usage. An RFID
Classification, Clustering, Regression, Artificial Intelligence, system can answer this issue. The interest of this paper is
Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithm [23]. Finally, the focused on the use of RFID system in the library for user
output is displayed to relevant stakeholders who will be able to attendance. The data generated by this system can serve as an
visualize this information, generate good insights, support input to measure student engagement.
decision making, and take appropriate actions. 3) Access Control
There is a widespread use of RFID system for access
III. RFID ANALYTICS IN EDUCATION control. When use in combination with computer science
The common use of RFID in education is to automate methods such as face recognition, it will result in a more
student attendance entry and reporting, track students secured access control system [35],[36].
whereabouts in the campus, systematize library processes, and During students’ independent learning study, they usually
access restricted facilities, just to name a few. These innovative access learning environments such as specialized laboratories,
practices have resulted to transparency, fast reporting, intruder and computer laboratories. These laboratories usually have
detection, reduced teacher and management workload, and secured access to prevent theft of sophisticated materials and
increased efficiency in the delivery of services. equipment. The teachers should also be informed regarding
students’ access with these learning environments other than
A. RFID Applications classroom attendance because it may be a significant
RFID applications can go beyond real-time monitoring and dimension in measuring student engagement.
tracking and can be used to analyze current and historical data 4) Learning System
[24]. The rich dataset produced by RFID systems in academic Some research have used RFID, in conjunction with mobile
institutions can be used to analyze learners’ engagement in the technology, for formative and summative assessments to
use of learning environments. Organizations must be able to increase the engagement of students in class activities
extract these data and look for useful trends and patterns. In the [37],[38],[39] but the integration of this technology into
succeeding sections, we will discuss automated RFID systems learning has yet to be further explored.
in education that have potential for data analytics application
and are relevant in assessing student engagement.
B. RFID Analytics Challenges
1) Attendance System There are several significant challenges facing RFID
Several researches have supported the positive correlation including data management and deployment issues. There is a
of attendance and engagement as predictors of academic need to consider the four views on data management - volume,
success [25],[26],[27]. Thus, poor student attendance and veracity, velocity and variety [40]. For instance, in order to
engagement would likely lead to poor academic results. provide timely and effective assessment of student
Attendance systems using RFID have helped academic engagement, academic institutions need to collect data every
institutions monitor the students’ attendance, which is essential day. This means that there is a great potential to generate large
for students’ academic performance and progress. It has also datasets that need to be transformed into useful and meaningful
eliminated the time consuming and inefficient method of information and knowledge [41]. This holds great risk of
conventional attendance monitoring systems [28],[29]. system failures. With RFID readers, there can also be data
Furthermore, these automated systems has allowed school reliability issues and inconsistencies because of the
management to track and locate the students’ whereabouts in complexities of low-level RFID data that can be missed, wrong
combination with barcode, biometrics and GSM technologies or redundant [42]. However, there are common methodologies
[30],[31]. which have attempted to rectify these anomalies through
filtration techniques and data correction algorithms such as the
Some studies have presented technology models that may studies proposed by Jeffery [42] and Darcy [43]. In addition,
predict student outcomes based on attendance [23] as well as having an RFID-based architecture also presents deployment
challenges that include health issues and unreliability of tag strategies and intervention programs where necessary.
detection [24]. Another critical issue facing data analytics is Nonetheless, identifying the suitable data for visualization is
data ownership. Academic institutions are challenged to left to an organization’s judgement [40].
positively address the issue on privacy and security [44].
Nevertheless, the bigger picture points out that the advantages V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
of adopting this technology outweigh its challenges and issues.
There is so much opportunities of an RFID analytic system in
education that cannot be ignored. The IoT promised efficiency of processes and convenience
to people and organizations. An RFID analytics system in
education, when used for critical decision-making and data-
IV. CONCEPTUAL ARCHITECTURE driven reporting, will undoubtedly create teaching and learning
The IoT is so broad such that there is no global uniform opportunities and added business value that exceeds the
RFID architecture [45]. This paper presents a proposed RFID financial returns.
Analytics architecture in education, specifically intended to
assess student engagement. This paper presented a conceptual RFID Analytics
architecture that may be able to assess student engagement in
order to improve student academic performance and outcomes.
It also outlined the importance of such architecture to the
different academic stakeholders.
The future work should consider implementation and test of
such architecture for student engagement analytics as well as
address the data management, deployment and ownership
issues as previously mentioned.

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