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progress report 4.

by Hank Dickey

Submission date: 07-Nov-2018 08:52PM (UT C-0800)

Submission ID: 1035135415
File name: progress_report_4.docx
Word count: 262
Character count: 1398
Memo heading (to, from, etc.) Add logo, too

As this is your team's fourth progress report, I don't really need the "mission" aspect here. Just the
purpose of the this particular document will do.

Problems encountered? Oh, it's in your "Project Goal" section. Try a

separate section for that.

Peer review?

Be sure to include the full time sheet, showing what each member worked on and for how long, with your
final folder.
progress report 4.docx




Text Comment. Memo heading (to, f rom, etc.) Add logo, too

Text Comment. As this is your team's f ourth progress report, I don't really need the
"mission" aspect here. Just the purpose of the this particular document will do.

Text Comment. Problems encountered? Oh, it's in your "Project Goal" section. T ry a
separate section f or that.

Text Comment. Peer review?

Text Comment. Be sure to include the f ull time sheet, showing what each member worked
on and f or how long, with your f inal f older.

CRIT ERIA 1 Developing

Form & Organization

ABSENT/BELOW Sections organization is absent, illogical, or inconsistent; Headings may be absent or

BASIC do not describe content ef f ectively

DEVELOPING Sections organization isn't always clear or consistent; Headings may not describe
content ef f ectively

PROFICIENT Sections are usually organized logically and consistently; Headings describe content

ADVANCED Sections are organized logically and consistently; Headings describe content
concisely, specif ically, and accurately

CRIT ERION 2 Advanced

Content & Persuasiveness

ABSENT/BELOW T he report f ails to describe the group's completed tasks, current work, and f uture
BASIC work; the group seems in danger of not f inishing the project on time.

DEVELOPING Descriptions of the group's completed tasks, current work, and f uture work may be
vague; evidence of the group's ability to complete the project on time isn't quite

PROFICIENT Some specif ic details describe the group's completed tasks, current work, and f uture
work adequately; evidence of group's ability to complete the project on time is

ADVANCED Specif ic details describe the group's completed tasks, current work, and f uture work
directly and aptly; evidence of group's ability to complete the project on time is

CRIT ERION 3 Advanced


ABSENT/BELOW White space, f onts, and design are not used to increase the reader-f riendliness of
BASIC the report.

DEVELOPING White space, f onts, and design may be distracting or inef f ective.

PROFICIENT White space, f onts, and design are ef f ective.

ADVANCED White space, f onts, and design are ef f ective and attractive

CRIT ERION 4 Advanced

ABSENT/BELOW Spelling, syntax, diction, or punctuation errors impede readability.

DEVELOPING Spelling, syntax, diction, or punctuation errors impede readability or otherwise distract
f rom meaning.

PROFICIENT Spelling, syntax, diction, or punctuation errors are f ew and do not distract f rom

ADVANCED Outstanding control of language, including ef f ective diction and sentence variety.

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