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Joe Ames

30 April 2018
Reflection on the College of Education Technology Standard

The College of Education Technology Standard stresses the importance of the intentional

and effective use of technology in the classroom. Technology should not be used as a bell or

whistle, but rather as a tool to increase learning. Technology for technology’s sake should not be

the goal of a teacher. Instead, it must be used mindfully and integrated completely for

differentiation, student engagement, and all facets of professional practice. Instructional

technology can be used to ensure that lessons are relevant, accessible, and effective. Essentially,

technology should be used primarily when there is no other replacement or when technology is

more effective or efficient than another method. In an English classroom, technology can be used

to create quick checks for understanding or simultaneous discussion. For example, using a

Kahoot instead of whiteboards can be effective because students may be motivated to participate

by using their phones. Similarly, using a Padlet can be effective technology use because it allows

students to simultaneously share ideas, allows for anonymity, and creates opportunities for

students who are quiet and typically do not participate in discussion. On the contrary, providing a

task using technology that students could more efficiently complete without the technology is not

an effective decision. Further, technology use should be consistent and frequent; simply tossing

in a piece of instructional technology randomly will not be effective. It needs to be fully

integrated into a teacher’s classroom. Effective and intentional technology usage can create

opportunities for students that they may lack without it, build student engagement, and allow for

efficient communication between all stakeholders in a student’s education.

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