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Annotated Bibliography,

Access to Technology at UTEP

Edgar Orozco

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

October 28, 2018


Research Questions

1. Will every student have access to the technology asked by the teacher?

2. How will the student afford it?

3. Is technology necessary towards education?

4. Does UTEP offer technology services?

5. How can UTEP help if students cannot afford or access the technology?

Annotated Bibliography

Aguilera, M. (2003, May 14). Computers on campus. The Prospector, pp. 5. Retrieved from

According to Aguilera (2003), it is stated that UTEP has allowed all of its students to

have access to technology at a wide range of hours of operation. UTEP provides its

students with the Liberal Arts Centers for Instructional Technology (LACIT), as a

beneficial place for students to engage in their assignments as well as acquire some

personal help. Aguilera (2003) also talks about the idea of technology being pushed

around campus which has made students purchase their own laptops as an even bigger

advantage, due to the fact that UTEP has now implemented certain areas around campus

that will help students stay connected to their assignments with UTEPs wireless


Baek, Y., Jung, J., & Kim, B. (2008). What makes teachers use technology in the classroom?

exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a korean sample


According to Youngkyun, Jaeyeob and Bokyeong (2008), the idea of education in the

classroom should be taken seriously especially now in our current generations given that

our technology is only increasing and enhancing. As the idea of having technology in the

classroom increases, it is evident that the reasons for implementing technology to

education are curtail, being that they are important and obvious. One of the reasons being

how easy it will be to assign and grade assignments since it is technology doing all the

work. The fact that it is technology is a good enough reason to pay attention since it’s a

lot more entertainment than a person talking.


Concannon, F., Flynn, A., & Campbell, M. (2005). What campus-based students think about the

quality and benefits of e-learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 36(3), 501-

512. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2005.00482.x

When it comes to learning in campus or anywhere in general for that matter, the claim is

to take into account what is said, when it comes to improving and bettering the way we

see our learning future. Over the years technology has advanced by a huge margin

making technology accessible almost anywhere. Campus libraries, labs, research centers,

and now even your laptops and smartphones help you stay connected to school and its

works. Due to technologies easy access students will understand how easy and beneficial

it will be to integrate technology into the classrooms as teachers will be able teach more

specifically and students can understand and read the materials needed for class on the go

, making them better students and harder workers towards their future.

Earle, R. S. (2002). The integration of instructional technology into public education: Promises

and challenges. Educational Technology, 42(1), 5-13. Retrieved from

According to Earle (2002), even if the idea of integrating technology into classrooms can

be a bit challenging, the urge for the use of technology in the classroom is still in high

demand. It is stated that a survey was conducted towards teachers. Results explained how

teachers benefited from having technology in their classrooms, due to the fact that

students could access assignment’s and understand the curriculum outside of school. It is

evident in this article that the author wants technology to have a bigger impact than just a

simple piece of machine with information. Technology is expected to be used to create

and allow new instructional and learning experiences towards students, to help better

their understanding.

Fabry, D. L., & Higgs, J. R. (1997). Barriers to the effective use of technology in education:

Current status. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(4), 385-395.


According to Fabry (1997), the idea of having educational technology being integrated

into classrooms has many barriers that stop technology from being effective in

classrooms in the first place. It is said that one of the problems being addressed by the

author, are teachers not knowing what level or specific type of technology to use in the

classroom. Teachers around the country may believe that technology in general will help,

when in reality it is hurting the students’ knowledge and understanding capabilities. To

show how important technology is in the educational world, the author gives examples on

how technology is used in the government or in businesses which are important factors

that help run the country on a daily basis.

Lawless, K. A., & Pellegrino, J. W. (2007). Professional development in integrating technology

into teaching and learning: Knowns, unknowns, and ways to pursue better questions and

answers. Review of Educational Research, 77(4), 575-614.


According to Lawless (2007), the idea to provide technology to classrooms is important,

since the topic has been having its own little problems. It is explained how teachers and

researchers, are a long way from really figuring out in what ways technology can be used

effectively. The author has explained the idea that by discovering an effective method to

use technology, the students will go on to benefit from this idea, leaving them with a

lasting impact on new knowledge they just acquired. The author even goes as far as

suggesting a plan that if implemented, will most likely guide researchers to the best

method use for technology in education.

Lee, H., & Templeton, R. (2008). Ensuring equal access to technology: Providing assistive

technology for students with disabilities. Theory into Practice, 47(3), 212-219.


According to Lee (2008), the problem with students with disabilities has gained an

increased amount of attention, as it comes with some difficulties in order to have equal

access to services like other students do. In the past students with disabilities were able to

be provided with AT services, which allowed them equal technology access as other

students, but later became a major funding problem as the services would no longer be

available. This can all have a solution as the author states what he believes is wrong. In

this case being the personnel and the lack of family support and equipment availability.

Ramirez, M., J. (2004, March 3). A guide to computer labs in campus. The Prospector, pp. 7.

Retrieved from


According to Ramirez (2004), the main idea being addressed, is the idea of UTEP having

all these different types of labs that can be beneficial to the students education. Whether a

student can afford the required technology for the classes, UTEP has included a services

fee in every student’s tuition. This comes to benefit the students as he or she has access to

research and homework labs that can help students be more knowledgeable and get their

assignments done in an easier manner. All of the labs are also described in detail to when

students can access them throughout their day and students will also know which labs

offer personal help or plain simple technology access.


Rowntree, D. (1982) Educational Technology In Curriculum Development (2nd Ed). London:

Harper and Row Publishers.

According to Rowntree (1982), the main claim being made is that “Educational

technology is not to be confused with electronic gadgetry”. (p.1) this being said it is

pretty evident that the author of this monograph does not just believe that educational

technology is just purely about technology. It is implied throughout the piece of writing

that educational technology can also refer to the way that people talk and interact in class

and how that can be seen as a way of research and the way of learning without using the

internet for help. Being that this is a technique now the purpose for this work would be to

demonstrate how one can learn with its community.

Servon, L. J., & Nelson, M. K. (2001). Community technology centers: Narrowing the digital

divide in low-income, urban communities. Journal of Urban Affairs, 23(3), 279-290.


According to Journal of Urban Affairs (2001), the lower income communities are shown

to society as the ones that do not have the same opportunity in technology as others do. It

is shown that even if the claim being that the lower income households do not have the

same advantage as the rest, lower income students have a lot of technology resources at

UTEP for example. UTEP has a lot of research, math and reading labs that students that

are enrolled can access and use to their advantage as well as getting inside help from the

people who work there. Just how these labs are available to students at the university a lot

of other perks are offered to increase student success throughout campus.


Thomas, R.M. Kobayashi, V.N. (Ed). (1987). Educational Technology-Its Creation,

Development And Cross-Cultural Transfer (Vol. 4). Honolulu, Hawaii Santa Barbara,

California: Pergamon Press.

According to Thomas and Kobayashi (1987) The Purpose of educational technology is to

promote the efficiency of education by improving the quality of teaching, of educational

administration, and of educational research. This implies that in today’s society we are

rapidly generating a lot of different types of educational technology that is enhancing

how people are taught, making our society even better. Another claim that was given,

was the way teachers should use all the types of technologies to their advantage to

provide more efficient material towards others. Strengths and weaknesses shall also be

looked into so that technology can be used in the best possible way to increase our

technology innovations.

Warschauer, M., & Matuchniak, T. (2010). New technology and digital worlds: Analyzing

evidence of equity in access, use, and outcomes. Review of Research in Education, 34(1),

179-225. doi:10.3102/0091732X09349791

According to Warschauer and Matuchniak (2010) it is implied that the fact that the

impact that access to technology has on modern life, has many educators, sociologists,

and communication scholars, talking and sharing the common idea, that not all of the

students in attendance have the same advantage when it comes to access to technology

because not everyone has the funds to afford it. It is also mentioned that it is essential for

students to obtain this form of access because it allows them to communicate with

multiple individuals which can be used for help or conversations without having to worry

about time or space. Based on this evidence, it can be said that technology can be

impactful in many ways and no matter the flaws that it may currently have, technology I

enhancing day by day and it is just a matter of time until technology is able to

successfully solve some if not all of society’s problems especially in education.

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