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Caesar’s Nature

Julius Caesar is a great figure in history. He made history in the Roman Empire. Caesar

was the greatest general in history. He never lost a battle. He did many deeds; some of which are

considered bad, but most of them are good actions for his own country and his citizens. Caesar

was a man of his word. He never learned to back down, nor did he learn to lose. He chased down

the pirates that kidnapped him for the ransom and killed them. But he also let Marcus Brutus and

Cassius free after they betrayed Caesar by supporting Pompey in the war between him and his

son in law, Pompey. In general, Caesar was a good man.

It depends on a person’s opinion on how he/she describe good or bad. Julius Caesar was

loved and respected by the people of Rome. There were some senators who thought that Caesar

would be corrupt since he had defeated Pompey, the last member of the triumvirate, and would

be a dictator. Cassius was one of them. Cassius wanted to kill Caesar to make his job safe.

Cassius had his own selfish motives to kill Julius Caesar and did not have Roman welfare on his

mind. Brutus, who was the only man that Caesar believed in, was the only conspirator who was

involved in the assassination for honorable and reasonable reasons. And he had different

thoughts in his mind after Caesar defeated Pompey. Brutus thought about Rome and the Romans

and how Caesar would behave after he gained absolute power and became a dictator.

“It must be by his death: and for my part,/I know no personal cause to spurn at him,/But

for the general./ He would be crown'd:/How that might change his nature, there's the

question”(2.1). These are a few lines where Brutus is in his orchard thinking about what might

happen to Rome after Caesar became a king. And he says that he has no personal complain with

Caesar but he just wants to make sure that Caesar doesn’t ruin Rome after he has full power of
what he can do. Brutus thinks that after being a king, Caesar might change his actions and might

be corrupted, in view of the fact that there is not an example in the history where a king is not


Caesar loved his country and his people. He was one of the first Roman politicians to realize that

the Roman Republic was on the edge of collapse. He learned that the nobles owned almost all of

the land and slaves did all of the work, leaving the poorer Roman citizens jobless. He made

several laws that redistributed land and jobs from the nobles. Caesar also won many battles even

when he was outnumbered. He conquered much of modern France and Germany as well as

invading Britain.

Julius Caesar's tragic downfall was mainly caused by him making many changes to Rome too

quickly and the Senators being jealous of his mighty power. The people who once loved him

planned to murder him. These people led by Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius, stabbed him at a

meeting of the senate in Pompey's theater on March 15. Caesar was warned about March 15

which was also called the Ides of March by a soothsayer but he didn’t take it seriously. Early in

the morning of March 15, he was warned again by his wife saying that she saw a horrible dream

of Caesar’s death. But Caesar was too confident that nothing bad was going to happen to him

which ultimately cost him his life.

Was Caesar good or bad? We can’t be precise. But we can all add some points based on what he

did. It all depends on your own personal point of view. Some see him as a visionary leader who

was supposed to lead his people out of a rut and others saw him as a power hungry tyrant. This is

a question that is subjective to opinion. Julius Caesar was a good man and was a role model to

children he loved the Romans and respected them.

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