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Chapter two

Literature Review

2.1 - :Introduction

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles,

home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software,
sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these objects to
connect and exchange data. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its
embedded computing system but is able to inter -operate within the
existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist
of about 30 billion objects by 2020. It is also estimated that the global
market value of IoT will reach $7.1 trillion by 2020. The IoT allows
objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network
infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the
physical world into computer-based systems, and resulting in improved
efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human
intervention. When IOT is augmented with sensors and actua tors, the
technology becomes an instance of the more general class of cyber-
physical systems, which also encompasses technologies such as smart
grids, virtual power plants, smart homes, intelligent transportation and
.smart cities

2.2 - :IOT History

IOT the Internet of Things (IOT) has not been around for very long.
However, there have been visions of machines communicating with one
another since the early 1800s. Machines have been providing direct

communications since the telegraph (the first landline) was developed in
the 1830s and 1840s. Described as “wireless telegraphy,” the first radio
voice transmission took place on June 3, 1900, providing another
necessary component for developing the Internet of Things. The
.development of computers began in the 1950s

The Internet, itself a significant component of the IOT, started out as

part of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1962,
and evolved into ARPANET in 1969. In the 1980s, commercial service
providers began supporting public use of ARPANET, allowing it to
evolve into our modern Internet. Global Positioning Satellites (GPS)
became a reality in early 1993, with the department of defense providing a
stable, highly functional system of 24 satellites. This was quickly
followed by privately owned, commercial satellites being placed in orbit.
Satellites and landlines provide basic communications for much of the

But it has only been in recent years that IOT has really become a reality on a
massive scale. The IOT is no longer just about a handful of high -end
Internet-connected appliances. Now, it's common for all types of devices,
.from TVs to thermostats to cars, to connect to the Internet

What has changed since the 2000s to make this all possible? There are
several key factors. They include the expansion of networking capabilities,
the introduction of large-scale data analytics tools (which make it easier to
manage and interpret data from IOT devices) and the creation of new
standards, such as the All seen Alliance's All Join, which make it simpler for
.IOT hardware and software from different vendors to interact

Perhaps more than anything else, however, the growth o f the cloud has
played a crucial role in making modern IOT possible. That's because the
cloud provides a low-cost, always-on place for storing information and
crunching numbers. Cheap, highly available cloud infrastructure makes it
easy to offload storage and compute tasks from IOT devices to cloud
servers. In turn, IOT devices can be cheaper, leaner and meaner. Thanks to
the cloud, you’re smart thermostat doesn't have to do much beyond upload
some very basic data to your utility company's cloud, and downlo ad
instructions you send it through the cloud for managing your home's
temperature. It doesn't have to store the data itself. It does not even have to
have a local management interface (although most thermostats do) if the
manufacturer doesn't want. You can control the device solely through the
.cloud -- provided, of course, it has Internet connectivity

2.3 - :IOT Uses

The Internet of Things is changing everything. Here’s a sampling of use

.cases, including a few you may not know of yet

2.3.1 -:Enterprise

The term "Enterprise IOT," or EIOT, is used to refer to all devices used in
business and corporate settings. By 2019, it is estimated the EIOT will
.account for nearly 40% or 9.1 billion devices

2.3.2 -:Media

Media use of the Internet of things is primarily concerned with marketing

and studying consumer habits. Through behavioral targeting these devices

collect many actionable points of information about millions of individuals.

Using the profiles built during the targeting process, media producers

present display advertising in line with the consumer's known habits at a

time and location to maximize its effect. Further information is collected by

tracking how consumers interact with the content. This is done through

conversion tracking, drop off rate, click through rate, registration rate and

interaction rate. The size of the data often presents challenges as it crosses

into the realm of big data. However, in many cases benefits gained from the

.data stored greatly outweighs these challenges

2.3.3 -:Infrastructure Management

Monitoring and controlling operations of urban and rural infrastructures like

bridges, railway tracks, on- and offshore- wind-farms is a key application of
the IOT. The IOT infrastructure can be used for monitoring any events or
changes in structural conditions that can compromise safety and increase
risk. It can also be used for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in
an efficient manner, by coordinating tasks between different service
providers and users of these facilities. IOT devices can also be used to
control critical infrastructure like bridges to provide access to ships. Usage
of IOT devices for monitoring and operating infrastructure is li kely to
improve incident management and emergency response coordination, and
quality of service, up-times and reduce costs of operation in all infrastructure
related areas. Even areas such as waste management can benefit from
.automation and optimization that could be brought in by the IOT
2.3.4 Environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring applications of the IOT typically use sensors to

assist in environmental protection by monitoring air or water quality,[11]
atmospheric or soil conditions, and can even include areas like monitoring
the movements of wildlife and their habitats. Development of resource-
constrained devices connected to the Internet also means that other
applications like earthquake or tsunami early-warning systems can also be
used by emergency services to provide more effective aid. IOT devices in
this application typically span a large geographic area and can also be
mobile. It has been argued that the standardization IOT brings to wireless
.sensing will revolutionize this area

2.3.5 Energy management

Integration of sensing and actuation systems, connected to the Internet, is

likely to optimize energy consumption as a whole. It is expected that IOT
devices will be integrated into all forms of energy consuming devices
(switches, power outlets, bulbs, televisions, etc.) and be able to communicate
with the utility supply company in order to effectively balance power
generation and energy usage. Such devices would also offer the opportunity
for users to remotely control their devices, or centrally manage them via a
cloud-based interface, and enable advanced functions like scheduling

Besides home-based energy management, the IOT is especially relevant to

the Smart Grid since it provides systems to gather and act on energy and
power-related information in an automated fashion with the goal to improve

the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production
and distribution of electricity. Using advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)
devices connected to the Internet backbone, electric utilities can not only
collect data from end-user connections but also, manage other distribution
.automation devices like transformers and recloses

2.3.6 Agriculture

The IOT contributes significantly towards innovating farming methods.

Farming challenges caused by population growth and climate change have
made it one of the first industries to utilize the IOT. The integration of
wireless sensors with agricultural mobile apps and cloud platforms helps in
collecting vital information pertaining to the environmental conditions
temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, pest infestation, soil humus
content or nutrients, besides others – linked with a farmland, can be used to
improve and automate farming techniques, take informed decisions to
improve quality and quantity, and minimize risks and wastes. The app -based
field or crop monitoring also lowers the hassles of managing crops at
multiple locations. For example, farmers can now detect which areas have
been fertilized (or mistakenly missed), if the land is too dry and predict
.future yields
Chapter 3

Hardware Components

3.1 Introduction

Hardware component of explorer street light are divided in three units each
.units contains one or more component are explain below

3.2 Input Unit

An input unit peripheral contains push button and ESP8266 wifi chip,
.this chip used to control the lamps remotely via Wi-Fi

3.2.1 -:Wi-Fi chip

ESP8266 is a 3.3V WiFi module very popular for its Internet of Things
applications. ESP 8266 maximum working Voltage is 3.6V and its very
important to note. You must know how to power it, how to serial -connect it
with Arduino safely, how to ping and many other things. You should use
software like, Tinkercad, Fritzing to simulate and work with the
board safely. You should also use Logic Level Controller to use with
.ESP8266 module

Figure (3.1) ESP8266 Chip

3.2.2 Switch Button

A push button is a momentary or non-latching switch which causes a

temporary change in the state of an electrical circuit only while the switch is
physically actuated. An automatic mechanism (i.e. a spring) returns the
switch to its default position immediately afterwards, restoring the initial
.circuit condition

Figure (3.2) Switch Button Latching

3.2.3 Relay
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet
to mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also
used, such as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to
control a circuit by a separate low-power signal, or where several circuits
.must be controlled by one signal

Figure (3.3) Relay module

3.2.4 Photoresistor

A photoresistor (or light-dependent resistor, LDR, or photo-conductive

cell) is a light-controlled variable resistor. The resistance of a photoresistor
decreases with increasing incident light intensity; in other words, it exhibits
photoconductivity. A photoresistor can be applied in light-sensitive detector
.circuits, and light-activated and dark-activated switching circuits

Figure (3.4) Photoresistor

3.2.5 Potentiometer

Figure (3.5) Potentiometer

cA potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating

contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider.[1] If only two terminals are
.used, one end and the wiper, it acts as a variable resistor or rheostat

:Output unit 3.3

.An Output unit peripheral contains led’s

-:Led’s 3.3.1

Figure (3.6) Led’s

A light-emitting diode (LED) is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It

is a p–n junction diode that emits light when activated. When a suitable
voltage is applied to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron
holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect
.is called electroluminescence


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