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17518, 1922-10-30 The New Standard Dictionary, edition of 1915, defines an income as "the amount of... money
Facts: coming to a person or corporation within a specified time whether as payment for services,
Philippine American Drug Company was a corporation- duly organized and existing under the interest, or profit from investment."
laws of the Philippine Islands, doing business in the city of Manila... ppellant was a Webster's International Dictionary defines an income as "the receipts, salary; especially, the
stoekohlder in said corporation; that said corporation, as a... result of the business for that annual receipts of a private person or a... corporation from property."
year, declared a "stock dividend;... proportionate share of said stock dividend of the Bouvier, in his law dictionary, says that an "income" in the federal constitution and income
appellant was P24,800... the appellant,... upon demand of the appellee, paid, under protest, tax act, is used in its common or ordinary meaning and not in its technical or economic sense.
and involuntarily, unto the appellee the sum of P889.91 as income tax on said stock dividend. Mr. Black, in his law... dictionary, says: "An income is the return in money from one's
recovery of that sum (P889.91) the present action was instituted... appellant cites and relies business, labor, or capital invested ; gains, profit, or private revenue." "An income tax is a tax
on some decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States on the yearly profits arising from property, professions, trades, and offices."
In each of said cases an effort was made to collect an "income tax" upon "stock dividends" Gray vs. Darlington (82 U. S., 63), said in speaking of income that mere advance in value in no
and in each case it was held that "stock dividends" were capital and not an "income" and sense constitutes the "income"
therefore not subject to the "income tax" Jaw. Such advance constitutes and can be treated merely as an increase of capital.
The appellee admits the doctrine established in the case of Eisner vs. Macomber (252 U. S., Mr. Justice Hughes
189), that a "stock dividend" is not "income" but argues that said Act No. 2833, in imposing "income" in an income... tax law, unless it is otherwise specified, to mean cash or its
the tax on the stock dividend, does not violate the provisions of the Jones Law. equivalent. It does not mean choses in action or unrealized increments in the value of the
further argues that the statute of the United States providing for tax upon stock dividends is property
different from the statute of the Philippine Islands, and therefore the decision of the Towne vs. Eisner, supra, Mr, Justice Holmes
Supreme Court of the United States should not be followed in interpreting the statute... in 'A... stock dividend really takes nothing from the property of the corporation, and adds
force here. nothing to the interests of the shareholders. Its property is not diminished and their interests
It will be rioted from a reading of the provisions of the two laws above quoted that the writer are not increased. * * * The proportional interest of each shareholder remains the same. * *
of the law of the Philippine Islands must have had before him the statute of the United *' In... short, the corporation is no poorer and the stockholder is no richer than they were
States. No important argument can be based upon the slight difference in the wording of the before.
two... sections. Mr. Justice Pitney
There is no question that the Philippine Eisner vs. Macomber
Legislature may provide for the payment of an income tax, but it cannot, under the guise of "An income may be defined as the gain derived from capital, from labor, or from both
an income tax, collect a tax on property which is not an "income." The Philippine Legislature combined, provided it be understood to include profit gained through a sale... or conversion
cannot impose a tax upon "property" under a law which provides for a tax upon "income" of capital assets.
only. when stock dividends are declared, the corporation or company acknowledges a liability, in
The Philippine Legislature has no power to provide a tax upon "automobiles" only, and under form, to the stockholders
that law collect a tax upon a carreton or bull cart. If profits have been made by the... corporation... they create additional bookkeeping
A statute providing for an income tax cannot be construed to cover property which is not, in liabilities under the head of "profit and loss,"
fact, income. The Legislature cannot, by a... statutory declaration, change the real nature of a None of these, however, gives to the stockholders as a body, much less to any... one of them,
tax which it imposes. A law which imposes an importation tax on rice only cannot be either a claim against the going concern or corporation, for any particular sum of money, or a
construed to impose an importation tax on corn. right to any particular portion of the asset, or any share unless or until the directors conclude
Issues: that dividends shall be made and a part of the company's assets... segregated from the
Are the "stock dividends" in the present case "income" and taxable as such under the common fund for that purpose.
provisions of section 25 of Act No. 2833 ? The dividend normally is payable in money and when so paid, then only does the stockholder
Ruling: realize a profit or gain, which becomes his separate property, and thus derive an income
stock dividends represent undistributed increase in the capital of corporations or firms, joint from the capital that he has invested. Until that... is done the increased assets belong to the
stock companies, etc., etc., for a particular period. corporation and not to the individual stockholders.
used to show the... increased interest or proportional share in the capital of each When a corporation or company issues "stock dividends" it shows that the company's
stockholder. accumulated profits have been capitalized, instead of distributed to the stockholders or
the inventory of the property of the corporation, etc., for a particular period shows an retained as surplus available for distribution, in money or in kind, should opportunity offer.
increase in its capital, so that the stock theretofore issued does not show the real value of it tends rather to postpone said realization, in that the fund represented by the new stock
the... stockholder's interest, and additional stock is issued showing the increase in the actual has been transferred from surplus to assets, and no longer is available for actual distribution.
capital, or property, or assets of the corporation, etc. The essential and controlling fact is... that the stockholder has received nothing out of the
company's assets for his separate use and benefit
The stockholder who receives a stock dividend has received nothing but a representation of is absolutely contradictory to the idea of an income. An income subject to taxation under the
his increased interest in the capital of the corporation. law must be an actual income... and not a promised or prospective income.
There has been no separation or segregation of his interest. The appellee emphasizes the "income from dividends." Of course, income received as
All the property or capital of the corporation still belongs to... the corporation. dividends is taxable as an income, but an income from "dividends" is a very different thing
no separation of the interest of the stockholder from the general capital of the corporation from a receipt of a "stock dividend." One is... an actual receipt of profits; the other is a
The stockholder, by virtue of the stock dividend, has no separate or individual control over receipt of a representation of the increased value of the assets of a corporation.
the interest represented thereby, further than he had before... the stock dividend was issued Yuck imperyalismo
He cannot use it for the reason that it is still the property of the corporation In- asmuch, however, as appeals may be taken... from this court to the Supreme Court of the
A certificate of stock represented by the stock dividend is simply a statement of his United States, we feel bound to follow the same doctrine announced by that court.
proportional... interest or participation in the capital of the corporation. "stock dividends" are not "income," the same cannot be taxed under that provision of Act
We believe that the Legislature, when it provided for an "income tax," intended to tax only No, 2833 which provides for a tax upon income.
the "income" of corporations, firms, or individuals, as that term is generally used in its Under the guise of an income tax, property which is not an... income cannot be taxed.
common acceptation;... that the income means money received, coming to a person or Principles:
corporation for services, interest, or profit from investments. We believe that the Legislature, when it provided for an "income tax," intended to tax only
We do not believe that the Legislature intended that a mere increase in the value of the the "income" of corporations, firms, or individuals, as that term is generally used in its
capital or assets of a corporation, firm, or individual,... should be taxed as "income." common acceptation; that... is, that the income means money received, coming to a person
Mr. Justice Pitney, in the case of Eisner vs. Macomber or corporation for services, interest, or profit from investments. We do not believe that the
"That the fudamental relation of 'capital' to 'income' has been much discussed by Legislature intended that a mere increase in the value of the capital or assets of a
economists, the former being likened to the tree or the... land, the latter to the fruit or the corporation, firm, or individual,... should be taxed as "income."
crop... the former depicted as a reservoir supplied from springs; the latter as the outlet "That the fudamental relation of 'capital' to 'income' has been much discussed by
stream, to be measured by its flow during a period of time." economists, the former being likened to the tree or the... land, the latter to the fruit or the
There is a clear distinction between an extraordinary cash dividend, no matter when earned, crop; the former depicted as a reservoir supplied from springs; the latter as the outlet
and stock dividends declared, as in the present case. stream, to be measured by its flow during a period of time."
The one is a disbursement to the stockholder of accumulated earnings, and the corporation When a cash dividend is declared and paid to the... stockholders, such cash becomes the
at once parts irrevocably with all... interest thereon. The other involves no disbursement by absolute property of the stockholders and cannot be reached by the creditors of the
the corporation. It parts with nothing to the stockholder. corporation in the absence of fraud. A stock dividend, however, still being the property of the
The latter receives, not an actual dividend, but certificate of stock which simply evidences his corporation, and not of the stockholder, it may be reached by... an execution against the
interest in the entire capital, including such as by investment of... accumulated profits has corporation, and sold as a part of the property of the corporation.
been added to the original capital. The rule is well established that cash dividends, whether large or small, are regarded as
They are not income to him, but represent additions1 to the source of his income, namely, "income"... and all stock dividends, as capital or assets.
his invested capital. if the holder of the stock... dividend is required to pay an income tax on the same, the result
Gibbons vs. Mahon would be that he has paid a tax upon an income which he never received. Such a conclusion
The ownership of that property is in... the corporation, and not in the holders of shares of its is absolutely contradictory to the idea of an income. An income subject to taxation under the
stock. law must be an actual income... and not a promised or prospective income.
DeKoven vs. Alsop The appellee emphasizes the "income from dividends." Of course, income received as
Mr. Justice Wilkin said: "A dividend is defined as 'a corporate profit set aside, declared, and dividends is taxable as an income, but an income from "dividends" is a very different thing
ordered by the directors to be paid to the stockholders on demand or at a fixed time. Until from a receipt of a "stock dividend." One is... an actual receipt of profits; the other is a
the dividend is... declared, these corporate receipt of a representation of the increased value of the assets of a corporation.
profits belong to the corporation, not to the stockholders, and are liable for corporate "stock dividends" are not "income," the same cannot be taxed under that provision of Act
indebtedness.'" No, 2833 which provides for a tax upon income. Under the guise of an income tax, property
When a cash dividend is declared and paid to the... stockholders, such cash becomes the which is not an... income cannot be taxed.
absolute property of the stockholders and cannot be reached by the creditors of the
corporation in the absence of fraud. A stock dividend, however, still being the property of the Fisher vs Trinidad G.R. No. 17518 October 30, 1922
corporation, and not of the stockholder, it may be reached by... an execution against the Facts: In 1919, the Philippine American Drug Company was a corporation duly organized and
corporation, and sold as a part of the property of the corporation existing under the laws of the Philippine Islands where Fisher is a stockholder. On that
The rule is well established that cash dividends, whether large or small, are regarded as year, the Corporation declared stock dividends where Fisher’s proportionate share was
"income"... and all stock dividends, as capital or assets. Php 24, 800. Later, Fisher paid under protest, upon demand if the CIR, the sum of Php
if the holder of the stock... dividend is required to pay an income tax on the same, the result 889.91 as income tax on said dividends. For the recovery of said amount, the present
would be that he has paid a tax upon an income which he never received. Such a conclusion action was instituted on the ground that stock dividends declared are not income in the
contemplation of the law. Facts: In 1919, the Philippine American Drug Company was a corporation duly organized and
Issue: Are the stock dividends considered as “income”, thus, taxable? existing under the laws of the Philippine Islands where Fisher is a stockholder. On that
Held: No, stock dividends are not income, thus, the same cannot be taxed. year, the Corporation declared stock dividends where Fisher’s proportionate share was
Income is the return in money from one’s business, labor or capital invested; gains, profit Php 24, 800. Later, Fisher paid under protest, upon demand if the CIR, the sum of Php
or private revenue. It presupposes that a person realized the income or actually received it. It 889.91 as income tax on said dividends. For the recovery of said amount, the present
deos not mean mere advance in value or unrealized increments in the value of the property. action was instituted on the ground that stock dividends declared are not income in the
On the other hand, stock dividends represent undistributed increase in the capital of a contemplation of the law.
corporation or firms for a particular period. They are used to show the increased interests or Issue: Are the stock dividends considered as “income”, thus, taxable?
proportional share in the capital of each shareholder. When a company issues it, it means Held: No, stock dividends are not income, thus, the same cannot be taxed.
that Income is the return in money from one’s business, labor or capital invested; gains, profit
the company’s accumulated profits have been capitalized instead of being distributed to the or private revenue. It presupposes that a person realized the income or actually received it. It
stockholders. Thus, it means that far from being a realization of profits, it tends deos not mean mere advance in value or unrealized increments in the value of the property.
rather to On the other hand, stock dividends represent undistributed increase in the capital of a
postpone said realization. The essential and controlling fact is that the stockholder, like that corporation or firms for a particular period. They are used to show the increased interests or
of proportional share in the capital of each shareholder. When a company issues it, it means
Fisher, has received or realized nothing out of the company’s assets. Stock dividends then are that
not contemplated under the term “income” as money received, coming to a the company’s accumulated profits have been capitalized instead of being distributed to the
person or stockholders. Thus, it means that far from being a realization of profits, it tends
corporation for services, interests or profit from investments. rather to
Thus, the stock dividends are not income and not taxable postpone said realization. The essential and controlling fact is that the stockholder, like that
Fisher vs Trinidad G.R. No. 17518 October 30, 1922 of
Facts: In 1919, the Philippine American Drug Company was a corporation duly organized and Fisher, has received or realized nothing out of the company’s assets. Stock dividends then are
existing under the laws of the Philippine Islands where Fisher is a stockholder. On that not contemplated under the term “income” as money received, coming to a
year, the Corporation declared stock dividends where Fisher’s proportionate share was person or
Php 24, 800. Later, Fisher paid under protest, upon demand if the CIR, the sum of Php corporation for services, interests or profit from investments.
889.91 as income tax on said dividends. For the recovery of said amount, the present Thus, the stock dividends are not income and not taxable.
action was instituted on the ground that stock dividends declared are not income in the Fisher vs Trinidad G.R. No. 17518 October 30, 1922
contemplation of the law. Facts: In 1919, the Philippine American Drug Company was a corporation duly organized
Issue: Are the stock dividends considered as “income”, thus, taxable? andexisting under the laws of the Philippine Islands where Fisher is a stockholder. On
Held: No, stock dividends are not income, thus, the same cannot be taxed. thatyear, the Corporation declared stock dividends where Fisher’s proportionate share
Income is the return in money from one’s business, labor or capital invested; gains, profit wasPhp 24, 800. Later, Fisher paid under protest, upon demand if the CIR, the sum of
or private revenue. It presupposes that a person realized the income or actually received it. It Php889.91 as income tax on said dividends. For the recovery of said amount, the
deos not mean mere advance in value or unrealized increments in the value of the property. presentaction was instituted on the ground that stock dividends declared are not income in
On the other hand, stock dividends represent undistributed increase in the capital of a thecontemplation of the law.Issue: Are the stock dividends considered as “income”, thus,
corporation or firms for a particular period. They are used to show the increased interests or taxable?Held: No, stock dividends are not income, thus, the same cannot be taxed.Income is
proportional share in the capital of each shareholder. When a company issues it, it means the return in money from one’s business, labor or capital invested; gains, profitor private
that revenue. It presupposes that a person realized the income or actually received it. Itdeos not
the company’s accumulated profits have been capitalized instead of being distributed to the mean mere advance in value or unrealized increments in the value of the property.On the
stockholders. Thus, it means that far from being a realization of profits, it tends other hand, stock dividends represent undistributed increase in the capital of acorporation or
rather to firms for a particular period. They are used to show the increased interests orproportional
postpone said realization. The essential and controlling fact is that the stockholder, like that share in the capital of each shareholder. When a company issues it, it means thatthe
of company’s accumulated profits have been capitalized instead of being distributed to
Fisher, has received or realized nothing out of the company’s assets. Stock dividends then are thestockholders. Thus, it means that far from being a realization of profits, it tends
not contemplated under the term “income” as money received, coming to a rather topostpone said realization. The essential and controlling fact is that the stockholder,
person or like that ofFisher, has received or realized nothing out of the company’s assets. Stock
corporation for services, interests or profit from investments. dividends then arenot contemplated under the term “income” as money received,
Thus, the stock dividends are not income and not taxable coming to a person or corporation for services, interests or profit from investments.
INTRODUCTION Thus, the stock dividends are not income and not taxable.
Fisher vs Trinidad G.R. No. 17518 October 30, 1922
The essential difference between capital and income is that capital is a fund; income is a
flow. A fund of property existing at an instant of time is called capital. A flow of services
rendered by that capital by the payment of money from it or any other benefit rendered by
a fund of capital in relation to such fund through a period of time is called income. Capital is
wealth, while income is the service of wealth.

• Vicente Madrigal and Susana Paterno were legally married prior to Januray 1, 1914. The
marriage was contracted under the provisions of law concerning conjugal partnership
• On 1915, Madrigal filed a declaration of his net income for year 1914, the sum of
• Vicente Madrigal was contending that the said declared income does not represent his
income for the year 1914 as it was the income of his conjugal partnership with Paterno. He
said that in computing for his additional income tax, the amount declared should be
divided by 2.
• The revenue officer was not satisfied with Madrigal’s explanation and ultimately, the
United States Commissioner of Internal Revenue decided against the claim of Madrigal.
• Madrigal paid under protest, and the couple decided to recover the sum of P3,786.08
alleged to have been wrongfully and illegally assessed and collected by the CIR.

ISSUE: Whether or not the income reported by Madrigal on 1915 should be divided into 2
in computing for the additional income tax.

• No! The point of view of the CIR is that the Income Tax Law, as the name implies, taxes
upon income and not upon capital and property.
• The essential difference between capital and income is that capital is a fund; income is a
flow. A fund of property existing at an instant of time is called capital. A flow of services
rendered by that capital by the payment of money from it or any other benefit rendered by
a fund of capital in relation to such fund through a period of time is called income. Capital is
wealth, while income is the service of wealth.
• As Paterno has no estate and income, actually and legally vested in her and entirely
distinct from her husband’s property, the income cannot properly be considered the
separate income of the wife for the purposes of the additional tax.
• To recapitulate, Vicente wants to half his declared income in computing for his tax since
he is arguing that he has a conjugal partnership with his wife. However, the court ruled that
the one that should be taxed is the income which is the flow of the capital, thus it should
not be divided into 2.

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