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The Aztecs

Selma Matias & Carelen Matias

Aztecs Empire
● It's considered the most important civilization of Mexico
● Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztecs Empire
● they founded it with a great engineering that no European city
had in that time.
● Founded in 1325
● Located on a swampy island in Lake Texcoco
● Large city covered around 5 square miles
● Historians estimate that nearly 200,000 people lived in the city
● The most important person for the aztecs was Moctezuma (who was the first
● Netzahualcoyotl (engineer, philosopher and also emperor)
● They conquer several cities in the south of Mexico.
● The territories of the Aztec Empire were expanded to the center of Mexico,
the central area of ​Oaxaca, the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, Guerrero and
Aztecs gods and goddesses
1. Huitzilopochtli
2. Tlaloc
3. Xipe Totec
4. Tonatiuh
5. Chalchiuhtlicue
6. Ehecatl
Important food for the Aztecs
● The basic ingredient and the most important of the Aztec
gastronomy was Maiz.
● This also played an important role in the Aztec economy
because for a long time it served them as money.
● It was cultivated an inestimable number of varieties, which vary
in color, texture, size and quality
● Other important foods were the beans...
● Cocoa is also one of the most important seeds of Aztec history,
from this chocolate is born.

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