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Poster Presentations

Background:  Irrational use of medicines is a major problem world- administration through EFT were carried out in 2 randomly selected
wide. One of most impotent factors is the low compliance of patients units per RCF, on two days per unit, using direct observation method.
to prescribed drugs (WHO, 2003). One of the most commonly advo- Afterwards, recorded observations were compared with international
cated ways to enhance compliance is the improvement of the doctor- guidelines. Barriers were identified during a focus group study with
patient relationship. Therefore, we carried out an analysis of the staff members that administer medication via EFT, using vignettes to
research literature in this aspect. guide discussion. Thematic analysis was performed. Knowledge was
Material and Methods: Comprehensive literature searches were tested using a self-administered questionnaire.
undertaken through Medline, Embase, Cochrane Collaboration Results: In total, 862 drug preparations and 268 drug adminis-
Library from 1990. The following keywords were used: rational trations in 48 residents with EFT were observed. Mixing together
drug use, patient compliance, adherence, therapeutic communica- multiple drugs, not shaking suspensions/emulsions, and not flushing
tion, pharmacotherapy, drug therapy, physician-patient relationship the EFT with at least 15 mL water were the most common devia-
and patient expectations. The topics of interest were: the extent of tions from guidelines. We also observed high variability in working
compliance, variables that influence compliance and rational drug methods, even between staff members of the same unit. Barriers to
use; intervention strategies to improve patient compliance; informing following guidelines emerging from the four focus group interviews
of patients to improve compliance and rational drug use; communica- were: time constraints, lack of medication-related knowledge, clear
tion in physician–patient relationship. administration instructions, and necessary materials. In the knowl-
Results:  Rational drug use process requires adequate drug informa- edge questionnaire, RCF staff members obtained an average score of
tion to provide high level of compliance. In this connection, drug 44% (SD14%), with medication preparation guidelines being least
information must be objective, accurate, complete, up-to-date, acces- known.
sible and serviceable. Consequently the success of drug therapy is Conclusion: Current guidelines on medication preparation and
directly dependent on the skills and abilities of the physician in aspect administration through EFT are insufficiently known and imple-
of adequate informing of patient about the rational drug use. At mented in RCFs for individuals with ID. A number of barriers to
the same time, it is of vital importance that the patient and doctor guideline adherence were identified. Based on these findings, an edu-
have good communications. Therefore the study of the therapeutic cational intervention can be set up in order to optimize care for this
communication in physician-patient relationship in informing on the vulnerable patient population.
rational drug use is priority direction. It has been suggested that
training patients, as well as doctors, in communication skills may be
a cost-effective way to increase compliance and improve the overall Storage and Disposal of Unused
health of patients. Medications: Knowledge, Behavior, and
Conclusions: In the world and Kyrgyz Republic the concept of Attitudes Among Serbian People
therapeutic communication is not developed in framework of M. Paut Kusturica; A. Tomas; O. Horvat; Z. Tomić ; and A. Sabo
physician-patient relationship on rational drug use. So there is no Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, Serbia
evidence-based approach to a conceptual decision of this problem; Background:  Improper disposal of medications potentially poses a
there is no state support in terms of guaranteed getting of sufficient significant environmental risk and storage of expired and unused
information and availability of informational materials; there is not medications in households provides an increased risk of accidental
defined any significant practical steps in healthcare on good inform- childhood poisonings. The objective of this study was to investigate
ing of patients on the rational drug. In this regard, it is necessary i) to the storage and disposal habits of medications amongst the popula-
introduce the subject of therapeutic communication at undergradu- tion in the South Backa District of Serbia, and to gain insight into the
ate and postgraduate level of doctors training; ii) to examine the attitudes and knowledge of the population about the proper disposal
state of therapeutic communication in physician-patient relationship of medications.
on rational drug use in Kyrgyz Republic, to identify priority areas Material and Methods:  The study was conducted during the 6-month
for improvement of patient compliance and to develop standards of period from February 2010 to July 2010 and involved a random sam-
qualitative advisory support of drug therapy. ple of households. The questionnaire-based study was performed by
a trained interviewer.
Results:  Of 230 families, 208 (108 urban and 100 rural) agreed to
Drug Administration Via Enteral Feeding participate and complete the questionnaire (90 % response rate).
Tube In Residential Care Facilities for Drugs were mostly kept in a specific place-home pharmacy (89.8
Individuals With Intellectual Disability % [urban] and 89.0 % [rural]). Exposure of children to medica-
E. Joos1; E. Mehuys1; J. Van Bocxlaer1; J.P. Remon1; tions in the home environment was similar in urban and rural fami-
M. Van Winckel2; and K. Boussery1 lies (19.6 % [urban] and 23.1 % [rural]). The frequency of expired
Ghent University; and 2Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, medications was not observed to be different between the urban and
Belgium rural households (10.3 % [urban] and 11.8 % [rural]). The most
Background:  Administration of oral medication to patients with common method for disposal of household medications is disposal
enteral feeding tube (EFT) is challenging. Contrary to the hospital in the garbage (85.6 % [urban] and 74.5 % [rural]) or in the toilet
setting, medication administration via EFT has been poorly investi- (8.7 % [urban] and 6.4 % [rural]). However, inconsistent with dis-
gated in residential care facilities (RCFs) for individuals with intel- posal practices, half of the urban and rural participants thought that
lectual disability (ID). throwing medications in the garbage, toilet, or sink has a detrimental
Objective: To collect observational data on drug administration effect on the environment.
practices, to identify barriers for following guidelines, and to map Conclusions:  Public services in Serbia, including government and
staff members’ knowledge on medication administration via EFT. health sectors, need to be more proactive about educating people
Method:  The observational study was conducted in 6 Belgian RCFs on how to store and dispose medications, as well as finding a way
for individuals with ID. Observations of medication preparation and for implementation of the law on medications wastage destruction.

August 2015 e27

Clinical Therapeutics

Knowledge About Stroke and Awarness regression was used to assess these characteristics as predictive factors
of Its Signals Among Hypertensive for failure of prophylactic regimens.
Patients Without Prior History of Stroke Results:  A total of 58 patients met inclusion for the study. A total of
P. Juraporn1; and A. Ampai2 28% had glioma with 43% of all patients having brain metastases.
Thammasat University, Pathumtani, Thailand; and 2Banpru Levetiracetam and phenytoin were the most commonly used anti-epi-
Health Care Centre, Songkhla, Thailand leptic drugs (43% and 37%, respectively). The use of levetiracetam
Background:  Stroke is a disabling disease. Prompt recognition of was significantly associated with a lower risk of seizures (odds ratio,
potential stroke signs and symptoms could increase a chance to 0.15; 95%, CI 0.03–0.76; P =  0.02). No other factor was deemed
receive appropriate medical managements, thus reducing permanent significant (including glioma and/or brain metastases).
disability and death. The study surveyed knowledge about stroke Conclusion: This study found that seizures occur commonly in
as well as awareness of it signals in hypertensive patients without patients with cancer in Qatar, even while taking antiepileptic agents.
history of stroke. Levetiracetam and phenytoin were the most commonly used agents,
Material and Methods:  The study is cross-sectional and conducted which is in-line with current practice guidelines. However, only the
in hypertensive patients who received care at a local primary health use of levetiracetam was associated with a lower risk of seizure devel-
care unit. The patients were chosen by convenient sampling. Only opment. Future prospective studies are needed to optimize care of
patients without prior history of stroke determined from medical these patients.
records as well as direct patient questioning were included (N = 
100). The structure questionnaire was used for patient interview.
Knowledge about stroke covered risk factors, clinical outcomes, and Drug-Induced Nephrotoxicity: A Frequent
self care once having stroke. Sources of the information was queried. Cause of Hospitalization In Nephrology
Awareness of signs and symptoms of stroke was also assessed. A. Rey1; M. Berrué1; T. Chambaraud1,2; J.-P. Rerolle1; J. Allard1;
Results:  Of the patients studied, ages were 64 ± 11.4 years, with M. Essig1,2,3; and C. Monchaud1,3
female being 65%. Almost a half had concurrently either diabetes 1
CHU Limoges, Limoges, France; 2Univ Limoges, Limoges,
mellitus, dyslipidemia, or coronary heart disease; 72% and 68% France; and 3INSERM, France
denied drinking alcohol and smoking, respectively. Average systolic Introduction: Drug-induced nephrotoxicity (DIN) is involved in
blood pressure in the past 6 months was greater than 140 mmHg in 20% of acute renal failures, and many cases could be avoided. The
almost half of the patients. Eleven patients never heard of stroke. purpose of this project was to study DIN in a nephrology setting.
Among those who knew, 44% could describe at least one signal of Material and Methods:  This study was based on an extraction of
stroke, with limb weakness being the most recognized sign (34.8%). hospital stays in the nephrology department of Limoges University
Sixty percent would see doctor immediately. Forty percent identified Hospital between May 1, 2013 and May 31, 2014 from the
hypertension as a risk factor. Majority were aware of end outcomes Medicalized Information System Program. Identification of DIN
of stroke, and 13.5% received information about stroke from health cases was performed using the extracted database and medical
care professionals. records. Demographic and clinical data were collected from the
Conclusions:  Over a half of the hypertensive patients who have not medical charts. A descriptive statistical analysis was followed by
yet had stroke in this study were not fully aware of potential signs comparative statistical analyses based on Student t-test and χ 2 test,
and symptoms of stroke, although a significant number knew its with a level of significance of P <  0.05.
consequences. There is a gap as an information provider of health Results:  Overall, 72 cases of DIN among 790 hospital stays were
care professionals. identified. No significant difference was evidenced between patients
with and patients without DIN on age (69 ± 14 vs. 66 ± 16 y), sex
(67% vs. 57% males), and length of stay (12 ± 15 vs. 10 ± 11 days).
Determination of Predictive Factors The proportion of DIN was significantly lower in renal transplant
Associated With Poor Seizure Control In vs. nontransplant patients (4.3% vs. 10%, RR =  0.42, P =  0.019).
Cancer Patients Forty four DIN cases (61%) occurred in an outpatient setting. There
S. Elazzazy1; and K. Wilby2 was at least one aggravating factor in 46 cases (64%). Drugs involved
National Center of Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR), HMC; were mainly: NSAIDs (54% cases), diuretics (39%), anti-hyperten-
and 2College of Pharmacy, Qatar University sive drugs (32%) in outpatients; antibiotics (45% cases), diuretics
Background:  Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and is (34%), anticancer drugs (23%) in inpatients. The drug was stopped
associated with many complications that place significant burdens in 58 cases, and dialysis was necessary in 10 cases. Basal renal func-
on patients, caregivers, and healthcare systems. Seizures, a highly tion was not recovered in 17 cases.
debilitating neurological complication, occur in cancer patients with Conclusions:  DIN was observed in 9% of hospital stays in nephrol-
primary brain cancer and also brain metastases; little data exists to ogy. Renal transplantation seemed to be a “protecting” factor against
guide clinical decision making for seizure prophylaxis and manage- DIN, probably because patients are closely monitored by their neph-
ment. The primary objective was to characterize and evaluate anti- rologist. The majority of DIN cases occurred in an outpatient setting,
epileptic drug use for cancer patients in Qatar, secondary objective in patients with comorbidities, suggesting an underestimation of the
to determine predicting factors for failure of prophylactic regimens. risk of DIN in outpatients.
Methods: The study was designed as a retrospective electronic
healthcare record review from June 1, 2012 through June 1, 2014
of patients receiving at least 1 anti-epileptic agent (carbamazepine, Future Opportunities for Cerebrospinal
oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, phenytoin, valproic acid) Fluid (Csf) Assessment In The Clinical
with a cancer diagnosis using hospital pharmacy records, the follow- Trials- Sampling of Csf In Healthy
ing data were extracted: demographics, cancer type, presence and Japanese Elderly Volunteers
location of metastases, history of seizure disorders (on admission or K. Sakamoto1; S. Matsuki1; E. Chung2; M. Deguchi1; K. Furusho1;
in hospital), and anti-epileptic drug regimens. Multivariate logistic R. Hanada3; K. Matsuguma1; M. Kimura1; and Y. Sakata2

e28 Volume 37 Number 8S

Poster Presentations

Functional Unit Risk Management, Hospital La Paz-Carlos III, or cephalin ratio × 3ULN), eosinophilia (eosinophils account and
IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain; and 3Computing Service, Hospital La Paz- percentage > LSN), liver injury (ALAT × 3ULN), pancreatitis (amylase
Carlos III, IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain × 3ULN or lipase × 3ULN), acute kidney injury (creatine > 4 mg/dL),
Background:  Incidents, errors or adverse events affect 10 to 17% rhabdomyolysis (creatine-kinase × 5ULN) , hyponatremia (< 122
of hospitalized patients; more than half are related to drugs. The mmol/L), hypokalemia (< 2 mmol/L), hyperkalemia (> 7 mmol/L),
Functional Unit of Risk Management (FURM) has developed a and hypoglucemia (< 30 mg/dL)) were monitored at admission and
Computerized System for Reporting Incidents, errors or adverse during hospitalization of all wards. Patients who died in the emer-
events (SINOIRES for its acronym in Spanish) which is volun- gency were also included.
tary, anonymous and confidential, allowing the analysis through Results: At least 4926 patients experienced at least 1 ALS. The
online collaboration with Responsible of Clinical Safety (RCS) review of electronic medical records (EMR) showed that no alterna-
of the units involved. We described the results of the first year of tive cause (i.e. no non-SADR explanation) for ALS was identified in
work. 995 (20%) of the patients. After the individual ALS-patient revalu-
Methods:  SINOIRES has been developed as a project of JAVA pro- ation, a total of 702 SADR (14% of those identified after review-
gramming Struts frame work as a database using Microsoft SQL ing EMR and 71% of those requiring individual patient evaluation)
Server with functionalities:(i) reporting form, and subsequent consult were identified: agranulocytosis (29 cases), pancytopenia (21 cases),
by the notifier by an identification code,(ii) information of method, thrombocytopenia (10 cases), anaemia (71 cases), coagulopathy (44
characteristics and conditions of the system,(iii) management of inci- cases), eosinophilia (29 cases), liver injury (261 cases), pancreatitis
dents with 3 profiles: administrator, manager and RCS,(iv) communi- (32 cases), acute kidney injury (71 cases), rhabdomyolysis (28 cases),
cation between users of the system. Procedure: managers (4 FURM´s hyponatremia (52 cases), hypokalemia (23 cases), hyperkalemia (13
members) access to the notifications assign state (open, in process, cases), and hypoglucemia (18 cases). In order to identify a single
implementing improvements, closed), priority (high, medium, low), SADR, we had to review the EMR of 7 patients and personally visit
and assigned 2 or 3 RCS that analyse the notification. Once the 1.4 patients.
analysis (not visible to the notifier) has been completed, managers Conclusions:  The implementation of PPLSH allowed the detection
decided the actions (visible to the notifier) and together with RSC and diagnosis of 702 SADR. The election of the ALS and the qual-
monitoring the recommendations. ity of EMR allowed an improvement in the effort to detection and
Results:  SINOIRES received 203 notifications in 2014: medication/ diagnosis of SADR.
vaccine (63 notifications), continuity of care (18), infrastructure (17),
diagnostic test (17), patient monitoring and care (16), patient iden-
tification (13), therapeutic procedure (10), clinical/diagnosis assess- DOSING OF CIPROFLOXACIN IN
ment (10), rest of phases (39). Were decided 104 systemic actions, UNCOMPLICATED URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS
of them one generalizable action to improve “the prescription and Z. Tomić 1; A. Tomas1; A. Sabo1; M. Mikov1; S. Vukmirović 1;
administration of intravenous paracetamol”. O. Horvat1; B. Milijašević 1; and N. Tomic2
Conclusions:  SINOIRES facilitates the notification and the study of 1
Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical
incidents, allowing standardization of the procedure in the hospital, Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi
keeping the main features of confidentiality and feedback from the Sad, Serbia; and 2Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
notifier. The system allows knowing the circumstances that favour Introduction and Background:  Uncomplicated urinary tract (UTI)
the occurrence of human errors and system failures, to improve the infections are the commonest bacterial infections in community.
defences of the organization. Recently ciprofloxacin has become a popular treatment option.
However, with increasing resistance to ciprofloxacin, adequacy of
current dosing regimens became questionable.
A Pharmacovigilance Program from Methods:  Ciprofloxacin sensitivity was tested on 4 urinary bacte-
Laboratory Signals In Hospitalizaed rial isolates. Pharmacodynamic parameters (minimum inhibitory
Patients: Results Of 2014 concentrations (MIC) and postantibiotic effect) were determined.
E. Ramírez1,2,3; H.Y. Tong1; N. Medrano1; M. Muñoz1; MIC values were incorporated with ciprofloxacin pharmacoki-
R. hernández1; A.M. Borobia1,2; A.J. Carcas1,2; and J. Frías1,2 netic profile using pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic efficacy
Clinical Pharmacology Department, Hospital La Paz-Carlos index, Cmax/MIC, which is known to correlate with therapeutic
III, IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain; 2Pharmacology and Therapeutics response, in order to compare two dosing regimens of ciproflox-
Department, School of Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de acin: 250mg/12h and 500mg/24h, usually used in treatment of
Madrid, Spain; and 3Functional Unit Risk Management, Hospital uncomplicated UTI.
La Paz-Carlos III, IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain) Results:  Urinary concentrations of ciprofloxacin are twice higher
Background:  Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are considered to be after a single 500 mg dose (15, 16) than after a 250 mg one (236
among the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Detection, diag- and 518 μ g/mL, respectively) and are still high at the end of dosing
nosis and reporting of serious ADR (SADR) have become impor- interval (23 and 32 μ g/mL). When PK/PD ratios were calculated, both
tant components of activities performed in hospitals. A prospective dosing regimen produced Cmax/MIC values high above the desired
Pharmacovigilance Program from Laboratory Signals (PVPLS) at threshold of 10 for all tested bacteria and for both dosing regimens,
a Hospital (PPLSH) was developed in 2007, method and results concentrations stay above the MIC (T> MIC) through whole dosing
published (Ramirez et al. CPT 2010; 87:74–86). We present the interval. Dosing regimen of 500mg/24h showed supremacy over 250
results of an improved PPLSH in 2014. mg/12h producing higher peak concentrations in urine.
Methods:  Fourteen Automatic Laboratory Signals (ALS) (agranulo- Conclusion:  The 500mg/24h dose should produce faster eradication
cytosis (neutrophils < 500 mm3), pancytopenia (white blood cell count rate and slow the development of resistant strains. With the advan-
< 3.5 ×  10e3/μ L, hemoglobin < 10 g/dL), and platelet count < 50 ×  tage of higher compliance once daily 500mg ciprofloxacin seems
10e3/μ L), thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 20 ×  10e3/μ L), anemia better option for treatment of uncomplicated UTI.
(hemoglobin < 6.5 g/dL, coagulopathy (prothrombin activity < 14% The work is part of Republic project No 41012.

August 2015 e137

Clinical Therapeutics

Use of Drugs for Malignancy In Eu Vs Non risk of contraceptive failure. However, the main adverse reactions
Eu European Countries reported with the use of antibiotics include: nausea, vomiting and
A Sabo1; Z. Tomić 1; Z. Sklenar1; B. Milijašević 1; O. Horvat1; and diarrhea, which could also have interference on the efficacy of
M. Šramka2 OC’s. Furthermore, some antibiotics can modify the level or effect
Medical Faculty Novi Sad, Novi Sad Serbia; and 2University of of OC’s by affecting hepatic/ intestinal enzymes metabolism or by
Saint Elizabeth, Bratislava, Slovak Republic P-glycoprotein (MDR1) efflux transporter.
Background and Introduction:  Consumption of drugs for malig- Conclusions:  Some potential severe interactions were identified and
nancy treatment varies between countries. Developed countries the mechanisms involved were detected. Pharmacy professionals
have higher allocations for health protection, more resources for the play an essential role regarding the communication of information
treatment of malignant diseases and better access to expensive drugs. to women consuming OC’s that will start antibiotic therapy. Patients
Material and Methods:  The authors have used the available data on should be advised to add extra precautions during the therapy and
consumption of anticancer medicines in Serbia, Slovakia and Norway for seven days after finish the antibiotic.
during the year 2012. Data, analyzed using Microsoft Excel, are
expressed in grams of active ingredient per million in one year as
well as in Euro spent for this drugs.
Significant Drug-Drug Interaction
Results:  Demographic data indicate that mortality due to malignant
Between Zolpidem and Clarithromycin
diseases in Slovakia and Norway was 2100 deaths per million inhab-
Y.J. Lee; J.Y. Byeon; S.H. Kim; Y.H. Kim; H.J. Lee; Y. Lee;
itants, while in Serbia mortality was slightly higher, 3050 deaths per
D.H Kim; H.J. Lim; C.G. Jang; and S.Y. Lee
million inhabitants. In Slovakia 190 million Euros was allocated for
School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic
drugs for malignancies, or about 37 million Euros per million. In
of Korea
Serbia, only 73 million Euros for anticancer medicines, or about 10
Introduction:  Zolpidem is indicated for the short-term treatment of
million Euros per million was allocated, what is much less compared
insomnia and belongs to a class of medications called sedative–hyp-
to the Slovak republic and Norway. Data on consumption of 10
notics. Zolpidem is mainly metabolized by CYP3A4. Clarithromycin,
most expensive oncology drugs show that the least of these drugs
which is used to treat bacterial infections including pneumonia and
are consumed in Serbia regard to the consumption in Slovakia and
bronchitis, is known as a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor. Therefore, the
Norway. Among them, the most consumed oncology drug in Serbia
aim of the study was to investigate the effect of clarithromycin on
is trastuzumab, used in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. For
the pharmacokinetic parameters of zolpidem.
this indication is also used cheaper lapatinib, which has the highest
Material and Methods:  Twenty-four healthy Korean subjects were
consumption among the most expensive drugs in Slovakia.
volunteered in the our study. All subject received a single 5 mg oral
Conclusion: Countries with lower GDP have less availability of
dose of zolpidem after overnight fasting in the control phase. In
anticancer medicines in amount and in quantity. Despite this fact,
the clarithromycin phase, a single 500 mg oral dose of clarithromy-
between the selected countries there are not drastic differences in
cin was administered to every subject twice in a day for 5 consecu-
mortality. Countries with lower GDP, must use wisely oncology drugs
tive days. Each subject received a single oral dose of zolpidem and
if they want to allocate their resources for treatment of other diseases
clarithromycin on a study day. Blood samples were collected up to 12
as well.
hours after drug administration and LC-MS/MS was used to validate
The work is part of Serbian Republic project No 41012.
the plasma concentrations of zolpidem.
Results: AUC0-∞ of zolpidem in clarithromycin phase increased by
1.66-fold, compared to control phase (P <  0.001). t1/2 of zolpidem in
Interactions Between Antibiotics clarithromycin was significantly prolonged after the administration of
and oral Contraceptives – A Need For clarithromycin (P <  0.001). Also, the apparent oral clearance (CL/F)
Clarification zolpidem in clarithromycin phase decreased by 34.8%, compared to
C. Matos; J. Lopes; J. Joaquim; and T. Pires control phase (P <  0.001).
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Coimbra Health School – Conclusions:  Therefore, clarithromycin had significant impacts on
ESTESC, Farmácia, Coimbra, Portugal the pharmacokinetics of zolpidem, leading to prolong the plasma
Introduction:  The discussion about the possible interactions between exposure of zolpidem.
oral antibiotics and oral contraceptives (OCs) is not new. However,
it remains a subject that generates controversy among the scientific
community. There are several mechanisms proposed that explain
these antibiotic-associated interactions. Although the general risk of Pharmacokinetics of Zolpidem In
interaction is low, sporadic cases of oral contraceptive failure during Relation To Cyp2c19 Genotype After
antibiotic therapy continue to be reported. The objective of this study Administration of Cyp3a4 Inhibitor
was to determine the effect of the antibiotic therapy in OC’s efficacy Y.J. Lee; J.Y. Byeon; S.H. Kim; Y.H. Kim; H.J. Lee; Y. Lee;
and which mechanisms are involved in that process. D.H. Kim; H.J. Lim; C.G. Jang; and S.Y. Lee
Material and Methods:  Literature search in PubMed and in Google School of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic
Scholar. A total of 52 articles were selected for analysis and other of Korea
21 articles were identified by review of the references cited in these Introduction: Zolpidem is indicated to treat sleeping problems.
publications. Articles were selected based on information related to Zolpidem is predominantly metabolized to its inactive metabolite
antibiotic therapy and OC’s efficacy relationship. All different classes by CYP3A4, and to a lesser extent CYP2C19 and CYP1A2. As
of antibiotics were analyzed, including 40 different antibiotics, which CYP2C19 is highly polymorphic enzyme, we evaluated the effect
were crossed with 10 OC data, searching for possible interactions of CYP2C19 genetic variant on the pharmacokinetic parameters of
between antibiotics and OC’s and loss or commitment of efficacy. zolpidem. To clarify the effect of CYP2C19 genetic variant on the
Results: Most of the analyzed antibiotics decreased the level or pharmacokinetics of zolpidem, CYP3A4 inhibitor was administered
effect of OC indirectly by altering intestinal flora, remaining a low to every subject.

e138 Volume 37 Number 8S

Poster Presentations

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic was fairly constant within each patient. There was no rise in peak
dosage adaptation of cefaclor in anti-Xa activity on day 3 and 5 after consecutive administration.
systemic infections Conclusions:  Prophylactic dosages of nadroparin showed no accu-
A. Tomas; O. Horvat; M.P. Kusturica; N. Pavlović ; B. Milijašević ; mulation in patients with a GFR between 30–50 mL/min/1.73 m2.
Z. Tomić ; and A. Sabo Dose reduction in this group could lead to suboptimal thrombo-
Medical faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia prophylaxis. Due to underrepresentation of patients with GFR < 30
Background:  Cefaclor was one of the commonly used antimicrobi- mL/min/1.73 m2 (n =  2) we cannot give recommendations for this
als in Serbia, but due to fast development of resistance, other oral group.
cephalosporins rapidly upstaged cefaclor and cefaclor was removed
from the list of the drugs reimbursed by the National Health
Insurance Fund. Use of recommended dosing regimen (250-500mg/8- Possibilities of optimization of
12h) is likely to result in sub-therapeutic concentrations for a wide statin Therapy based on genotyping
portion of dosing interval due to short half-life of cefaclor, which SLCO1B1 and CYP2C9 at patients with
may facilitate development of resistance. The aim of this study was Cardiovascular disease
to determine adequate dosing interval for cefaclor in treatment of sys- A.M. Sirotkina; A.A. Khokhlov; E.A. Voronina; and D.A. Sychev
temic infections using Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodznamic 1
Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia; and
(PD) parameters with special regard to postantibiotic effect (PAE). 2
Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow,
Material and Methods:  PK profile of cefaclor in healthy volunteers Russia
and PK/PD indices relating to efficacy of cephalosporins were deter- Introduction: The individual mode of drugs dispensing on the
mined, as well as minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and PAE basis of genotyping can promote more effective and safe therapy.
of cefaclor on 4 susceptible bacteria. Frequency of detection of gene polymorphism of SLCO1B1(TC +
Results: Cmax of 23.142 ± 5.67 µg/mL was measured after 40-60 min- CC) in Russia is between 30 and 45%. Identification of carriers
utes. Tmax was 0.72 ± 0.13 hours. Calculated AUC(0-t) was 29.148 ± pathological C-allele allows personalized approach to drugs selec-
9.27 µg/mL/h. MICs were in range of 1-2 µg/mL. Cefaclor induced tion and the mode of its dispensing. The isoenzyme of cytochrome
PAE of 1-2h. There was inconsistency between standard dosing regi- P-450 (CYP2C9) is responsible for a metabolism of many drugs.
men and PK/PD parameters. Main PK/PD index relating to efficacy Genetic variability of CYP2C9*2/*3 in addition to SLCO1B1 can
of cephalosporins (%t> MIC) for the 750mg dose was 33.5–42.1%. affect on pharmacokinetics of drugs. The aim was to determine the
PK/PD breakpoints for cefaclor were between 0.3-1µg/mL. Even the frequency of polymorphism of SLCO1B1, frequency of polymor-
maximum doze with standard dosing intervals is not appropriate for phisms of CYP2C9*2/*3 in carriers of C allele of the gene SLCO1B1
eradication of susceptible organisms. Short PAE can’t compensate in group of patients with dyslipidemia, to identify the prevalence of
for sub-inhibitory concentrations at the half of the dosing interval. polymorphisms of several genes of one patient.
Conclusions:  In reference to PK/PD parameters cefaclor should be Material and Methods:  DNA of 604 patients at the age of 52.2 ±
administered every 6h for the doses of 500mg and 750mg, and every 11.9 years (353 men, 251 women) with a dyslipidemia were analysed.
4-4.5h for the 250mg dose in order to maximize its therapeutic effi- Results: Polymorphism of SLCO1B1(TC/CC) was detected in
cacy and minimize development of resistance. DNA of 202 patients (33.4%). ТС: 177 (29.3%). СС: 25 (4.1%).
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Carriers of C allele had SLCO1B1 genotyping of CУP2C9*2/*3.
Technological development, Republic of Serbia, project No III 41012. Polymorphism of CУP2C9*2(СТ/ТТ) was detected in DNA of 17
patients (15%). СТ: 13 (11.5%), ТТ: 4 (3.5%). Polymorphism of
CУP2C9*3(АС) in DNA of 15 patients (13.3%). The structure of
No Accumulation of a high Prophylactic occurrence of polymorphism of the studied genes was analysed:
Nadroparin dosage in Patients with 1 patient had polymorphisms of SLCO1B1(СС) + CУP2C9*2(ТТ),
moderate renal insufficiency assessed by 2 patient – heterozygote of SLCO1B1(ТС+СС) and CУP2C9*2/*3
peak Anti-XA activity (АС +СТ).
F. Atiq; P.M.L.A. van den Bemt; F.W.G. Leebeek; T. van Gelder; Conclusions:  In the studied population of patients with dyslipidemia
and J. Versmissen a significant number of polymorphism of SLCO1B1 was founded,
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands that may interfere a profile of safety of statins. Prevalence of poly-
Introduction:  Low-molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) have been morphism of CYP2C9*2/*3 is also important. Early detection of
shown to accumulate in patients with renal insufficiency, especially polymorphisms in several genes involved in the biotransformation
in therapeutic dosages. However, no appropriate studies have been of drugs in DNA of one patient with polymorbidity pathology can
conducted for prophylactic dosages of nadroparin. As a consequence, predict the risk of adverse side effects.
dose reduction is often recommended especially in high prophylactic
dosages. We assessed accumulation of a high prophylactic dosage of
nadroparin in patients with renal insufficiency. Does Polypharmacy in Elderly Patients
Materials and Methods:  We conducted a prospective cohort study with heart failure influence Mortality
and measured peak anti-Xa activity 4 hours after subcutaneous and Hospitalisation?
nadroparin injection on day 1, 3, 5 and if possible day 10 in adults M. Eijsink; M. Zeeman; J. van Wijngaarden; E. Badings; and
with and without renal insufficiency defined as a glomerular filtration E. van’t Riet
rate (GFR) below or above 50 mL/min/1.73 m2. Patients with a GFR Deventer Hospital, Deventer, The Netherlands
below 10 ml/min/1.73 m2 were excluded. Background:  The incidence of heart failure among the elderly is
Results:  We included 14 patients in each group. In the group with renal increasing. Ageing is often accompanied with comorbidity and there-
failure 12 patients had a GFR between 30 and 50 mL/min/1.73 m2. fore patients often face polypharmacy. Whether polypharmacy is
Peak anti-Xa activity showed a high interindividual variability, but related to any adverse outcome is unknown. We performed a study

August 2015 e81

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