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Design of Machine Elements - Chapter 15

Step I: Bearing life (L10)

From Eq. (15.6),

L 10 = ( P)
C p
= ( 10 )
22.8 3
= 11.85 million revolu?ons (i)

Step II: Bearing life (L10h)

L 10 × 106 (11.85) × 106 (ii)

L 10h = 60 n
= 60 (1450)
= 136.23 hr

Step III: Bearing life (L50h)

L 50h = 5 L 10h = 5 (136.23) = 681.17 hr (iii)

Step I: Fric?onal torque

μ Fr ( 2 )
0.0012 (25 × 103 ) ( 40
2 )
Mt = = = 600 N-mm

Step II: Fric?onal power loss

2 π n Mt 2 π (1440) (600)
(kW) f = = = 0.09 (Ans.)
60×106 60×106

Step I: Equivalent radial load

From Eq. (15.2),

P = X Fr + Y Fa = 0.56(2500)+1.6(1000) = 3000 N

Step II: Bearing life (L10)

p 3
10 = = 29/11/18, 4E34 PM

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L 10 = ( P)
C p
( 3000 ) million revolu?ons
7350 3

Step III: Bearing life ( L10h)

( 3000 )
L 10 × 106 7350 3 106 (Ans.)
L 10h = 60 n
= 60 (720)
= 340.42 hr

Step I: Equivalent load for complete work cycle

Consider the work cycle of one minute dura?on.

From Eq. (15.13),

N1 P31 + N2 P32 + N3 P33 ‾
√ [ ]
Pe = 3
N1 + N2 + N3

216(3000) 3 + 720(7 000) 3 + 180(5000) 3 ‾
√ [ ]
= 1116

= 6271.57 N (ii)

Step II: Average speed of rota?on

Average speed of rota?on = 1116 r.p.m. (i)

Step III: Bearing life (L10h)

According to the load-life rela?onship,

) = ( 6271.57 )
L 10 = ( C 3 16.6×10 3

= 18.54 million rev.
6 6
× 18.54 ×
10h = 10
= = 276.94 h r 29/11/18, 4E34 PM

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L 10 × 106 18.54 × 106 (iii)
L 10h = 60 n
= 60 (1116)
= 276.94 h r

Step I: Equivalent load for complete work cycle

N1 P31 + N2 P32 ‾
√ [ N1 + N2 ]
Pe = 3

5(2500) 3 + 10(1500) 3 ‾
√ [ ]
= 5+ 10

= 1953.8 N

Step II: Dynamic load carrying capacity

C = P e (L 10 ) 1/3 = 1953.8 (20) 1/3 = 5303.43 N (Ans.)

Step I: Bearing life for 95% reliability

60 n L 95h 60 ( 720 )( 10 000)

L 95 = = = 432 million rev
106 106

Step II: Bearing life for 90% reliability

From Eq. (15.17),

log e ( )
[ log e( )]
1 1/1.17

[ log e( )]
log e ( 1
( L10 )
L 95 R95
= 1
= 0.95
1 = 0.5405
R90 0.90

L 95 432
L 10 = 0.5405
= 0.5405
= 799.26 million revolu?ons

Step III: Dynamic load carrying capacity

C = P (L 10 ) 1/3 = 3000 (799.26) 1/3 = 27 840.94 N (i)

Step IV: System reliability

N 4
s = = = 0.8145 29/11/18, 4E34 PM

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Rs = (R)N = (0.95) 4 = 0.8145 or 81.45% (ii)

Step I: Reliability of individual bearings

Rs = (R)N 0.82 = (R)4 R = 0.95

Step II: Bearing life for 90% reliability

From Example 15.6,

( L10 ) = 0.5405
L 95

L 95 5
L 10 = 0.5405
= 0.5405
= 9.25 million revolu?ons

Step III: Dynamic load carrying capacity

C = P (L 10 ) 1/3 = 2500 (9.25) 1/3 = 5247.92 N (Ans.) 29/11/18, 4E34 PM

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