Answers Final Review - Honors - 2

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Name: key Honors Chemistry Final Exam Review Packet 1, Name the following compounds: a s ee re mo Cu Copper CL) oxidle HBr hyde@bromic — aci SO: sulfic dioxide Mg(NOs)z_ magnes tam nitrate HCHO: acetic acid Ba(PO): barium Phosphate FSO, sulFinc acid M0, dinitrogen tetroxide Zn(OH). Zine hydroxide POs phosphorus pentachlorde 2. Write the formulas for the following: a FR mp ae o silver chloride ts sc ( Phosphoric acid), PO, iron (HI) oxide Fe, 0), boron trihydride (|, calcium nitride), copper (I) chloride CC hydrosulfurie acid, ¢ carbon tetrachloride ¢ ¢, cadmium nitrte | (yp Ne 3. Find the percent composition of each element in the following compounds: a, calcium fuoride Cy = 70%, b. nitric acid [4/0 3 > 6 3.024 Welt, =(1.40% 1 (uz | Ni t48lg wag - « Ske ts iH), SOq = (32-'%y . 28.0% (71, 20%N Mi sey = He ens = 51 0: Sam [anar%e) 4. A compound is found to contain 63.52% iron and 36.48% sulfur. Find its empirical fe Ni Gay Soot «Es Le teal ie_) Bassyre tee Aig S , Imol S 25 molS \FeS ] g 1 36-M8gS, Imol > 2 | 13 E ' BLOT NESE : . Analysis of 20.0 g of a compound containing only calcium and bromine indicates that 4,00 g of calcium are present, What is the empirical formula of the compound formed? Ca. $0%4Ca, loots = = 0.04480 mal Ca _ | hoe “Soa | Cab} '6.004 a 2.20025 male eae H40,8° —Goadgo = 6. Determine the molecular formula of the compound with an empirical formula of CH and a molar mass of 78.110 g/mol. i 132 Odglnol rola _ FB WOgho | empl Seal 13.02gémol +f ced 4 7. A sample of a compound with a molar mass of 34.00 g/mol is found to consist of 0.44 g H and 6.92 g O. Find its molecular formula. Hy QM, melt 6 3564 nal. Sie ieige O45 = | HO Snel O: GBs, mel. 9, 4355 melo _ neler: Mel oo eens | ered Toya” 8. For each of the following problems determine: A. Reaction type B. Complete the word equation C. Write the complete balanced equation. D. Determine ifthe reaction oceurs (for SR reactions only) If it does not occur, write a potassium~iodine> potassiiem —joclicle @. 2K44 Da Z kee A. Synthes’s b. zinc-+ lead (I) chloride Zhe chlorwfe + lead C. Ens PCL Zndl, + Pb A. Single Replacement c. sodium nitrate + ammonium chloride Sodim chloride tammoniuim C. Nadoy+ MCL —> ere who, — A. Rouble Replacement d. potassium chloride potassiem - chlorihe Gr ZC le eal, A. Deccmpeaitan «©. potassium chlorate potassium chloride + oxygen, €. 2kClO, > 2kel +30, ike Decompasition

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