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Department of Physics


Final Exam December 11, 2018

Please Print Clearly:

Student:_____________________________ ___________________________
Last Name First Name

Student Number: _____________________ Student Section: _______________

Put a check mark beside the name of your professor:

Instructions - Read them attentively

This is version A
For item 100 on your TRS form please fill the exam VERSION A or B
The test consists of 26 multiple choice questions. Answer all questions. Please bubble #100
Each question is worth 1 mark (the total mark is 26). with A
For each multiple choice question:

this booklet. If no work is shown to justify the answer to a question, the resultant mark
may be zero, even if the answer in the scantron is correct.

Some answers are rounded off a bit so !

Select the option that is numerically closest to your answer, circle it in this booklet and then copy
it to the bubble sheet carefully using a pencil.
Duration of the exam: 3 hours.
Pagers and cell phones must be silenced and placed out of reach. Earphones are not allowed. If a
phone rings, its owner is responsible for disrupting the exam and the phone will be confiscated or
the owner will be asked to leave the room resulting in a zero on the test.
Sharing of pens, erasers and calculators is not permitted.
Talking to anothe
result in a charge of academic misconduct.
Formula sheets are not allowed. The only calculators allowed are either the Sharp EL-546 or
Casio FX-991. If you are found to have another type of calculator (even if not programmable) it
will be confiscated for the duration of the test.
All Ryerson Examination rules apply.
The exam booklet has a total 14 pages. You are responsible for checking that you have all pages.
This is version A
Please bubble #100
with A

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