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3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

GAMES-Glaucoma Analysis and

Management using an Expert System

Jayashree Agarkhed1 Nabila Anam2

Professor1 PG Scholar2
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering
Kalaburagi, Karnataka-585 102, India. Kalaburagi, Karnataka-585 102, India

Abstract— As of late, Computer-rooted methods are based system. An ES is defined as system that brings in action
progressively used to revamp the quality of medical domain the expert knowledge, preserved in a computer to find a
services. There are a various PC pull techniques that are utilized solution problems that ordinarily require human expertness
for the finding of eye maladies, for example, glaucoma, diabetic [3]. ES hunts and uses related data from the accessible
retinopathy, and cataract and so on. However, these system are
learning base with a specific end goal to make advice [4]. ES
independent programming with basic usefulness. An expert
system (ES) for the diagnosis of glaucoma disease is proposed presents a more flexible and powerful method for acquiring
which uses databases of medical knowledge to offer advice or solutions to a diverse type of complications that ordinarily
make decisions. The GAMES is composed of knowledge base, cannot be dealt with by other means of, more traditional and
user interface and inference engine. The proposed medicinal conservative methods. With the utilization of ES and its
GAMES is utilized to analyze the glaucoma illness among the associated applications, it is expanding quickly in a great deal
patients. The diagnosis is done taking into account the symptoms segments of our mechanical and social life.
which can be felt or seen. The proposed GAMES will be An ES, sometimes called a Knowledge Base System
genuinely useful to the patients to secure the mandatory advice (KBS) is a computer application composed of discipline
about the glaucoma malady and can also ease the work of expert
particular knowledge of a numerous human experts. Expert’s
or doctor in putting together the proper or suitable diagnosis of
patient. or the specialist’s task is automated through the use ES, which
rather required specialized skillfulness and also competence
Keywords—Glaucoma, knowledge base, inference engine, training. For a number of applications, feature extricating is
Medical knowledge, Expert System. done using the Rule-based method. It is to a great degree
supportive of building up the ES having the capacity and
I. INTRODUCTION processing abilities of PCs, so it can help specialist or
therapeutic professional with their analysis. By notifying the
Glaucoma is a severe eye disease where the optic nerve
doctor or medical practitioner about the unrealized
head is gradually damaged. Propelled glaucoma brings about
information requirements of a diagnosis, ES is the fate of an
total visual deficiency. Around the world, Glaucoma is the
extraordinary help to the specialist or therapeutic expert, by
second driving base of visual deficiency, influencing 61
making consistent the treatment and diagnostic process and
million humans by 2010, and accountable for estimated to 5.2
acts as a tutoring element with a detailed or brief information
million instances of blindness [1].
concerned to causes, symptoms , analysis and treatment of
In the late years, there is an expanding curiosity, for
related malady. These sort of ES present better outcome for
the discovery of eye sicknesses, utilizing a robotized PC
difficulties which cannot be formalized especially adroit [5].
frameworks. Be that as it may, these frameworks are normally
The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section
independent programming with fundamental capacities just,
2 deals with the related work. Section 3 presents the system
restricting their use in an expansive scale. The consultation of
design and architecture. Section 4 deals with the results and
expert medical is exceptionally costly, scanty, yet judgmental
discussion. Section 5 ends with the conclusion.
component of almost all health-care systems. Discussions
through PC frameworks utilizing the ability and information II. RELATED WORK
of human specialists has dependably been recognized as an
urgent component for upgrading the way to deal with top
Broad Literature study has been done on programmed
notch wellbeing administration. [2].
examination and analysis of a few maladies and issues tended
Reliability on the human specialist can be diminished
to with the assistance of ES. The near investigation of
if his/her expertness can be relinquished into the computer-
different existing reviews on fuzzy logic, rule based and

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

artificial neural network based medical ES is given in table 2. client for this fuzzy ES. The fuzzy master framework, in view
Deep research is carried out on the symptoms and causes of of these parameters, makes an attractive judgment of back
the glaucoma malady. agony malady and after that gives a restorative medicine to the
At first open-point glaucoma does not demonstrate any patient.
indications by any means. It causes no torment and A Rule-Based ES was introduced by author in [8] for
furthermore vision remains of course. Glaucoma can develop Neurological Disorders. More than 10 diverse kind of clutters
in one or both eyes. Different side effects of Glaucoma are dealt with by this framework. Patients can secure
incorporate eye torment, vision misfortune, migraines, seeing suggestions for the strange issue assaults on their sensory
coronas around light. Everybody above 40 and having diabetes system. The information/master base incorporates information,
can suffer from glaucoma. Another peril component of gathered from volumes and diverse professionals about the
glaucoma is having anomalous optic nerve anatomy or neurology and its related issue.
elevated IOP (intraocular pressure). In [9], the author constructed an ES to help soundness
Various generous reviews have demonstrated that eye of representatives working in jammed outpatient centers in
weight is an essential risk consider for harming of optic nerve. Egypt to make a speedy and ideal judgment. In this
Anterior chamber is a space in the front part of the eye. A framework, the therapeutic learning of around at least 300
transparent liquid continues streaming all through the chamber noteworthy and minor regular maladies is encoded as
ceaselessly, in anterior chamber. This liquid clears through generation guidelines. These standards are requested in
chamber at an open point where the iris and cornea unite as accumulations as indicated by slightest seeming analytic and
appeared in figure 1. Later on achieving the point the side effects theories are concocted for the sicknesses most
transparent liquid keeps running along the light meshwork, anticipated that would reason these side effects. Once a
just similar to a drain, and after that ways out of the eye. malady is recognized, suggestion is given for cure. The
framework will be evaluated in 10 outpatient facilities.
The author in [10] portrayed a computerized delivery
system for clinical guidelines (DSCG) that backings clinicians
in diagnosing and treating patient's anguish from trunk
torment. Determination of methodologies is done in a versatile
way from the learning based server which comprises of a huge
library of therapeutically characterized graphical proposals.
This framework acquires patient's data, for example, disease
and screening outcomes and matches the data with qualified
perspective. It proposes an appropriate treatment strategies and
furthermore examination in view of the most sensible
determination. Utilizing a savvy specialist, the experts or
therapeutic experts may either enact a determination to
analyze the recovering's condition amid the pharmaceutical or
utilize the recommendations as guidance.
Fig 1: Pathway of the fluid in anterior chamber[6]. The author developed an ES that urges sufferer with
malady conditions for reasonable investigation of a portion of
The transparent fluid travels too gradually through the eye sicknesses in [11]. The eye has dependably endured as
the spongy meshwork deplete in the event of open-point a passage to the internal workings of the body. A hefty portion
glaucoma, in spite of the way that waste edge is "open" [6], of the ailment states, typically starts indications from the eye.
which thusly causes the eye pressure increment to a degree CLIPS language is utilized as a gadget for creating ES. An
which may potentially harm the optic nerve. Vision underlying examination of the ES was swoon and a good
misfortune and open-glaucoma may happen because of the response was perceived by the clients.
harm created to optic nerve by an ascent in pressure. The most Medical ES are being utilized for malady conclusion
acute risk components of glaucoma sickness incorporate Age where the patient's side effects and different points of interest
more than 40, hoisted/expanded eye pressure, and family are data sources and the framework analyze the ailment,
history of glaucoma, migraines, partial blindness, a thin suggest treatment or medications which might be endorsed.
cornea, past wounds to the eyes, utilization of steroid. Since Utilizing an ES for glaucoma determination will adequately
the vision misfortune in glaucoma is lasting, it is imperative to teach healing center staff, clinicians and the community and
identify glaucoma at an early stage and back off the movement stretch out patient care and ability to remote regions and
utilizing proper treatment. furthermore enhance quiet care with portability arrangements.
The author in [7] introduced a fuzzy ES for a location Since glaucoma is an endless sickness, in which a dominant
of back torment ailment in light of exploratory intercession part of cases requires a lifetime follow up. This puts a huge
manifestations utilizing some fuzzy standards. The parameters strain on the ophthalmology centers. With the assistance of ES
like age, BMI (body mass record), exploratory examination this can be decreased.
indications and gender of individual must be entered in by the

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

III. SYSTEM DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY If (CDR > 0.3 && < 0.5), Goto step 6.
An ES, otherwise called an information based framework, is a If (CDR > 0.5 && < 0.7), Goto step 7
PC program containing diagnostic aptitudes and master
learning of some human expert in a specific issue zone. The If (CDR > 0.7) goto step 8
objective of design of GAMES is, to store knowledge of an Step 6: Glaucoma not detected, have checkup every 2 months,
individual expert corresponding to Glaucoma disease and then Goto step 9.
code this in a computer in such that, knowledge of the
specialist/expert is available to a less proficient user. GAMES, Step 7: Optic nerve damaged, glaucoma detected, prescribe
a wise program that copies the conduct of a human master that Treatment procedure. Goto step 9.
has experience and information in glaucoma illness. Glaucomafnd  Prescribe (treatment)
Step 8: Optic nerve severely damaged, Glaucoma detected,
Prescribe treatment procedure.
Glaucomafnd  Prescribe (treatment)
Step 9: END.

The figure 3 shows the design of GAMES. Following are the

key components of expert system:

Core components of expert system

1 2a. Healthy Eye 2b. Glaucoma Infected Eye
(Normal Cup Size) (Enlarged Cup Size) 2 KNOWLEDGE
Fig 2: Effect of Glaucoma on CDR. USER
Optic disc (blue) and Optic cup (black) INFERENCE


Amid glaucoma progression, the demise of ganglion -FACE ANALY ANALY

nerve cells regularly prompts to changes in the presence of the -SIS -SIS
optic nerve head, otherwise called optic disc. Specifically,
there is an extending and extension of the removal in the optic
circle, known as optic cup, as glaucoma advances, prompting
to an expansion in the cup to disc proportion (CDR) as
outlined in Fig. 2. Fundus picture of the Healthy eye is as Query
appeared in fig 2a. Looking at 2a1 and 2b1, the optic cup Advice
measure in 2b1 is expanded because of the harm of optic
nerve brought about by glaucoma ailment. CDR (the
measurement of the container separated by the distance across KNOWLEDE
of the entire nerve head or circle) is a noteworthy /DATA
consideration of clinicians in surveying glaucoma from direct USER FROM
perception. The calculation utilized for glaucoma conclusion EXPERT
performed on fundus picture is as delineated underneath. DOCTOR
Algorithm: GAMES Glaucoma Diagnosis. Fig 3: Design of GAMES.

Step 1: Upload Fundus Image.

Upload (Fimg) 1) KNOWLEDGE BASE
The core component of expert system is
Step 2: Perform segmentation on Fimg to obtain Optic Disc. Knowledge base. The rules and facts are represented
Seg (Fimg)  OD in information base. All the symptoms and causes of
Step 3: Perform segmentation on Fimg to obtain Optic Cup. the glaucoma malady is stored in the knowledge base
Seg (Fimg)  OC with appropriate treatment for the disease. All the
learning put away in it is right and genuine. Basic
Step 4: Calculate the optic cup to optic disk ratio. analysis and major analysis facts are stored in
Calculate (CDR)  OD/OC GAMES knowledge base.
Step 5: CDR Analysis. 2) USER-INTERFACE

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

The user interface (UI) is used to offer a IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
channel of communication between non-user expert The specialists or medical expert find it extremely hard to
and the computer. UI is the main channel and acts as comprehend all the known data which may be helpful for
an interface between the user and Expert system. making ideal therapeutic judgments because of the colossal
GAMES user interface is simple to use for common volume of existing medicinal learning and the quick increment
people. in information have brought about such circumstance,
shockingly even tough having done specialization. It is not
3) INFERENCE ENGINE sudden, that factual work has exposed that specialist doesn't
reliably make ideal conclusions. As of now, it has been
The derivation motor nothing but inference acknowledged by all respects that PC supported medicinal
engine puts in application the principles to stored conclusion assembling framework, from analysis to patient
facts to attract the deduction to new actualities. administration, may give an answer for a great part of the
Clarification and troubleshooting facility can be trouble. Such ES are typically created planned to offer help
incorporated into the Inference motors. The and not really supplant authority, giving a completing touch to
deduction motor can likewise be looked as a their characteristic capacities of making judgments using PC's
computerized thinking framework that gauges the memory, handling abilities, and dependability [12]. The
current situation with the information base, puts in utilization of medical ES is perfect answer for above.
application the appropriate standards, and afterward
pronounces new learning into learning base. A A. Causes of Glaucoma.
portion of the production rules that are utilized as a An essential hazard components of
part of the GAMES are as demonstrated as follows. glaucoma illness include: Age more than 40,
raised/expanded eye pressure, and family history of
glaucoma, migraines, myopia, a thin cornea, poor
Rule 1: blood stream, past wounds to the eyes, utilization of
If (eye_pain = ‘yes’ AND headache = ‘yes’ AND steroid, and history of extreme weakness or stun.
blurred_vision = ‘yes’) Less normal causes incorporate a limit or compound
{Advice ‘Risk of Glaucoma’, stop} harm to your eye, serious eye contamination, blocked
veins inside the eye, and incendiary conditions.
Rule 2:
If (age>40 AND diabetes = ‘yes’) B. Symptoms of Glaucoma.
{Advice ‘eye checkup every 2 months’, stop} The most widely recognized manifestations
of glaucoma incorporate serious eye torment, Nausea,
Rule 3: spewing, redness in your eye, sudden vision
If (age> 40 AND diabetes = ‘yes’ AND aggravations, seeing shaded rings or radiances
fam_hist_glaucoma = ‘yes’) around lights, sudden obscured vision.
{Advice ‘eye checkup every 2 months’, stop}
C. Treatment for Glaucoma.
The ophthalmologist will consider above
4) EXPERT KNOWLEDGE points of interest before choosing the treatment for
Knowledge from the expert or specialist is glaucoma or patient is ought to be seen all the time as
collected and stored in the knowledge base. This is glaucoma suspect on the off chance that having
the crucial step in developing the ES, as the opportunities to inspire glaucoma to recognize the
knowledge collected from the expert doctor is used underlying indications of harm to the optic nerve.
for diagnosing of the glaucoma disease. The treatment for glaucoma for the most part relies
on upon appearance and significance of each case.
5) USER Despite the fact that glaucoma can't be
User can be patient or an ophthalmologist cured, however it can be controlled utilizing eye
who uses the GAMES expert system for consultation drops, laser methods, or pills and surgical operations
or diagnosis of glaucoma disease. are utilized to keep or moderate going damage from
ES are computer programs which store the true and inferential happening. The medicines that are utilized for
learning of human specialist in limited space. An itemized glaucoma are recorded in table 1. Steady eye check-
dialog on medical ES and profound research on causes, ups are exceptionally vital for all sort of glaucoma, to
manifestations, and treatment for glaucoma are exhibited in analyze progression and to capture vision misfortune.
the following section. Since glaucoma can intensify without patient
monitoring it, patient’s treatment probably should be
changed after some time to accomplish a lower
"target eye pressure."

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

finding and gauges the commitments made by specialists. A

TABLE 1: Treatment for Glaucoma couple of analysts have assessed their medicinal ES in various
clinics from the specialists and have recovered parameters like
Type Description
exactness and precision. These parameters of ES rely on upon
Eye Drops These either decrease the development of information base. The anxiety ought to be on learning
liquid in the eye or increment its procurement, where it is a phase in which information is
outpouring. gathered. Subsequently, the execution of framework relies on
Laser surgery This strategy can marginally expand the upon these variables.
stream of the liquid from the eye for
individuals with open-edge glaucoma. V. CONCLUSION
Trabeculoplasty Opens the outflow region. India is the second most populated nation and has more than 1
Iridotomy billion individuals. The effect of visual inability and visual
Makes a minor gap in the iris to let liquid deficiency from glaucoma is no doubt exorbitant. Glaucoma is
stream all the more openly. a long-standing eye ailment in which optic nerve head is step
Treats territories of the center layer of by step harmed. Propelled glaucoma prompts to an irreversible
Cyclophotocoagulation your eye to decrease liquid creation. visual deficiency. As lost abilities of the optic nerve can't be
Trabeculectomy The specialist makes another channel to recouped, early recognition and resulting treatment are basic
deplete the liquid and simplicity eye for influenced patients to protect their vision.
pressure. Current systems to analyze glaucoma is neither
particular nor sufficiently touchy to be a productive screening
apparatus. The proposed GAMES framework is a definitive
D. Types of Glaucoma. answer for the above issue. Making the knowledge and
There are a few glaucoma subtypes as shown in expertise of human specialists all the more generally
figure 4 underneath, albeit all are viewed as optic accessible through PC counsel framework i.e., GAMES goes
neuropathies. Glaucoma might be essential or auxiliary to about as a critical device for enhancing the entrance to
different conditions. Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is fantastic social insurance. Utilizing GAMES will stretch
the most widely recognized sort of glaucoma, representing outpatient care and mastery to remote territories.
more than 70% of cases.
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Congenital Open-Angle and Implementation of Fuzzy expert System of Back Pain Diagnosis”,
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[8] Ahmad A. Al-Hajji, “Rule Based Expert System for Diagnosis and
Symptom of Neurological disorders”, proceedings of ICCIT 2012.
Neovascular [9] K. Abdelhamied, S. Hafez, W. Abdalla, H. Hiekal, A. Adel, “ A Rule –
Based Expert System for Rapid Problem Solving in Crowded
Acute Chronic Outpatients Clinics in EGYPT”, proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine & Biology Society tenth Annual International Conference
Intermittent Steroid-induced 1988 IEEE.
[10] S Ali, P Chia, K Ong, “Graphical Knowledge – Based Protocols for
Fig 4: Types of Glaucoma. Chest Pain Management” proceedings of the Computers in Cardiology
Table 2 indicates comparison of existing work on ES utilized 1999 IEEE.
as a part of the therapeutic field. This near review depicts
distinct ESs in a particular zone, for example, medicinal

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE
3rd International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics (AEEICB17)

[11] Samy S. Abu Naser, Abu Zaiter A. Ola, “An Expert System for [14] Qeethara Kadhim AI – Shayea, “Artificial Neural Networks in Medical
Diagnosing Eye Diseases Using CLIPS”, Journal of Theoretical and Diagnosis” , IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues,
Applied Information Technology, pp. 923-930, 2005-2008 JATIT. vol. 8, issue 2, pp 150-154, march 2011.
[12] A Jame Reggia, Stanley Tuhrim (Eds). Computer-Assisted Medical [15] Eugena Roventa, George Rosu, “The Diagnosis of Some Kidney
Decision Making, vol I, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985. Diseases in a PROLOG Expert System”, proceedings of the third
[13] Jimmy Singla, “The Diagnosis of Some Lung Diseases in a PROLOG international workshop on Soft Computing Applications 2009 IEEE.
Expert System”, International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. [16] Solomon Gebremariam, “A Self Learning Knowledge Based System for
78, no. 15, pp. 37-40, September 2013. Diagnosis and Treatment of Diabetes”, Master’s thesis, Addis Ababa

TABLE 2: Categorization of medical expert systems.

Title Method Disease Advantages Disadvantages Accuracy

The Diagnosis of Some Lung Rule based Lung This expert system contains Only symptoms entered in The system has
Diseases in a PROLOG Expert Expert Diseases. knowledge of 32 lung diseases. knowledge base are available. It 70% accuracy.
System[13] System. does not think & learn by itself.

Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Back This system is tested using The input, Body Mass Index 90% accuracy is
Fuzzy expert System of Back expert Pain. clinical data that corresponds to (BMI) to system is an extra achieved.
Pain Diagnosis[7] System 20 patients with different back burden.
pain diseases.
Artificial Neural Networks in Artificial Acute Reduction of diagnosis time. Considered only as a tool to 99% accuracy is
Medical Diagnosis[14] intelligence Nephritis The ability to process large facilitate the final decision of a achieved in
methods Disease. amount of data. clinician, who is ultimately diagnosis of Acute
responsible for critical evaluation Nephritis Disease.
of the ANN output.
The Diagnosis of Some Kidney Rule based Kidney Helps the doctor in making the Considered only limited number No experimental
Diseases in a PROLOG Expert Expert Disease. appropriate diagnosis of the of kidney diseases. results are found.
System [15] System. patient.

A Self Learning Knowledge Rule based Diabetes This system provides advice to Knowledge base should be kept Performance of
Based System for Diagnosis and expert Disease. physicians and patients to updating with new symptoms. the system is
Treatment of Diabetes [16]. system facilitate the diagnosis and 84.2% accurate.
treatment of diabetes.
GAMES- Glaucoma Analysis Rule based Glaucoma Using GAMES will extend Used to diagnose only glaucoma Experiments yet to
and management using Expert expert Disease patient care and expertise to disease. be performed.
System. system remote areas.

978-1-5090-5434-3©2017 IEEE

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