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Monster AC HP XP Defenses Behaviour 1 Behaviour 2 Behaviour 3 Attack Attack Bonus Damage Habitat Type

Fiery Mantle - If a Hero If the fire archon is within 1 Otherwise, the fire archon -
damages the fire archon, tile of a Hero, it moves moves one tile towards the
they must roll a D20. If they adjacent to the hero attacks hero with the most remaining Planar
Fire Archon 15 1 2
roll higher than their AC, they with its great axe. Hit Points.
Great Axe +7 1 + 1 Fire
suffer 1 Fire damage.

Chill Aura - If a Hero If the ice archon is within 1 Otherwise, the ice archon -
damages the ice archon, tile of a Hero, it moves moves one tile towards the
they must roll a D20. If they adjacent to the Hero and hero with the least remaining
roll higher than their AC, they attacks with its maul. Hit Points. Planar
Ice Archon 16 1 2
are Slowed. If they are
Maul +6 1 +1 Cold, Slowed
already Slowed, they are

- If the carrion crawler is If the carrion crawler is Otherwise, the carrion crawler
adjacent to a Hero, it attacks within one tile of a Hero, it all moves one tile towards the tile Bite +6 3 Dungeon
the Hero with its bite. the Heroes in the tile with the with the most Heroes. Large,
Carrion Crawler 14 2 3
most Heroes with its tentacles.
Tentacles +4 1, Slowed Sewer

Gaze of the Cyclops - If a If the cyclops is within one If the cyclops is more than If the Active Hero is on zero
Hero damages the cyclops, it tile of the Active Hero, it one tile away from the Active Hit Points, the cyclops card is Evil Eye +9 1 Psychic
attacks the Hero with its evil moves adjacent to the Active Hero, it moves one tile transferred to the Hero nearest
Cyclops 14 3 3
eye. It can only do this once Hero and attacks with its towards the Active Hero. the Active Hero.
Caves Large
Pummel +5 3
per turn. pummel.

Savage Howls - Any monster If the barlgura is on a tile If the barlgura is within 1 tile Otherwise, the barlgura +4 3, Immobilised
or villain on the same tile as with 2 or more Heroes, it of a Hero, it moves adjacent moves one tile towards the tile Double Slam Large,
Barlgura 16 3 3 the barlgura gains a +2 bonus attacks the 2 closest Heroes to the nearest Hero and with the most Heroes. Demonic
to Attack Rolls with it double slam. attacks with its slam. Slam
+8 3
- If the evistro is within 1 tile If the evistro is within one Otherwise, the evistro moves
of a hero that has another tile of a hero, it moves one tile towards the nearest +7 2
monster adjacent to them, adjacent to that hero and hero. Carnage Bite
Evistro 14 1 2 he moves adjacent to that hero attacks with its claws. Demonic Elemental
and attacks with a carnage Claws
+6 1

Grave Vigor - injured undead If the immolith is adjacent to If the immolith is within 2 Otherwise, the immolith
on the same tile as the a Hero, it attacks all adjacent tiles of a hero, it attacks with moves 1 tile towards the Infernal Aura
immolith gain 1 Hit Point. Heroes with its infernal aura. its deathfire curse. Then it nearest hero. +5 3 Fire, Miss: 1 Fire Demonic Large,
Immolith 16 2 3 Then it pulls the nearest non- moves one tile towards the Deathfire
Undead Elemental,
adjacent hero 3 squares nearest hero. +7 1 Fire Elemental Undead
towards itself.

Greedy - when a mezzodemon If the mezzodemon is If the mezzodemon is on the Otherwise, the mezzodemon
is defeated, you pick one extra adjacent to a Hero, it attacks same tile as a Hero, it attacks moves 1 tile towards the hero Trident
+6 1 Infernal
Treasure card. You can only with its trident. all Heroes on the tile with its with the most Treasure cards. Large,
Mezzodemon 15 1 2
do this once per turn. poisonous breath. Poisonous
+6 1, Slowed Crawlies

Spores of Madness – when If the vrock is on the same If the vrock is within 3 tiles Otherwise, the vrock moves 1
the vrock is defeated, all tile as a Hero, it flies to the of a Hero, it attacks the hero tile towards the hero with the Demonic Large,
Vrock 16 1 2 Heroes on its tile are Confused nearest tile that is has no with its flyby attack. least remaining Hit Points. Fly-by Attack +8 2, Miss: 1
Avian Elemental
on their next turn. Heroes.

- If the chain devil is on the If the chain devil is within Otherwise, the chain devil
same tile as a Hero, it attacks one tile of a Hero, it moves moves 1 tile towards the Hero Chains of
+7 1, Immobilised
with its chains of bondage. adjacent to the Hero and with the highest Armour Class. Bondage The Nine Hells
Chain Devil 17 1 2
attacks with its spiked chain. Underdark
+7 1
Spiked Chain
- If the imp is within 1 tile of a Otherwise, the imp moves -
Hero, it attacks the Hero with towards the Hero with the
the lowest Armour Class with lowest Armour Class. Mischeivous
Imp 12 1 1 its mischeivous sting. Then it Sting
+9 1 The Nine Hells Devil
moves to the tile furthest away
from the Hero.

- If the spined devil is If the spined devil is within 2 Otherwise, the spined devil
adjacent to a Hero, it attacks tiles of another Hero, it moves one tile towards the Claws
+5 1
with its claws. Then it moves attacks the nearest Hero with Hero with the lowest Armour
Spined Devil 16 1 2
one tile to the nearest tile with its rain of spines. Class. Rain of
The Nine Hells Devil
+7 1, 1 Fire
no Heroes on it. Spines
Confused – Hero moves randomly on their next turn:
Roll one die to determine the direction the Hero moves.
1-5 Towards the nearest Monster
6-10 Towards the nearest Hero
11-15 Towards the nearest tile with a white arrow
16-20 Towards the nearest tile with a black arrow
The hero then takes to Move actions at their maximum Speed in the direction rolled.

These damage types can be resisted by either spending 2 Experience, in the same way as avoiding encounters, or
through the use of treasure cards that make the bearer immune to a specific damage type.

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