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Design of Machine

Elements - Chapter 16
Step I: Load carrying capacity

From Eq. (16.10),

[ ] [ ]
π Pi R2o − R2i π (5) 2002 − 1252
W = = = 407 317.71 N
2 log e ( Ri )
2 log e ( 125 )
Ro 200

W = 407.32 kN (i)

Step II: Requirement of flow

From Eq. (16.9),

π Pi h 3o π (5) (0.15) 3
Q = = = 626 642.63 mm3/s
6 μ log e( Ri )
6 (30 × 10 ) log e(
125 )
Ro −9 200

= 626 642.63 (10-3) (10-3) 60 litre/min

= 37.598 or 37.6 litre/min (ii)

Step III: Pumping power loss

From Eq. (16.11),

(kW)p = Q(Pi - Po) (10-6)=(626 642.63)[5 - 0] (10-6)

= 3.13 (iii)

Step IV: FricVonal power loss

From Eq. (16.12),

( )
1 μ n2 (R4o − R4i )
(kW) f = ho
58.05 × 106

(30 × 10−9) (720)2 [(200)4 − (125)4 ]

( )
= (0.15)
58.05 × 106 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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= 2.42 (iv)

Step V: Temperature rise

The total energy loss is given by

(kW)t = (kW)p + (kW)f = 3.13 + 2.42 = 5.55 kW or kJ/s

Q = 626 642.63 mm3/s

= 626 642.63(10-3) c.c./s

= 626 642.63(10-3) (0.86) gm/s

= 626 642.63(10-3) (0.86) (10-3) kg/s

= 0.5389 kg/s

H = m Cp Δt or 5.55 = 0.5389 (1.75) Δ t

Δ t = 5.880C (v)

Step I: Supply pressure

W = (500x50)(Pi) + (2x500x225)(0.5 Pi) = 137 500 Pi

W 500×103
Pi = 137 500
= 137 500
= 3.64 N/mm2 or MPa (i)

Step II: Requirement of flow

From Eq. (16.7),

Δp b h 3 3.64 (500)(0.2)3
Q1 = 12 μ l
= = (10.785x103) mm3/s
12 (500 × 10−9)(225)

Q = 2 Q1(10-6)(60) litres/min

= 2 (10.785x103)(10-6)(60)

= 1.29 l/min (ii) 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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Step I: Supply pressure

For each pad

W = 4
= 75 kN

From Eq. (16.10),

2 W log e ( Ri )
2 (75 × 103 ) log e ( 25 )

Pi = =
π (R2o − R2i ) π (1002 − 252 )

= 7.06 N/mm2 or MPa (i)

Step II: Requirement of flow

From Eq. (16.4)

[0.22 t − t ] [0.22 (250) − (250) ]

180 180
zk = = = 54.28 cSt

z = ρ zk = 0.88(54.28) = 47.77 cP

μ = = (47.77) (10-9) N-s/mm2

From Eq.(16.9),

π Pi h 3o π (7.06) (0.1)3
Q = = = 55820.36 mm3/s
6 μ log e( Ri )
6 (47.77) (10−9) log e( 25 )
Ro 100

Qt = 4 Q

= 4 (55820.36) mm3/s

= 4 (55820.36) (10-6) (60) l/min

= 13.4 l/min (ii)

Step I: Requirement of flow 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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Consider the flow of lubricant through a slot of length R dθ and thickness h0 as shown in


Δp b h 3 (a)
Q= 12 μ l

Δp = dp b = 2 π R sin θ l = R dθ h = ho

SubsVtuVng above values in Eq. (a),

6 μQ dθ
dp = − sin θ
π h 3o

log [tan ( θ2 )] + C
6 μQ
p = − (b)
π h 3o

The first boundary condiVon is,

p=0 when θ = φ1

log [tan ( 2 )]
6 μQ φ1 (c)
C= 3
πh o

From (b) and (c),

tan( )

{ tan }
6 μQ 2
p = loge
π h 3o (2)

The second boundary condiVon is,

p = Pi when θ = φ2

SubsVtuVng above condiVon in Eq. (d),

2 )

{ tan )}
6 μQ
Pi = loge or
π h 3o φ2

π Pi h 3o (i)
Q =
6 μ log e[ tan(φ /2) ]
tan(φ1 /2)

Step II: Load carrying capacity

The load carrying capacity is given by,


π i + (2 π R sin θ) R dθ (p cos θ) 29/11/18, 4G34 PM
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W = π (R sin φ2 )2 P i + (2 π R sin θ) R dθ (p cos θ)

SubsVtuVng value of p from Eq. (d),


log [
tan(θ/2) ]
tan(φ1 /2)

2 6 μ Q R2
W = π Pi R2 sin φ2 + 3 sin 2θ dθ (e)
h o

Define I as,

log [
tan(θ/2) ]
tan(φ1 /2)
∫ ∫
I= sin 2θ dθ = u dv


u = log [ tan(θ/2) ]
tan(φ 1 /2)
and dv = sin 2θ dθ

tan(θ/2) tan(φ 1 /2) 1 1

du = tan(φ 1 /2)
× [ − tan2 (θ/2)]
× sec2 (θ/2) × 2
=− sin θ

cos 2θ
v = − 2


∫ ∫
I = u dv = u v − v du

cos 2θ log [ tan(θ/2) ] ∫

1 tan(φ 1 /2) 1 cos 2θ
=− 2
− 2 sin θ

[∫ sin θ − 2 ∫ sin θ dθ]

cos 2θ log [ tan(θ/2) ]
1 tan(φ 1 /2) 1
=− 2
− 2

cos 2θ log [ tan(θ/2) ] [ log tan ( 2 ) + 2 cos θ]

1 tan(φ 1 /2) 1 θ
=− 2
− 2

SubsVtuVng limits,
I = [− cos 2θ log [ tan(θ/2) ]
log tan ( θ2 ) − cos θ]
1 tan(φ 1 /2) 1
− 2 φ2

+ cos 2 2 log [ ] − log [ ] 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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cos 2φ2 log [ tan(φ 1/2) ] − log [ tan(φ 1/2) ] − (cos φ1 − cos φ2 )
1 tan(φ /2) 1 tan(φ /2)
=+ 2 2
2 2

=− loge [ tan(φ 1 /2) ] sin2 φ2 − (cos φ1 − cos φ2 )

tan(φ /2)

SubsVtuVng above expression in Eq.(e),

π Pi R2 (cos φ 2 − cos φ 1 ) (ii)

W =
log e[
tan(φ2 /2) ]
tan(φ1 /2)


Step I: Sommerfeld number

W 50×103
p = ld
= 150×150
= 2.222 N/mm2

ho 0.03 l 150
= 0.15
= 0.2 d
= 150
= 1

From Table 16.1, S = 0.0446

Step II: Minimum speed of operaVon

S ( cr ) = (0.0446) ( 0.15
75 )
2 p 2 2.222
ns = μ
= 49.55 rev/s

n = 60 (49.55) = 2973 r.p.m. (Ans.)

Step I: Sommerfeld number

W 50×103
p = ld
= 100×100
= 5 N/mm2

(c) ( 0.12 )
r 2 μ ns 50 2 (16×10−9)(1440/60)
S = p
= (5)
= 0.0133

Step II: Minimum film thickness

The values of dimensionless performance parameters are obtained by linear interpolaVon from
Table (16.1). For (l/d =1)

( ) = 0.03 + (0.0133 − 0.00474) = 0.07262 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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( c )
ho (0.1 − 0.03)
= 0.03 + (0.0188 − 0.00474)
(0.0133 − 0.00474) = 0.07262

ho = 0.07262 c = 0.07262 (0.12) = 0.008714 mm or 0.0087 mm (i)

Step III: Coefficient of fricVon

(c) f =
r (1.05 − 0.514)
0.514 + (0.0188 − 0.00474)
(0.0133 − 0.00474) = 0.84

f = 0.84 ( cr ) = 0.84 ( 0.12

50 )
= 2.016 × 10−3 (ii)

Step IV: FricVonal power loss

2 π ns f W r 2 π ( 1440 / 60) (2.016×10−3) (50×103 ) (50) (iii)

( kW ) f = 6 = = 0.76
10 106

Step I: Bearing dimensions


W 25×103
p = ld
(2.5) =

l = d = 100 mm (i)

Step II: Sommerfeld number

Refer to Chapter-3 for values of tolerances. The hole and shaf limits for H7e7 running fit are as

Hole limits: (100.00) and (100.035) mm

Shaf limits: (100 - 0.072) and (100 - 0.107) mm

If the manufacturing processes are centered, the average diameter of the bearing and journal
will be 100.0175 (tel:100.0175) and 99.9105 mm respecVvely.

( 2 ) ( Unknown node type: a − 99.9105) =

c = 0.0535 mm

(c) ( 0.0535 )
r 2 μ ns 50 2 (20×10−9)(900/60)
S = p
= (2.5)
= 0.1048 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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Step III: Minimum film thickness

The values of dimensionless performance parameters are obtained by linear interpolaVon from
Table (16.1). For (l/d =1)

( c )
ho (0.1048 − 0.0446)
= 0.2 + (0.121 − 0.0446)
(0.4 − 0.2) = 0.3576

ho = 0.3576 c = 0.3576 (0.0535) = 0.0191 mm (ii)

Step IV: Flow requirement

( r c ns l ) =
Q (0.1048 − 0.0446)
4.62 − (0.121 − 0.0446)
(4.62 − 4.33) = 4.391

Q = 4.391 r c ns l = 4.391(50)(0.0535)(15)(100)

= 17618.89 mm3/s

= 17618.89 (60x10-6) litres/min

= 1.057 litres/min (iii)

Step I: Minimum film thickness

ho = 5 [∑ su rf ace rou g h ness] = 5 (0.8 + 0.4) = 6 μm (i)

Step II: Sommerfeld number

c = 2
(50.02 − 49.93) = 0.045 mm

W 8000
p = ld
= 50×50
= 3.2 N/mm2

(c) ( 0.045 )
r 2 μ ns 25 2 (12×10−9)(1440/60)
S = p
= (3.2)
= 0.02777

Step III: Actual film thickness

The values of dimensionless performance parameters are obtained by linear interpolaVon from
Table (16.1). For (l/d =1)

( ) = 0.1 + (0.2 − 0.1) = 0.1349 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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( c )
ho (0.0278 − 0.0188)
= 0.1 + (0.0446 − 0.0188)
(0.2 − 0.1) = 0.1349

ho = 0.1349 c = 0.1349 (0.045) = 0.00607 mm or 6.07 μm (ii)

Step IV: FricVonal power loss

(c) f =
r (0.0278 − 0.0188)
1.05 + (0.0446 − 0.0188)
(1.7 − 1.05) = 1.277

rf = 1.277 c = 1.277 (0.045) = 0.05747

2 π ns f W r 2 π ( 1440 / 60) (0.05747) (8000)

( kW ) f = = = 0.069 (iii)
106 106 29/11/18, 4G34 PM

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