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Hindi-English Glossary This Glossary lists all the vocabulary items occurring in the H passages except those items with which readers of this book are assumed to be familiar, omitting also proper nouns and those words glossed adequately in the text. The siglum ‘S’ in the left-hand column designates not only genuine S words but also the numerous neologisms coined from S roots and/or by analogy with existing S forms. This makes any attempt at computing the percentages of genuine S loans rather unreliable; but a glance at the glossary will give an accurate enough indication of the preponderance of S loans or coinages in modern H prose. In addition to the usual conventions, the abbreviations ho. for hon@ and ka. for karna@ have been used in the glossary. a ais a ae adj. nonsensical m. difference adj.pref. blind m, part, element m. character, letter m. knowledge of writing, literacy m. initiation into literacy adj. next, former; m. elder, ancestor m. indigestion adj. unknown m. ignorance adv. so, therefore adv. so, therefore ppn. besides, apart from adv. extremely Gj. or adj. fantastic, supernatural m. right adj. incomplete adj.pref. half- adj. endless, infinite adj. unnecessary m. love, fondness ppn. in conformity with m. translation m. translator, interpreter adj. several, many adj. unique, extraordinary m. ‘grain and wealth’, affluence adj. other; 40-7 adj. various adj. illiterate adj. unfamiliar, unrecognized woavon gei2haigaeea ee aaa WUHAN EMH vo 181 oo >HHHHMRHHH>H>HO>HOG >oavan > 1999447 vga gastajjtt3* HE >>>oro f. requirement; #artet ppn. compared with adj. non-current adj. irrelevant, out of context adj. unfortunate, unlucky m. dearth, lack m. law case, suit, accusation m, practice, familiarity m, official, court functionary adj. such and such, a certain one adj. unreal, false m. first letter of the A alphabet f. Arabic m. leisure m. occasion, chance, opportunity f. neglect m. folly, lack of discrimination f. ignorance adj. impure, corrupted adj. impossible f. failure, lack of success m. effect, influence vt. to look at full in the face m. sky m. (title for) teacher f. autobiography f. suicide f. soul, spirit f. habit vt. to make a salutation adv. etc., and other such m. base, basis, foundation m. supremacy m. modern £. objection m. learned lesson adj. Aryan m. prune m. surprise m. shelter, refuge f. desire, wish m. expression f. end f. expression, style of expression m. sign, signal, indication m. love 182 887020 F0HKHHOD WHILE aoe qeiygasaga gs 4 3% Vt. to disgorge adj. high m, pronunciation m. prosperity, excellence, eminence adj. rich, excellent, eminent f. origin, production adj. produced m. example f. progress, development, sequence m. assistance, good, favour m. lesson, teaching m. use, f. disregard, neglect vi. to become tangled, complicated adv. hurriedly, haphazardly m. mention, reference adj. cunning, skilful f. unity m, aide-de-camp, A.D.C. conj. and m. verandah m. throat; voice adj. learned by heart f. court of law f. difficulty adj. bitter, unpleasant Ppn. according to, in accordance with the words of adv. perhaps, possibly adv. ever m. feat, accomplishment vi. to groan, moan m. subject (in grammar) f. machine f. bud adj. sullied, tainted, made impure f. imagination, assumption; *#T4T¥* to imagine, to suppose m. hardship, suffering adj. astringent f. criterion, test 183

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