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DESIGN STEP ‘Goomeiry ‘Actions Preliminary design Initial member selection Frame stabilly ‘Member verification ble 3.2 tuence StS ‘SECTION ei e2 7 a ‘COMMENTS Establish the clear epan and height based on the client requirements. The geomstry used in the analysis should ‘be alite corservaive to allow for subsequent changes in member se, Establish actions depanding on location, site alitude and local topography. Permanent actions ray be estimated, based on selected cladding type. Use tables from Appendix A or the preliminary desian, ‘method described in Section 6. ‘Select member sizes based on thelr cross-section resistance ard buckling resistance. it may be acsumed that the influence of shear on the bending resistance can be ‘neglacted for intial desian. Allow about 5% for axial load. Rafter Aithis stage it may be assumed that suficient restraints San De noduced to ime member ucking Shuma “Tho latoral- torsional buckling resistance of tho column is likely to be the ertical chack, so preliminary checks over the restrained lengths will be necessary, intermediate restrainis cannot be introduced to the column (eg. because the side rails are not continuous), a larger column section ‘wil be required. ‘Saraiity to second ordar effects rust be assessed, itis they hat second order effcts must be allowed for, ether by empitying the results ota trstorder analysis, or by completing a second orver analysis. When assessing ‘tame dla, iio recommendes that baces are modelled inaccordancs with the guidance given in Section 7-4 Gaassificaion of member cross-sections. Verification af cross-section resistance to bending, shest and compression, Bending interaction with shear is generally rot critcal Buckling resistance is checked, establishing the position of the restraints to both flanges and thus the bucking lengths. (Out-ofplane buckling resistance is veriied against flexural and lateral torsional buckling, Interaction of bending ‘moment and axial force is checked with the use of, Exprostion 6 62 of BS EN 1003.1-1 and intoracton factors from Annex B, In-plane buckling resistance verification of members in portal frames is not necessary, See Secticn &, Frame deflections are chacked against cliant requirements.

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