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MECH 227 (01)


Prof. Dr. Bilgehan Ögel 70 Min 28th.November.2015

24% Q.1) Answer the following as True or False:

a) Gas porosity is seen only in weldings ........................................................................ T F

b) Allotrophy means that the crystal structure ojh f a metal is not fixed but changes with an increase in
temperature. .............................................................................................................. T F
c) Ceramics are ionic compounds, so dislocations in their structure cannot move
under shear stresses. ................................................................................... T F
d) Dislocations are line defects. ................................................................................. T F

15% Q.2) Platinum (Pt) has an FCC crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.139nm and an atomic
weight of 195.08 gm/mole. Calculate the theoretical density of Pt.
Answer:______ (You can use the back of the paper for calculations.)

15% Q.3) You are given a brass alloy with the following tensile data:
E = 9.85x104 MPa. UTS = 500 MPa.
Y = 258 MPa. ν= 0.35
(a) What is the maximum diameter of the cylindrical bar made of this alloy that can carry
2 tons of load without any permanent deformation ? The diameter must be _________ mm.
(b) What is the total elongation under the loading conditions in (a), if the wire length is 6
meters ? The total elongation is _____________ mm.
(c) A cylindrical specimen of this material with 14 mm diameter and 150mm long is
carrying 2035 Kgs. The final diameter of the specimen under this load is ________ mm

8% Q.4.) Several alloys show a well-defined yield point, i.e. the slope of - changes suddenly.
However, several others dont. For these alloys, we use _________________________________
method, in order to find the yield stress.

10% Q.3.) Why Cu and Al is generally more ductile than iron? Because ___________________
_________________________________________________________________________ .
26% Q.6.) A bar of a steel exhibiting the stress-strain behaviour given below is subjected to a tensile
load. The specimen is 800mm long and 7mm in diameter.
2% (a) What is the yield strength of this steel ? (Answer: ________ MPa).
2% (b) What is the ultimate tensile strength of this steel? (Answer: ________ MPa).
9% (c) How much loading (in Kgs) could produce an elongation of 16mm ? (Answer: _______ Kgs)
9% (d) What will be the deformation left after the load in (c) is released? (Answer: ________ mms)
5% (e) What is the % elongation of the specimen after rupture ? (Answer: ________ %)

(Important: For all answers, draw on the graph first. Then fill in the blanks above)

 = F/A0  = - x/z = - y/z Avogadro's number = 6.02x1023
1 Kg.f = 9.8 N  = l/l0 = d/d0 Mass = Volume.Density
1 MPa = 1 N/mm2  = E.  1 mt = 100 cm
M = Vxd 1nm = 10-7cm

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