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Student’s Name ___________________________________________________________

Pediatric SPA Intervention Grading Rubric

Intervention Plan Grading Criteria Skill Level Demonstrated

Kenzie Silberman Below Meets Outstanding
expectations Expectations +.5-2pt.
-.5 – 3pts.
1. Demographic information, diagnosis, concerns, x
precautions, reason for referral, therapist’s name
2. Occupational Profile +1.75
 States comprehensive understanding of occ. Hx, experiences,
patterns of daily living, interests, values, and needs & reason x
for seeking services.
 strengths and weaknesses (person) identified
 potential areas of occupation disruption identified
 Supports and barriers (context & environment) identified
 Parent’s Priorities & concerns for intervention identified
3. Analysis of occupational performance +1
 Assets & px more specifically identified from observation
 Actual performance data described from observation
 Performance analyzed & identified priorities supported
 Identified targeted outcomes
 Concise, cogent and comprehensive narrative
4. Problems prioritized -.5
5. Identifies two personal supports/strengths X
 Appropriately identify two specific personal factors (client
factors/performance skills) that are promoting participation in
selected occupations/priorities of intervention (use OTPF
6. Identifies two contextual supports/strengths X
 Appropriately identify two specific contextual factors that are
promoting participation in selected occupations/priorities of
intervention (use OTPF language)
7. Identifies two activity demand supports/strengths X
 Appropriately identify two specific activity demands that are
promoting participation in selected occupations/priorities of
intervention (use OTPF language)
8. Identifies two personal barriers/limitations X
 Appropriately identify two specific personal factors (client
factors/performance skills) that are limiting participation in
selected occupations/priorities of intervention (use OTPF
9. Identifies two environmental barriers/limitations X
 Appropriately identify two specific contextual factors that are
limiting participation in selected occupations/priorities of
intervention (use OTPF language)
10. Identifies two activity demand barriers/limitations x
 Appropriately identify two specific activity demands that are
promoting participation in selected occupations/priorities of
intervention (use OTPF language)
Student’s Name ___________________________________________________________
11. Correctly writes two long term goals 1 – great! I might +2
leave out a specific place but up to you! #2 Good
 Uses COAST/SMART format
 Outcomes emphasize function
12. Correctly writes two short term goals for each long term +2
goal 1 & 2 Good! Again might leave out specific location 3 –
good 4 I would leave out the 1 hour – rest is great!
 Uses COAST/SMART format (includes 6th item – Contributing client
factor or performance skill)
 Outcomes emphasize function
13. Correctly identifies FofR/ practice model and rationale with x
each STG 3 – biomechanical is more strength and endurance –
if you are focusing on coordination motor learning would
match your description better.
 Write a rationale & explain how and why you chose
the model(s) to address this specific short term goal and how it
addresses the contributing ‘client factor/performance skill’
stated in STG that is problematic in client performing specific
occupation targeted in the goal.
14. Correctly identifies intervention approach(es)/ type(s) x
15. Correctly identifies 3 relevant outcomes x
16. Lists person(s) developing plan and date x
17. Spelling/Grammar +2
 Clearly communicates information x
 Checks spelling
Grading Rubric
 Student “meets expectations” in all criterion categories = 138/150 (~92/100)
 Add 2 points for each box marked “outstanding” +8.75
 Subtract 3 points for reach box marked “below expectations” -.5
146.25/150 = 97.5%
Students Final Grade = 219.25/225 total pts.
SPA Total Points: 300 (75 pts. interview/225 written documentation)
Written SPA: 219.25
Interview: 69
Total SPA Score: 288.25/300 = 96%


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