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Part 1 – Fall 2018 – Spring 2019 (5th grade only)

December 2018 - Determine need and focus of intervention plan

5th grade teachers will determine focus for 2 contents (math and reading) by comparing the
mastery of essential TEKS tested during the fall benchmark pre-assessment. The 5 teachers will
divide each content into areas of instruction (3 ELAR / 2math). Teachers will meet with
instructional coach and campus technology representative to discuss available resources that can be
used when creating the technology based learning modules

December 2018 – Research RTI trends and development

Teachers will work during common planning time designated for lesson creation (and built into
weekly work schedule) to research trends in RTI lesson planning, collaborate with other teachers
on campus and across the district, and curriculum specialist from the district office to brainstorm
ideas for creation of creative, interactive, and rigorous lessons.

January 2019 – Build learning groups for each content

Teachers will meet with instructional coach to build heterogeneous groups that will disburse the
students by varying levels of mastery of TEKS being focused on. Teachers will also, as a group,
determine the content to be created from the TEKS chosen to be focused on. Each teacher will
create 2 blended lessons for their content area. Ten total modules will be created (6 ELAR/4
math). Teachers will use the remaining collaborative planning sessions to verify student groups
compared to assessment data, set the schedule for target time (40 minutes daily to be used for
tutoring style sessions where teachers target skills that need to be addressed), complete any
research needed to best support student growth.

Late January 2019 – Early February 2019 – Create initial content

Teachers will begin creating the 2 blended learning lesson to reinforce the re-teach of the
information. Teachers will have assistance from instructional coach, resource teachers for math
and ELAR, reading specialist, technology applications teacher, campus technology representative,
gifted/talented teacher, learning commons facilitator, and content area district curriculum
representative. These people will be available to assist with any items the teacher might need. By
doing this, it decreases the time required from each teacher for the initial setup.

Mid-February 2019 - Implement blended lesson during designated target time.

Teachers will implement the blended learning lessons daily over the course of 4-6 weeks. A pre-
test will be given. These scores will later be compared to a post test. Once the pre-test is complete,
Teachers will rotate the students through the lessons daily over a designated number of week the
team will choose. All students will participate. Students who master the information will be
directed to information to further their learning in a self-driven learning style. This will allow these
students to take their learning as far as they are willing to go. Students who struggle will rotate
between technology based blended learning lessons, and small group / 1 on 1 teacher instruction.
By doing this, both students in the RTI process and students struggling but not yet in the RTI
program will get focused, more individualized learning that will allow teachers to focus on needs
while still expanding the learning of the students who do not struggle.

Late March 2019 – Data collection

A post-test will be given and scored to compare to the data collected from the pre-test. Looking for
growth in the targeted TEKS is data that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the time being
used. Teachers will be allowed to voice opinions, feelings, and both positives and negatives of the

Part 2 – Summer 2019 - Summer 2020

Summer 2019 – Prepare for the following year.
Once success is determined, teaches will report to the principal, curriculum assistant director, and
other team leads within the campus in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. If program shows
positive returns, other grade levels will use the standards listed in part 1 to setup, and create their
own intervention plans and lessons to be used during the 2019-2020 school year. All parties
involved will meet in order to determine viability of technology on hand, future needs and ideas for
growth opportunities, and coordinate a timeline implementation in other grade levels.

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