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Ruby on Rails Volunteer Training Program


Introduction to Web Applications Development for Beginners

November, 2018
Mission Statement
At Bootcampus, our mission is to run bootcamp-style short to medium length training
programs to prepare and sensitise fellow young Africans including students, to meet the
challenges of working and excelling in the ever evolving world of information technology
and allied sectors.

This we aim to do by way of periodically deploying dedicated and motivated volunteer

trainers from all over the world with the requisite ability and practical knowledge to carry
out such targeted training programs in selected countries within the African continent.

In its current form, our programs will be provided free of charge to participants. And it is
hoped that collaborating local institutions and organisations are able to demonstrate
interest, as well as provide assistance and necessary resources at no cost.

To seek support of and collaboration with the institution in developing, coordinating and
delivering a series of training workshops by volunteer programmers from Europe and
South America to train young Cape Verdien students, inclusive of university as well as
gifted and capable end of year high school students.

The program is meant to engage and provide young African students including and
most especially girls with practical skills in IT.

This we hope may provide significant motivation for them to see the world of IT as not
alien but reachable and one in which they can participate, as well as do well. And
knowledge gained during the program will help instil participants with enough belief and
awareness needed to encourage the target group to see the web applications
development segment of the IT sector is an area or field in which a hard working,
intelligent and ambitious Cape Verdien student can succeed.

Bootcampus Volunteer Training Program

Who should attend this workshop?
The program aims to focus on training final year secondary school students, as well as
university students, especially females, but not excluding males.

The target age group of participants should be in the range of 16 – 25.

The program assumes a basic and functional ability to use a computer and surf the
internet by participants.

Bootcampus strongly believes that though English language is the de facto lingua
franca of the programming world, such realisation should not preclude non-English
speakers from participating. This has necessitated our ensuring that a significant
number of trainers are Portuguese-speaking. Similarly, we have also chosen not to
consciously exclude non-Portuguese speaker(s) as trainers. We believe there is always
room to learn in an inclusive manner which encourages give and take.

What participants will learn during the workshop?

 Understanding programming as a skill for further self-development
 Understanding Vocabulary of web applications development
 Developing a basic understanding of what components makes a web application.
 Understanding the ABCs of coding
 Creating a conceptual understanding of the web’s building blocks
 Have an idea of how to move forward in the programming world

Bootcampus Volunteer Training Program

What Gap Does The Training Program Aim to Address?
Since learning web development can be costly and web training institutions are not
readily available in most Africa countries, we hope to bridge these barriers by providing
experienced volunteers from Europe, North America and Africa to train interested
participants for free.

Request from the Local collaborator organisation(s)

In addition to seeking collaboration with experienced and competent institutions, we at
Bootcampus would also like to explore the possibility of building a relationship with the
institution, with the hope that they can provide us the following:

1) Sensitising and selection of student candidates according to specified bullet-

pointed criteria.
2) Training rooms complete with functioning computers, Internet connection and
3) Accommodation for our volunteers either in form of hostel places, or alternatively,
to help identify safe and hospitable host family settings among the local
community with basic comfort(s), where our volunteers can pay for and live at
minimal cost.
4) Comprehensive Language Support in the form of Portuguese language course
and practice for programming trainer(s) who may not be Portuguese language

Bootcampus Volunteer Training Program

At the end of the training program, participants should be able to:

 Apply a structured approach to identifying needs, interests, and functionality of

a simple and basic website and web app
 Design simple and basic but dynamic website that meets specified needs and
 Write simple and basic but well-structured, easily maintained, standard-compliant
accessible HTML code
 Write simple and basic but well-structured, easily maintained, standard-compliant
CSS code to present HTML pages in different ways
 Critique simple and basic Ruby code written by others, identifying examples of
both good and bad practice
 Select appropriate HTML, CSS, and Ruby code to extend and alter its
functionality, and to correct errors and cases of poor practice
 Write well-structured, easily maintained Ruby code following accepted good
 Write simple and basic Ruby code that works in most major browsers
 Effectively debug simple and basic Ruby code, making use of good practice and
debugging tools
 Effectively using Ruby on Rails framework to create simple and basic dynamic

Bootcampus Volunteer Training Program

Outline for Web Application Development using Ruby on Rails

 Computers for Beginners

 Introduction to Programming

 Installing and Using Sublime Text

 HTML Page Structure


 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

 Using Ruby on Rails to Create a Simple Rails App

 Ruby Language

 Understanding important Linux Commands

 Installation of Ruby and Rails with RVM

 Get your free GitHub Account

 Building a Sample Rails App [To-Do App]

 Create a Simple Rails App individually by the students

Bootcampus Volunteer Training Program

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