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SKT 1013


IC NUMBER 990318087368

What I understand about this topic, is first and foremost the elements in the periodic table is
arranged in rows by increasing atomic number. The periodic table itself has horizontal row and
vertical column. The horizontal one is called period and the vertical one is called groups. The periods
are labelled from first row to seventh row while the groups are labelled from first column to
eighteenth column. The elements in the same group tend to have the chemical and physical
properties that are same to each other. This is because all of the elements have the same number of
outermost shell electron. However, the columns are grouped into families of Hydrogen, Alkali Metal,
Alkaline Earth Metal, Boron Family, Carbon Family, Nitrogen Family, Oxygen Family (Chalcogen),
Halogens, Noble Gases, Transition Metals and Rare Earth Metals.

Hydrogen is the only element in its family , in the form of diatomic gas and reactive. Furthermore,
hydrogen is an alternative source of fuel for the automobiles. Next, we move on to the other family
which is alkali metals. This family is basically in the same group as the Hydrogen in the periodic table.
However, the physical and chemical properties of the elements belong to this group is totally
different. The physical property itself, is silvery , soft and can be cut with knife. This is because, the
attraction and the metallic bond between them is weak. This will also contribute to the easily
deformed or broken down the crystal structure. For the chemical properties, alkali metal elements
react vigorously with water and their reactivity are increasing as we go down to the group from
Lithium to Caeseum. They tend to have lower ionisation energy and increase in the radius of the
atom as we go down the group. Moreover, they are strongly a very good reducing agent.

The story is different when we talk about Alkaline Earth Metals. We can find this family in the
second group when we look at the periodic table. We can find this element in our nature such as
limestone and more important, some of them are mineral nutrients like magnesium and calcium.
The physical properties of the elements belong to this family is totally different compared to alkali
metal even though their family name just different with the add of ‘earth’ in the middle. The
elements are silvery white, malleable, ductile and harder compared to alkali metals. Although they
are smaller in their size, they have stronger metallic bonding. The melting point and the boiling point
decreases as we go down the group. The chemical properties of the elements are they are strong
reducing agent but the Beryllium is excluded. They are reactive due to the larger in size of the lattice
energy. The metals will combine with all the halogen and basic solution can be also be form by the
oxide of alkaline earth metals in the water. In addition, their ionization energy is higher due to the
positive 2 charge they have. The ion-dipole attraction of magnesium and calcium are so powerful
because of that, there are many slightly soluble salts that exist as hydrated crystal. Besides that, the
ionic acid and hydrogen gas can be form when the element react with acid.

Boron, Carbon and Nitrogen families all are the elements in groups 13, 14 and 15 respectively. In
the Boron family, we have Boron itself, Aluminium (which is tripositive ion and can form Al2O3 when
they expose to air) and other metals such as Gallium, Indium and Ununtrium. All of them have 3
electrons at their outermost shell and it is important to know that Boron is an unreactive element to
oxygen and water so, no ionic bonding will occur and no ionic compound will form. Carbon family
elements obviously have four valence electron as they are in group 14, carbon is a non-metal
element and it is the basis for the chemistry branch. Same as Boron, Silicon and Germanium are
metalloids so they cannot form ionic compound but they are use as semiconductors. As we go down
the group from carbon to lead, they can react with acid to eliminates the hydrogen gas but they are
unreactive to water. In Nitrogen family, nitrogen is the diatomic gas and presence in the
atmosphere. They have 5 electrons in the outermost shell and they form covalent bond when they
bond. Lastly, as we go down the group, we can see that the elements physical appearance are from
non metal, metalloids and metal.
Next, there are oxygen family in the periodic table. They are also called Chalcogen. In the periodic
table, we can see all the elements belong to this family when we look at the group 16. The elements
also include metalloid such as Tellurium and non metal such as oxygen. Most of them will form
covalent bond as they share their electrons. And one fact is, element in this family named sulfur,
give stink smell. Halogens are the group for the elements belong to group 17 if we look at the
periodic table. They are diatomic and for example Fluorine and Iodine. As they are from group 17,
means that they have seven valence electron and only need one electron to achieve octet electron
arrangement in their outermost shell. Thus, they react very easily. Basically all of them are non-
metal and also volatile.

Besides all the families stated, The Noble Gases Family is also not excluded from the list. If we look
at the periodic table, we can see them in group 18. All the elements belong to this family have
achieved their full electron arrangement and that is why they are very unreactive. They are also
called inert gas because they are not combine with other elements so a compound cannot be form.
Transition metals are not forgotten as they are the most attractive as they are usually bright in
colours. Furthermore, they are good conductor of heat and electricity. Gold is one of the element in
this family. They usually combine with oxygen chemically to form oxides. Their oxidation state are
not same as they have either 1 or 2 valence electron. Although their properties are similar to one
another and other metals, but they just do not fit with those in other family. In the periodic table,
we can find them in group 3 to group 12. Lastly, The Rare Earth Elements. They are lanthanides
series and actinides series in the periodic table, most of them are called transuranium which refer to
man-made or synthetic.

When we talk about matter we know that atoms, molecule, elements and compounds are related
to this word. Matter are composed of atom and the combination of atoms will make up a molecule,
for example water. Pure substance are the substances that formed from only one type of atom while
compound made of 2 or more atoms that bonded chemically together. Mixture is the combination
of many atoms and they are physically bonded together. Even though compounds are made up from
the elements that we are previously known their properties, once a compound is formed, the
properties are not the same as the elements that make up them. For example, table salt has totally
different properties from sodium and chlorine, sodium is an explosive metal while chlorine is
poisonous gas while table salt? We are safe to put them in our food ! that is totally insane. However,
they can only be separated by the chemical means. So do mixture, as they made up of physically
bonded elements so they can only be separated by the physical means. Last but not least to wrap up
this summary, the element word that are mentioned so many times from the very first paragraph,
are pure substance. Their properties are not the same if the subatomic from an element are
separated from its atom.

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