Maryamboolshi 14 Oct 18

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MCT/MST Lesson Observations

MCT/MST Lesson Observation
Student teacher’s name: Mryam Boolshi Grade Level: 5
Unit/Lesson: Rotation of the Earth Date: 14Oct18

Competency Area E G S M U

Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL

DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory)

Professionalism x
Planning for learning x
(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)
Implementing and Managing Learning x
(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)
Assessment x
Reflection on Practice
Good review of the day’s rules to guide behavior. Good use of KWL to find out the pre-
How deep does the knowledge on the topic ‘Earth & Space’. Students were then shown a 20
sec video of the earth rotating and asked to write what they thought they were going to
learn in the ‘W’ column. Students were then given an opportunity to present their responses
that they had written in the K and W columns. This plenary session helped students to
develop interest in the topic.
The students were given a guided worksheet, a small globe and a flashlight to explore what
happens to the earth as it rotates in relation to the sun. The worksheet was very useful but
should have been utilized differently. Firstly, the diagram would have been a great visual on
the OHP. Students could then have been given time to complete the 3 introductory columns
(‘my question’, ‘what I think will happen’, and ‘what I used’). This could then have been
summarized in the plenary session. After this students could have done the exploration and
finished the columns (‘what I did’, ‘what really happened’, ‘what I found out’). Students were
then given a good opportunity to present their findings. It would have been useful to let
students explain their findings in relation to their questions, maybe by putting questions and
their corresponding answers on the board.
A good powerpoint that simply demonstrated the key topics of the lesson. Very good
questions that helped students to make sense of their exploration and build conceptual
understanding of what was happening. Good scaffolding. However, the strength of the
explanation would have been greater possibly if the students had the use of the globe and
torchlight for a kinesthetic experience.
Great questions such as ‘what do you think would happen if the earth stopped moving’?
‘How do you think day and night happens?’
Good planning. Lesson is well sequenced. Good scaffolding.
It is useful to stand next to a students’ desk when they are misbehaving, whilst speaking in a
low voice.
Good use of differentiated assessment.
Very good use of the 5Es.
Areas for development:
Exploring students responses.
Time management.
Focus for next lesson:
Continue to improve your questioning to ensure that students justify their thinking and so
develop a stronger conversation in the class about the topic. Ask more ‘how’ and ‘why’

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