Thesis 72: George William: Friedrich Hegel Gel

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believe that they are the only source of
Modern Philosophy.
revelation of reality. It is true enough to
Hegel developed a comprehensive say that reality is truly real only when it is
philosophical framework of Absolute thought reality even though man’s
Idealism to account in an integrated and awareness of this identification cannot be
developmental way for the relation of mind achieved independent of the historical
and nature. process of developing consciousness. It is
true enough to say that reality is truly real
only when it is thought reality; but it is
He was born August 17, 1770 in The Hegelian System equally true that thought is truly thought
Stuttgart and died at the age of 61 in only as a process of coming to terms with
The heart of Hegel’s system is his Logic,
Berlin. Along with J.G. Fichte and F.W.J. the real.
where philosophical thinking seeks to
von Schelling, Hegel belongs to the period
penetrate It is for this reason that, while
of “German Idealism” in the decades
thought contemplating the articulation of his logic
following Kant. He was born during
and find as the cornerstone of his system, Hegel
Beethoven was born and also during the
in it the realized that it would be impossible to
time of Goethe. He was deeply impressed
by the Greek writers, coming eventually to plunge into the depths of thought, there to
find reality, without prefacing his effort
with an account of the process whereby
awareness becomes thought in the fullest
sense of the term. Hegel holds, “the world steps out into the spiritual daylight of the
is rational, and the goal of human enquiry present.”3
is to ‘bring this rationality to
consciousness’, that is, to become aware of
this rationality, and hence achieve a fully “Similarly here, too, the concept is to be
adequate comprehension of reality.”1 regarded not as the act of self-conscious
understanding, not as the subjective
understanding, but as the concept in its
Notion of Spirit own absolute character which constitutes a
stage of nature as well as of spirit”4

“Spirit is not to be considered only as

individual, finite, consciousness, but as that Objective Spirit
Spirit which is universal and concrete The Subjective Spirit
within itself… Spirit’s intelligent
comprehension of itself is at the same time Hegel identifies the actual history of
the progression of the total evolving “Self-consciousness, in being an object, is spirit with “objective spirit” that is, “in the
reality. This progression is not one that just as much ‘I’ as ‘object’. With this, we development of human social structures,
takes its course through the thought of an already have before us the Notion of Spirit. paradigmatically, the political constitutions
individual and exhibits itself in a single What still lies ahead for consciousness is of states.”5
consciousness, for it shows itself to be the experience of what Spirit is – this
universal Spirit presenting itself in the absolute substance which is the unity of the The stage which concern about the true
history of the world in all the richness of different independent self-consciousness’s nature of man, precisely because he is free,
its form.”2 which, in their opposition, enjoy perfect not merely acting and reacting but self-
freedom and independence: the ‘I’ that is
‘We’ and the ‘We’ that is ‘I’. It is in self-
consciousness, in the Notion of Spirit, that
consciousness first finds its turning point,
where it leaves behind it the colorful show 3
Hegel, Phenomenology of Spirit, 110-11.
of the sensuous here-and-now and the night
1 4
Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 4-5. like void of the supersensible beyond, and Hegel, Science of Logic, 257.

2 5
Hegel, Lectures on the History of Hegel, Elements of Philosophy of Right,
Philosophy, 33. 349.
determining, in the sense that he of the triadic movement from thesis, book Science of Logic which discussed in
determines himself to be a self:6 antithesis and synthesis in this book yet he detail his dialectical method.
used this method to explain his thoughts.
 A. individual person who is Since he has a focus on the ideas, this
characterized by rights, initially
process of argumentation aims to yield at
the right to own that which is not
an Absolute Idea. This statement in the
 B. the individual person as self- earlier part of the Phenomenology of the
determining to moral behavior. Spirit can be an affirmation to these
 C. the person not merely as assertions:
individual but as a member of the
Furthermore, the very attempt to
define how a philosophical work is
supposed to be connected with
other efforts to deal with the same
subject-matter drags in an
extraneous concern, and what is
really important for the cognition
of the truth is obscured. The more
conventional opinion gets fixated
on the antithesis of truth and
falsity, the more it tends to expect
a given philosophical system to be
either accepted or contradicted;
Dialectic Process and hence it finds only acceptance
or rejection.7

This has been the pattern of the

argumentations of Hegel in his books The Phenomenology of the Spirit was the
especially in the Phenomenology of the first to be finished in all his books and this
Spirit. He did not make a clear explanation dialectical method was employed in this
book. After few years he published his
Hegel, Elements of Philosophy of Right, 78.
Hegel, Phenomenology of the Spirit, 2.

Primary Source:

Hegel, G.W.F. Complete Works. Trans. By A.V. Miller. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1977.

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