Lab 10 Starter

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Last Name Location Pay Grade Salary 1)

Hovey Oshawa 5 $100,000 $8,000

Overton Vancouver 1 $40,000 $0
Fetherston Oshawa 4 $37,244 $2,980
Lebrun Edmonton 3 $80,000 $4,000
Hanson Calgary 4 $65,000 $5,200
Beck Montreal 7 $125,000 $12,500
Simmons Montreal 5 $102,000 $8,160
Akhalaghi Oshawa 2 $36,000 $1,800
Harris Edmonton 1 $22,000 $0
Averages 4 $67,472
1) In cell E2 create a function that gives the employee a bonus of 10% of their salary if t
grade 4 or higher, 5% if they are in pay grade 2 or higher and ($0) for anything else.
2) If their home location is "Oshawa" output "Ontario", if it's "Vancouver" output "BC"
else output "Alberta". Use range names where possible.
3) Repeat question 1 above but this time do it in reverse order (Start with 0 for the bonu
NAMED RANGES: Complete the Named Ranges Example (See Below B20:F28) and t
C2:C10 and D2:D10. Use the name above the range. Ie B2:B10 would be called Loca
4) Repeat question 1 above but this time use range names wherever possible.
5) Repeat question 2 above but this time use range names wherever possible.
6) Repeat question 3 above but this time use range names wherever possible.


Student Math Biology Chemistry
John 85 74 71
Lisa 55 66 21
Jill 66 92 91
Simon 44 15 1
250 247 184
Function Average
=IF(AND(G2>=2, H2>=2),J2*10%,0)
=IF(OR(F2="PT", H2>=2),J2*10%,0)
2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Ontario $8,000 $8,000 Ontario $8,000

B.C. $0 $0 B.C. $0
Ontario $2,980 $2,980 Ontario $2,980
Alberta $4,000 $4,000 Alberta $4,000
Alberta $5,200 $5,200 Alberta $5,200
Quebec $12,500 $12,500 Quebec $12,500
Quebec $8,160 $8,160 Quebec $8,160
Ontario $1,800 $1,800 Ontario $1,800
Alberta $0 $0 Alberta $0

nus of 10% of their salary if they are in pay grade 7 or higher, 8% if they are in pay
and ($0) for anything else.
it's "Vancouver" output "BC" if it's "Montreal", output "Quebec" and for everything

der (Start with 0 for the bonus).

e (See Below B20:F28) and then continue above and name the ranges B2:B10,
B2:B10 would be called Location.
wherever possible.
wherever possible.
wherever possible.

IMPORTANT: NAMED 1. Names must begin with a letter, an u

E RANGES ARE ABSOLUTE 2. Names can't contain spaces and mos
Simple Add CELL REFERENCES BUT 3. Names can't conflict with cell referen
230 RELATIVE REFERENCES 4. Names are not case-sensitive – "hom
142 WHEN FORMULAS ARE the same to Excel.
COPIED 5. Make sure the name you use are app
you have named
What's really happening?
10% 7 and higher >=7 Everything else VifF
8% 4 5 6 >=4 <7
5% 2 3 >=2 <4
0% 0 1 Everything else VifF <2

When creating a nested if the most important thing to realize is that once
a condition has been met, the function will end.

=if(logical, value if true, if(logical, value if true…., value if false))

with a letter, an underscore (_), or a backslash (\)

n spaces and most punctuation characters.
t with cell references – you can't name a range "A1"

e-sensitive – "home", "HOME", and "HoMe" are all

e you use are appropriate and easy to figure out what

The Seven Dwarfs Mining Com
Name Age Mine Level Daily Gold Mined Weapon Drink Level Q1 Q2
Bashful 99 5 500 Axe 6
Doc 122 4 800 Chisel 10
Grumpy 111 7 750 Chisel 8
Happy 87 5 500 Hammer 5
Sleepy 100 7 250 Axe 1
Dopey 90 2 150 Hammer 3
Sneezy 110 3 400 Axe 4
Gold Bonus
Q1. If they are under 90 years old output "young", at least 90 but under 100 yrs old output "Middle Age", at least 100 but unde
Q2. IF they have a mine level of 3 or under they get a bonus of $500, a mine level of 4-5 and they get a bonus of $1000 and for
Q3. If their daily gold mined is 0-250 display "Slacker!" above 250 and up to and including 400 "OK", above 400 and up to and i
Q4. If they have had under 2 drinks (drink level) display the text "sober", at least 2 but under 4 display "buzzed", at least 4 but
Q5. If their weapon is an Axe they get a danger pay bonus in cell A11, if their weapon is a hammer they get $2000 for a danger
Q6. Repeat question 1 but this time use a different operator. In other words…do it in reverse order. The Answers should be the
Q7. Repeat question 2 but this time use a different operator. In other words…do it in reverse order. The Answers should be the
Q8. Repeat question 3 but this time use a different operator. In other words…do it in reverse order. The Answers should be the
Q9. Name the following ranges B3:B9 "Age", C3:C9 "Mine_Level", D3:D9, "Daily_Gold_Mined", E3:E9 "Weapon_YOUR INITIALS
Q10. Delete the range name called "Delete Me" and make sure only the names I've asked you to create are in the names mana
Q11. Repeat question 1 but use range names where possible
Q12. Repeat question 3 but use range names where possible
Q13. Repeat question 5 but use range names where possible
Q14. Use a average functions in cells B10, C10 and D10 to average the dwards age, mine level and dailey gold mined. Make sur

When done save as FirstName LastName Lab 10, submit!

even Dwarfs Mining Company
Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q11 Q12 Q13

ge", at least 100 but under 110 output "Papa", and for everyone else output "Geezer"
a bonus of $1000 and for everyone else they get the Gold bonus in cel A11
above 400 and up to and including 500 "Good" , everyone else is "PED User"
y "buzzed", at least 4 but under 8 display "drunk" and for anything higher display "Hammered"
ey get $2000 for a danger bonus and for every any other weapon they get a danger bonus of $0
e Answers should be the same!
e Answers should be the same! DONT FORGET YOUR INITIALS
e Answers should be the same!
"Weapon_YOUR INITIALS" ie "Weapon_RS", F3:F9 "Drink_Level_YOUR INITIALS" and A11 "Gold Bonus".
te are in the names manager
Every question must be answered for every dwarf. In
other words you will need to copy your answer down
each column. Remember your absolute cell references
when doing this as they may sometimes be necessary
ley gold mined. Make sure you use range names.

Seven Dwarfs
Mining Co.

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