Essay 2 Prompt

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Write a thesis-driven, well-supported, argumentative essay in response to one of the two

following prompts:

● As described in the book, ​Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return​,​ was Marjane

Satrapi true to herself?
● Marjane has said that she hopes that her book will show the world that Iran is more than
a country of “fundamentalism, fanaticism, and terrorism” and that “an entire nation
Has her book
should not be judged by the wrongdoings of a few extremists.”​
convinced you to revise your own preconceived notion of Iran
and Iranians?

● Provide background information and a reference to Marjane’s book in an introduction

that ends with your thesis statement.
● Be sure to ​add a reason why​​ (“because” clause) to your thesis statement.
● You may also add a counterargument (an “Although” clause) to your thesis statement.
● Be sure to support your claims with examples and quotes from the book.

The essay must be in MLA format (1 inch margins, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman
font, proper heading and header).
Your ​first draft​​ is due on ​November 13th​​. UPLOAD a copy to Canvas Assignments and
BRING ​2 hard copies to class​ for peer review. 2-page minimum [Please type E2.1: before
your Title]
[Your ​second draft​​ is due on ​November 27​th​ ​ ​. ​4-page minimum​​ + Works Cited page]

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